What are the days without passion, the future without daring to dream big, the dreams without doing something about them, and life – without leaving a mark?
Not much, I’d say.
In this post I’m going to share with you a story of an idea that grew beyond measure, an example of courage to go against all odds and go after what you want, a proof that it’s never too late, and an ideal that never went away, but has been expanding inside one man’s mind so that it can become something beautiful that’s about to happen – the Dare2Dream Tour.
Every single day hundreds of millions of people are following the crowd.
They are living the mundane lifestyle, have daily worries and problems that take away all their energy.
Most of the time they spend their days doing stuff they don’t want to do, often for people they don’t really like. And day after day they become a bit more depressed, start losing point in all of this, and leave their hope behind.
But inside each of them there is so much potential and power.
Everyone’s a little universe and has tremendous abilities to turn every idea into something big, to change lives and leave a great legacy.
But only if he dares to do it.
Unfortunately, not only doesn’t he take no action, but he also doesn’t dream big, can’t take the decision to step outside of this zone of comfort he’s been building through the years (or should I say others have built for him).
That’s the difference between the few that actually achieve greatness, become successful, or simply follow their passion and feel alive, and the rest.
Not often do we have the pleasure to hear about them, however. As they are not many, and don’t spend their time complaining or seeking attention, but actually taking daily action towards their goals.
Such is the story of Roc Powell.
It has everything in it – a dream that’s been on his mind for decades, dissatisfaction with his current lifestyle, the desire to help others, not having support, having to find his own ways of staying motivated and sharing the idea behind his project, selling everything he owns, embracing uncertainty, excitement, big plans and breaking free from the life he’s always known.
And the story is just beginning.
This guy has been working over the last few months to follow his dream. And on July 4th he’s starting a great adventure to run across America in a way that’s never been done before – running from one state capital to another.
It’s roughly a 14K mile trip and it will take a year.
It’s going to be a daily challenge to push his body, mind and spirit and it will test the limits of human endurance.
Is this possible?
What made him decide to do that?
And – most importantly – what’s his message and goal?
I’ll let him tell you that himself in an interview he did for Let’s Reach Success.
Roc Powell on Leaving the Corporate World Behind, Daring to Dream and Raising Awareness
1. Tell us a little about yourself and the Dare2Dream Tour.
I am a 55-year-old corporate executive who, like many others, worked hard, raised a family and as I began nearing retirement, I found an emptiness that hasn’t been filled, wanting more from life. It was time to give back.
The Dare2Dream Tour is a 14,000-mile solo run throughout our nation, running from state capital to state capital, to bring awareness in our own abilities to rise to the highest level possible.
There is a lot of suffering in many families in this world. Whether from dealing with a child who is fighting cancer, a wounded soldier having to adopt to a missing limb, or a single mother with breast cancer who is having to be strong for her children.
These families are dealing with these issues every single day and possibly for the rest of their lives.
I cannot begin to comprehend the pain they and their families endure.
But I can, in a small way, begin to understand their struggle by removing myself from the comforts of my life, running for a year, with the hope of instilling a deep sense of compassion within myself, so I can fully appreciate what it means to make a difference in someone’s life.
The Dare2Dream Tour is to raise funds to be able to help in any way possible.
2. When and how did you come up with the idea of taking that tour?
I think the seed of running the country was planted when I was young, riding in our car on long family vacations.
Looking out the car window and dreaming what it would be like to climb a passing hill, walk in the fields along the roadside, and hike the forest trails as we passed through them.
The seed began to germinate and sprouted the idea of a cross-country run after I ran my first marathon, many years ago.
I love maps, and one hobby of mine is to track every road I have ever been on, even going out of my way to find a new one.
I started plotting the route for a run almost 30 years ago, reading every book about others who have made the journey.
3. Will this be your great legacy? And do you think it’s important to leave a mark in this world?
I have often thought about how I, as an individual, can make a difference in this world.
Every season or events in our lives should be used as a building block to raise us up to a higher level.
I think the Dare2Dream Tour is only a stepping stone to my real calling of being a living Dream Weaver. By this I mean I want to help others live their dreams. I want to help others succeed, even if they do not know where the help is coming from.
We have all read stories of “paying it forward”, can you imagine the pure joy someone has, when suddenly their student loan is paid off, or they receive a notice that their mortgage is paid, even something as simple as their groceries were just taken care of!
Compassion for all people and working to make this a better world should be everyone’s goal and legacy.
The Dare2Dream Tour is not about me, but helping me become a better human being.
4. Did you feel discontent with your life when you were a part of the corporate world and were living the 9-5 lifestyle Have you always felt there’s something more to life and better things you could be doing with your time?
The Dare 2 Dream Tour will bring awareness of life’s possibilities, no matter at what age you decide to become who you are meant to be.
