Why It’s Not So Hard to Succeed
Many people aren’t successful because they are afraid to fail. Or because they give up after some time, don’t find the power to try one more time, listen to the nay-sayers, don’t believe in themselves, aren’t confident or think they aren’t good enough.
Well, most people are wrong.
Because success and happiness are possible. Every human being has the ability and potential to live a great life and do whatever he puts his mind to. But they simply choose not to do it. And they stay in their comfort zone – where nothing new, exciting or challenging will ever happen – for the rest of their life.
And if you start thinking about it and analyzing all the things that could go wrong, you can come up with a thousand reasons not to follow your dreams and work on your goals. But that is just ridiculous.
Remember that the only thing that prevents you from building the ideal lifestyle is your mind.
It will often play tricks on you and try to convince you that it’s not worth it. Your job it so recognize these thoughts, eliminate them and tell your mind that it’s all simple, easy and totally possible.
Soon you will have built the habit of positive thinking and will no longer have to fight your inner voice. Now it will be cooperating with you.
So you can think of many reasons to give up and consider success impossible. But here are a few that will tell you why it’s not so hard to turn your dreams into a reality and live a happy life:
Why Success is Absolutely Possible
1. You can hack your life.
You can take control of every aspect of your life and find an easier and simpler way to do anything.
That may take a lot of time, experiments, failures and efforts. But the final result will be amazing.
You’ll get in shape, be constantly motivated, full of energy, sleep well, train every day, become stronger, leaner, more intelligent, memorize better, become productive, outgoing, you’ll know how to make money and once you get that you’ll have the courage to start investing and starting new businesses, and so on.
Don’t forget that all the information you need is out there. Browse the Web for what you need and see how others have done it. Whatever you want in life, someone somewhere has already figured out how to get it. So instead of wasting a lot of time, follow his steps.
Watch videos on YouTube. Sometimes it’s priceless. Read books by people who have succeeded and take their tips. This way you’ll know what mistakes not to make.
2. Most people are lazy and give up easily.
Of course, that’s awful statistics. But it’s true. And the best you can do is to benefit from it.
That fact is such a strong proof that success is reachable more than ever. Here is why:
The competition today is big. And it gets bigger every day. True. But only 5% of those who try succeed.
That happens for multiple reasons. People usually don’t even start their journey to success because they think they are too old/young/poor/weak/etc. or don’t have enough time/money/resources/potential.
But when they do, most of them give up after one try, others lose hope and motivation. Some get easily distracted and lose track of what they do and eventually ditch it. Others may start doing something else instead. Or aren’t confident enough. Or don’t see any progress and after some time give up on their dream.
And that’s why only few make it until the end. They are the ones who are ready to dedicate a lot, to work hard, who stay persistent, concentrated and motivated.
Actually, as I think of it, this is a great natural selection. Because only the ones who are ready to handle success with all its side effects, and who will know how to react and behave with a lot of money, for instance, stay until the end.
So don’t give up now. You will succeed eventually.
3. Opportunities are everywhere.
Another thing we take for granted are the countless opportunities we encounter each day.
Every next person you meet can offer you a position in his company that can lead you to your dream job. But for that you need to meet new people, know how to introduce and promote yourself and communicate easily.
At each moment you can think of a million-dollar idea. Your job is to notice it and start working on it so that you can make it come true.
Someone can offer you something you can’t turn down. For that matter you need to speak up, share your thoughts and make them public, try to reach influencers and so on.
You can start a blog, for example, and write about the things you’re passionate about. Soon someone can reach you, when you least expect it, with a great offer. It could be anything.
What I want to say is that the world is full of possibilities. And if we notice them and take them, great things will start happening.
So start going out more and talking with more people, start reaching people on the Internet, and whatever else you can think of.
That’s why it’s not so hard to succeed. What are your suggestions? What other reasons can you add?