I already talked about 10 of the things we do (or don’t do) that only waste our precious time. Here are 10 more:

11. Regrets.

What’s done is done. It doesn’t really matter who did it or what it was. The past just loses its meaning in the present moment.

And in order for us to grow, we should learn from the past and our mistakes, accept them and move on by letting go and forgiving ourselves.

12. Trying to please others.

There will always be someone that won’t like you and trying to impress him or do anything to grab his attention is a waste of time.

[tweetthis]Whoever deserves to be in your life, will find a way. [/tweetthis]

13. Thinking small.

You may be in doubt, feel like now is not the right moment or you’re not ready, but life is too short not to play big.

So if you want something, go get it. Make that call, meet that person, write that book, take that job, and do whatever else you feel the urge to do.

14. Comparing yourself to others.

Every person is an individual and that’s what makes him unique.

Don’t try to compare yourself to another human being just because it won’t be a fair play. Everyone’s had his own experience, way of thinking and seeing the world, dreams and fears, etc.

Even if someone seems to have more than you, stop for a while and think about the criteria you’re using. Most of the times the one you’re comparing yourself to is in a worse position.

15. Fooling yourself.

We’re often afraid to be honest with ourselves and prefer to live in an illusion. But that usually ends bad.

It’s better to stop fooling ourselves and living in lies. Instead, admit your desires, decisions, dreams and doubts. And accept them. Then go and do something about it.

16. Worries.

Worries are one of the most ridiculous things man has ever thought of.

First, because 90% of the times they don’t come true and things are never as bad as we imagine them to be. And second, worrying now about something that might or might not happen in the future is absolutely pointless.

17. Staying in a bad relationship.

It’s so sad that some people stay with another person for years, or for their whole life, only because they feel comfortable, think they don’t deserve anything better and no one else will like them.

But a relationship like that is not love, or happiness. It’s just two people being comfortable with each other and afraid to go out there and start living again.

Don’t fall into this trap. Or if you do, be brave enough to just go away.

18. Thinking too much.

We tend to go into details about events, other people’s lives and almost anything. We think that others have a certain opinion of us, we think something bad might happen and play every possible scenario in our heads. We think we’re not good enough, we think of yesterday, or something we miss.

We just think too much, and live too little. It’s time to start being here now and experiencing what is.

19. Not following your dreams.

You may think you’re too young or too old to start a business, too fat or too skinny to be an athlete, that you lack experience for a certain job position, don’t have what it takes to be a doctor and save lives, or else.

The thing is that the only limitations that can stop you from achieving anything are the ones you put to yourself.

20. Not being happy.

We put happiness off for later, like we do with many others things. But the truth is that happiness is happening now, we just need to see it.

It lies in the people we love, in the things we find great pleasure, in silence, simplicity, appreciation. It’s here, and now. And everything is perfect just the way it is.

Life is too short not to realize how beautiful things around you are, how many things you have that you should be grateful for, and that peace and contentment are hidden in the present moment.