I traveled for most of my work career and loved meeting people around the world, experiencing different cultures, seeing many of the greatest sights that earth has to offer. I was in the air more than I was on the ground.
Yes, it was a nice satisfying life, but I began to understand that is not what we are put on this earth to do.
I made the decision 6 months ago it was now or never to step out of my comfort zone and begin to live the life I believe I am meant to follow.
5. Does everyone have hidden potential and powers that are just waiting to be unleashed?
We all have a treasure hidden inside of us.
Think of baby eaglets, day-in and day-out sitting comfortably in their mother’s nest, all their needs are taken care of. Then one day they are pushed out of the nest and find that they can rise higher on glorious wings that they previously did not know existed.
Or take a human baby in their mother’s womb. It has arms, legs, lungs, and eyes that will only be used when it is thrust into the strange and wonderful world we call life.
It’s only then that the child can begin to develop and grow its true human potential.
Untapped possibilities lay dormant within all of us, waiting for the right conditions to blossom. It is our responsibility to make those conditions a reality so we can reach our greatest potential.
6. You decided to follow your passion. But what about the risks? And do you think we all need to dream bigger and go after what we want?
The biggest risk is doing nothing.
Let me ask you a few questions.
When you started out in life, was it your goal to end up where you are now? Are you where you thought you’d be in life?
Do you have something you want to do with your life? Is something burning inside you that makes you want to reach for more?
Are your dreams diminished to a life of two-week vacations with one of those cleaning the garage?
People are living life by default, instead of by design.
When we have worries and burdens, we have a tendency not to dream or set goals. We tend to feel hopeless, as if life is never going to get better.
We can live the way we’ve been living or we can change the way we’ve been living. We are in complete control. We can keep talking about it or we can make a choice to change and make things better.
We can’t allow our checking account dictate how big or how small our dreams can be.
To succeed we must ignite what is in our heart. Seeds of greatness are planted in each of us. Water that seed! Make a difference in this world and in other people’s lives. Be an example of reaching for dreams and doing the impossible.
7. What does one need in order to take the decision to change and act upon his dream?
There is only one thing a person needs to do, and that is to decide to do so.
Don’t just fan the flame of your desire and dream, but build a roaring fire. Begin to believe in the possibilities, talk about them, and breathe life into them.
Life will give you what you focus on. Dreaming and not acting on them is just wishful thinking.
8. What are the biggest limitations that prevent us from doing something about our goals?
The fear of failure is what holds many back.
I redefined my thoughts on what failure and success really are. Not trying is failure.
There is success in everything we do. Even if I do not complete the entire run, I still have succeeded.
Training has made me very healthy. My knowledge of anatomy, and nutrition increased. I have learned a lot about my inner soul and spiritual beliefs in the process and have something to build on. If I did not even attempt to start, then what is there to nourish and grow?
9. How are you planning to stay motivated while on the road for one year?
It’s all about meeting people and building a network throughout the country.
Talking with, but more importantly, listening to other people’s stories is one way.
I find beauty everywhere I go. Looking for that next breathtaking view, or anticipating what awaits me around the next corner, adds to the sense of a never-ending adventure.
But just one thought of a child alone in a cancer center is enough to get me moving in the morning.
10. Do your family and friends support you in this? And do you think support is crucial in such a situation?
It is interesting that the ones closest to you are the ones who don’t always share your dreams.
At first, I was rather taken aback by their nonsupport and upset by their unbelief.
It took a while for me to understand that the dream was placed in my heart, not theirs.
Once I truly understood this I was able to move forward with, or without, their support. It was not needed for me to believe in myself.
11. Many great things will come out of your journey this year. Tell us about the books you’re planning to write and other projects and ideas you have that will be a result of it?
The doors of new opportunities will definitely open up during and after this adventure.
I am currently working on a book titled “An Experiment of One”, which will be about my experience on the road, the training and preparation going into the run, people and places met along the way.
This is only the beginning though. Other books such as photo journals, travel journals, inspirational stories are other possibilities.
However, I think the best projects are yet to come, these range from a foundation designed to help others, to advocacy for walking and biking paths along our road system, to endurance clinics.
One could dream a life time with the possibilities.
12. How does it feel to know you’re following your passion and making a difference?
In one word – freedom.
In a few words – truly being alive.
In preparation for the Dare2Dream Tour, I sold everything I own. My car, my home and furnishing, and almost all of my clothes.
No bills, no debts, no worries.
Here’s what makes Roc’s project unique:
• he’s an individual who wants to make the world a better place;
• he wants to inspire people to become who they always wished to be;
• he’s taking this message on the road;
• it’s an year-long journey;
• he left everything behind to make this happen;
• he’ll test his limits;
• he’ll learn a lot and will then share it with people;
• he makes us believe in human’s potential again.