how to live longer

How to Live Longer by Optimizing Your Environment

Whatever it is that you’re surrounded by, it’s there daily. So it has a bigger influence on your lifespan than you imagine. In this article, you’ll learn about how to live longer by optimizing your environment.

We eat, work, communicate, do our daily tasks, do housework, sleep and try to keep ourselves busy, but in the meantime a lot of things in our environment are bad for our health and make our life short.

We usually take them for granted, don’t pay enough attention or don’t care at all, but they define our longevity and quality of life.

So here’s what we need to be aware of:

How to Live Longer by Optimizing Your Environment

1. The place we live in

We live a more stressful life if we are in the big city. That’s a fact no one can deny.

There is air and water pollution, no nature, more pressure, noises, and people that are just out of control.

Living in the suburbs, however, or in a village, is considered a healthier solution as there is less traffic, clean air, no crimes and most of the times no noise at all.

By moving there, you provide your family and yourself with a peaceful environment with no stress. Which makes your days happier and relaxed. And that affects health and lifespan.

2. Job

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Sitting in an office for an average of 8 hours, using a computer, having a job with no opportunities, low salary, bad colleagues, too much stress and physical work, unhappy clients and managers… all that can turn you into a sad person who is living the ordinary life he once promised himself to avoid.

You get depressed, stop enjoying life, lose hope and eventually ruin all the relationships with people you care about.

There is no doubt that what you do and how you feel at your workplace is very important to every other aspect of your life and directly affects your happiness, level of success and longevity.

The good news is that you can always change that.

I know some people have no other option but to keep their current job, and try to convince themselves that it’s only a permanent position – until they get on their feet again.

Most of the times, unfortunately, they end up doing it for the next decade or until retirement.

Quitting your job is risky and leads to a lot of stress and uncertainty when looking for a new one.

But there are hundreds of examples in the history that show us how people just left their full-time job and started doing what they love and invested time in what they believe in.

Today such examples are everywhere.

Digital nomads, entrepreneurs, freelance workers, passionate college graduates and all other kinds of people say ‘no’ to the norm (the 9-5 desk job) and go out there (or keep staying in front of their computer if that’s their calling) and embrace uncertainty and the hustle only to enter a new reality. A world of freedom, independence, fulfillment, meaning and contentment.

Even if you aren’t willing to take that risk, you can still change your attitude towards what you do for a living.

Think of it as a challenge, as a step you need to take in order to build your career and become a professional.

Start the workday with a smile – even that little habit can change a lot.

Be nicer to your colleagues. Give them a chance, maybe some of them have the same problem as you and can be the support you were looking for.

Make your job a beneficial factor, do it with love, work hard, find new friends, improve yourself and live longer.

3. Home

It doesn’t really need to be big and luxurious. It’s much more important to keep it clean and good looking so that you enjoy spending time there.

Don’t hesitate to spend money on professional cleaning services. Whichever agency you hire, be sure that they will make it better for living.

Dust is the main reason for allergies and respiratory problems and deteriorates our overall health and wellness.
Even after you dust, it quickly shows up again and because of that you must clean daily.

Make your home comfortable because it’s your place, it’s where you spend most of your time.

Hang beautiful pictures on the wall, buy colorful carpets and pillows, have flowers. Add family photos to the interior, create a library with your favorite books and so on.

If it smells sweet, looks good and you feel great there, this will add more years to your life.

4. Safety

Even after so many deaths caused by accidents at home – by mistake and because of careless actions – people still don’t do anything to avoid them.

We must have fire extinguisher, check if all electric appliances work fine, never leave them on when we are out, be careful not to slip on a wet floor, etc.
And only because it happens as often as plane crashes, which is almost never for individuals, it doesn’t mean it’s not possible.

Take precautions to extend your lifespan.

5. Sun

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Our body needs some sunlight everyday and is happy when it gets its vitamins from it, but the skin suffers when exposed to too much.

It remembers every sunburn through the years and when we reach a certain age, it is in a bad condition and cancer is more likely to develop.

Too much exposure to sun decreases longevity and makes us age faster, so do it reasonably and use protection.

6. Water

It‘s a cure for our organism and without it we can’t be healthy, or survive at all.

We all know we must drink plenty of it, but most people rarely think of the condition of the water in their home.

The first rule is not to use the water from the sink for drinking as it is polluted and has aluminum and other substances that are bad for us.
The solution is to buy bottled water (which is slightly better), or use water filters.


Now you know what you can do and how to live longer. So I suggest you take a moment to analyze every environmental issue in your home and define how it can be fixed or improved.

Start by making small changes. In the long term they’ll have a mind-blowing effect.

What about your environment? How does it affect you? What do you see around you right know that is decreasing longevity?

Whatever it is that you’re surrounded by, it’s there daily and it's affecting you. Learn how to live longer by optimizing your environment.

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