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Crucial Mistakes You’re Making That Sabotage Productivity

We all get 24 hours.

Some people complete their to-do list and have time to chill and have fun, others just do what’s urgent and necessary and then have time for themselves, many don’t get anything done because of procrastination and unproductive activities, but there are some people who achieve more in a day than others in a month.

They know how to make the best of these 24 hours, have systems they’ve tested that work best for them, and don’t have time for bad habits, doubts or tasks that don’t get them closer to their goals.

My point is that we can all be like them. We can all take the time that’s given to us and make good use of it.

And the results will be amazing. Not only will we be proud of what we’ve done in the end of the day and feel accomplished, but we’ll also become more successful, level up in life and new opportunities will open up to us.

But first, we need to stop doing the things that sabotage our productivity.

We do most of them daily and unconsciously, and even if we’re working hard and dedicating time and energy to some areas in our life we want to improve, we still don’t see progress.

Here’s why:

6 Things We Do That Sabotage Productivity

1. Thinking about all the things that need to get done today.

What’s the point?

You either do something now, or move onto the next.

Analyzing what’s left can only make things harder, as the big picture is often overwhelming.

Once you start working on them, though, things seem much more bearable and you finish a lot of your work fast.

But for that to happen you’ll have to let go of all the other tasks, and just focus on the one that’s next on the list.

2. Comparing ourselves to people that are more successful and productive.

Comparison is an enemy in this case. It can only make you feel bad about yourself, give up and not even try to finish your project.

Also, you have no idea how this person got where he is. He may have had a harder time achieving everything than you imagine.

Another thing to remember is that he has his own path to walk. And even if you want to live like him, your road is different.

But there’s hope, of course. You can be as successful and productive if you work hard and stay consistent.

Just don’t bring unnecessary worries and negative thoughts that will only slow your self-improvement process.

3. The ‘what if’ trap.

Do you often find yourself wondering what things would be like if you had done something differently, or what else you could be doing right now that could lead to more results?

If you do, then you’re sabotaging your productivity.

These ‘what ifs’ only make us live in fantasies, have regrets, change our opinion and feel bad about our current situation.

hey prevent us from doing the most important thing – the task in front of us.

So stop asking yourself how things could have been. Come back to the present moment and work on what you believe in. And actually get it done.

4. Thinking that being busy means being productive.

We think that having many things to do means working hard, when actually it’s just having days full of unproductive activities, doing things that someone else can do and often just being in a hurry for no reason.

But in the end of the day someone who’s done just a few tasks, has been working without telling anyone how things were going, and who’s not in a rush or looking tired or overwhelmed, has achieved much more than any average businessman you see on the streets that’s holding two phones and looks super busy.

So now that you can make a difference between these two, are you being truly productive?

5. Not reviewing your day in the evening.

That little habit works wonders if you do it regularly.

By simply taking 5 minutes in the end of the day to see what you’ve done, how you’ve performed, what’s completed and what is left for tomorrow, you’ll get a general idea of how productive you’re being and what changes you need to make.

6. Not prioritizing.

The harsh truth is that you’ll have to say ‘no’ to some of the things you’ve always been doing or enjoy, in order to focus on the ones you really want to achieve.

Prioritizing means defining what’s most important to you, what will give you results and take you further, and eliminating the rest.

Sacrifices need to be made. But it’s worth it.

So which of these mistakes are you making? And what else do we tend to do that sabotages our productivity?

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