The Comfort Zone Conundrum
You’re familiar with what the comfort zone is. And whether you like it or not, you’ve created one for yourself.
If you haven’t, then you’re living in one that society has created for you and are in denial in addition to that.
It’s a lifestyle that requires less effort, you prefer things the easy way – although not always the right one or the one you prefer.
You work a job where you feel safe, you most probably have a circle of friends you’ve known for years and which don’t make you do or be anyone new or better.
In a nutshell, everything is familiar, the level of stress is low and you feel absolutely comfortable. Change scares you and you get depressed the moment something different happens which ruins all that comfort and security.
The Real Face of Comfort
There are a few things to keep in mind if you don’t want to live a life of illusion:
- you won’t grow in that environment – it’s bad for you as it doesn’t engage your brain, you don’t improve yourself, you don’t learn new things or grow;
- you’re actually not safe – you can still be fired at any moment, you can lose someone you love, your property or money can be taken away for a bunch of reasons. And then what?;
- you’re average – the typical comfort zone is a psychological state, but it only lets you live an ordinary life, and nothing new or exciting will ever happen until you step out of it;
- you’re not happy – whether you admit it or not, the happiness you think you have is also imaginary. You seek it in comfort, safety, material objects, etc. As long as you have these, you’ll be alright. But once something changes, you panic. You’re basically seeking happiness in external sources, and that never leads to anything good.
You can change that, of course. The power is in your hands and you can take back control of your life today by freeing yourself from the comfort zone you’ve created for yourself.
Related: How to Embrace Insecurity and Live The Life You Deserve
Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone
One of the simplest and best ways to do it is to try something new, to challenge yourself, face your fears or just do something you don’t feel like doing.
Any of these actions will give you a taste of freedom, adrenaline and contentment, and you’ll want more of it.
There’s a life of independence, success and personal and spiritual growth waiting for you out there.
Change is a permanent part of it, a learning process you’ll get used to. You just need to break free from the comfort zone by doing different things.
That’s how the most extraordinary individuals I often hear about have started. Or the famous people, the successful entrepreneurs, the world travelers, the artists. They all knew there was something more to life, and they all wanted to see it.
So I urge you to do the same. Only then can you unleash your true potential and start doing the things you love and are good at, and achieve big things in your life.
Related: The Quickest Guide to Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone
The Comfort Zone Conundrum and What to Do About It
But there’s one paradox here.
The moment you let go of one type of comfort, you choose another. You create a new comfort zone for yourself – even if there’s excitement and adventure in it – and you secretly don’t want to leave it. Not going back to the old life, or anything ordinary, feels scary.
Here are some examples:
Someone’s been working a regular 9-to-5 job his whole life, but finally takes the decision to quit after having worked on something on the side for months. He then starts taking initiative, is consistent and motivated – and most importantly works hard and is a hustler – and takes it to the next level.
He creates a business, and soon start making a decent income.
After some more time he’s able to scale, to meet with partners and investors, to earn passive income and start new businesses.
So hard work and making money, closing deals and getting more clients – all these become the aspects of his new zone of comfort. Now he only feels okay when the business is going well, but often such people can’t sleep at night because of the many uncertainties of the entrepreneurial world.
Also, relationships (often even family) and many other key areas of life come secondary.
Often this person can’t spend a whole day without talking to his people and thinking of powerful strategies for growth, or analyzing his finances, or else. He wants more. And he’s in the trap of a new type of comfort.
Happiness again is not an option until some kind of balance is reached.
So, in such a case, how do you get out of the comfort zone?
Simple, by constantly getting back to reality, being aware of the fact that you’re feeling too comfortable, and getting out there again and facing more discomfort.
The Solution to the Comfort Zone Conundrum
Replace your current comfort zone with a better one (overeating and being lazy can be replaced with its opposite – eating clean and being addicted to going to the gym. In this case you’re saving yourself from the unhealthy lifestyle, but are getting into another type of comfort.) And then, once you feel comfortable there, know it’s time to try something new and different.
That’s how you’ll keep growing and evolving, and at the same time be able to enjoy your days and find meaning in them.
What do you think? What gives you comfort in your life? And what can you do to feel a bit of discomfort today?