What The Nomadic Lifestyle is All About: How to Become Location Independent

What The Nomadic Lifestyle is All About: How to Become Location Independent

The nomadic lifestyle means being location independent, moving from one place to another either all the time or at a certain period of time.

For me, it’s the ultimate escape from the comfort zone.

It hasn’t been a whole decade yet since this concept started getting attention, but now it’s something normal as so many passionate individuals have left their ordinary lifestyle and took an adventure to never settle in one place.

It’s about being independent, free of attachment, open-minded, willing to explore the world and actually enjoy every moment.

Once you begin a journey like that, you grow more than you can imagine. You see places, learn stuff, try new things, meet people, experience cultures, shape a new identity and are then ready to do that for the rest of your life. But even if you don’t, it leaves a mark in you that nothing else can.

Me? I’m not such a traveler. At least not yet.

(2017 Update: Now I am!)

That’s because the first step in order to live such a lifestyle of freedom and passion is to become financially independent. Once I do that, it will be an option. And I may decide to give it a try.

Probably not the option in which you travel the world for years and never settle in one place for more than a month.

I see myself living another version of this – something like being away for a month or 3 once every year and living on a tropical island (while still working on what I enjoy), plus a few little vacations every few weeks to other big destinations, exploring the beauties of the universe. Add to that the option to actually leave home at any moment and still knowing you’ll get paid.

Those who aren’t really familiar with this concept have one main question: What would you do for a living?

In my case, it all started with writing – my passion. But it turned into blogging, self-publishing, and learning all about creating sites, content marketing, eCommerce, etc. As, otherwise, no one would really read it.

It took me 5 years to start earning $5K/month blogging.

But no one really did it in a day. It’s totally worth the time and effort considering how much I love it and how many opportunities that opens to me every day.

But most digital nomads (the cool people living the nomadic lifestyle we’re talking about) do this or other stuff online – SEO, building sites, software, programming, consulting on a niche they’re experts in, etc. And they travel the world while doing it.

In this post, I’ll talk about different aspects of the idea of being a world traveler making money doing what you love. And there will be some pretty amazing examples.

The following can serve you in 3 ways – it can either be informational, inspirational, or both.

I know that for me, reading such people’s life-changing decisions and stories is one of the biggest motivators.

So let’s get started.

How Does One Become a Digital Nomad and What Does it Take?

How Guest Blogging Will Grow Your Business

It all begins with the realization that life is about much more than the mundane lifestyle we live every day, that we deserve to experience better things, and that it’s all a matter of choice.

Then comes the decision to change.

Some research is always needed as to where you’ll go first, what you need to get done before you leave, how long you need to keep working your current job so that you can save an amount that’s enough to sustain you for around 6 months once you leave, how you’re going to make your money, etc.

Then you simply hand in your notice, and never come back.

It’s not going to be easy, though.

Here’s what Mark Manson (a successful entrepreneur that started as a pick-up artist) says about that:

“When I left the bank that day, I had only a vague idea of what I would do. I had been writing a blog and posting on local forums about my dating life and adventures with women as a young bachelor. I developed a bit of a local following and actually made some money dishing out advice to men and speaking at a few singles’ groups around town.

It wasn’t anything close to a full-time living, but I knew it was a new market that was growing quickly. And with some hard work combined with my savings, I (naively) believed I could have a full-time business up and running within a few months.

It turned out to take almost 18 months for me to earn a full-time steady income.

I went broke a number of times, was supported by my ex-girlfriend for a time and then moved back home with my mother. For most of 2008-2009 I worked 10-16 hour days and the majority of my projects failed and made little or no money.”

Check out this post on his blog where he explains more about how he left his day job. There he talks about the actual escape plan: you should sell everything you own, figure out your source of income, calculate what you’ll need, and actually take action.

So, are you willing to give the nomadic lifestyle a try?

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