Call centers aren’t always known for things like employee engagement.
But what if you could make it true? What if you could cultivate a happy, productive workplace where the job always gets done with a smile?
Here are just eight ways to start improving your call center.
1. Set Goals.
Have targets, quotas and deadlines for all of your employees. Analyze their goals to figure out where they’re succeeding and failing.
Not only will this provide a baseline for their general work performance, but it will also inspire them to go above and beyond when it’s time for promotions and rewards.
2. Incentivize Your Employees.
Speaking of rewards, you might be surprised by how much a simple incentive can energize your employees. It doesn’t have to be something major like a weekend getaway; it can be as basic as a better parking space or a gift card towards a local restaurant.
As long as they have some kind of prize to look forward to, their work output will increase.
3. Relax the Script.
Call centers are infamous for their scripts, and it’s true that they can provide a good guideline for agent-customer interaction.
Just make sure that your scripts aren’t stifling your employees. You want them to have the freedom and the flexibility to engage with customers on a meaningful level.
4. Improve the Break Room.
It may sound counterproductive, but studies have shown that improving the quality of your employees’ breaks can increase their productivity when they’re back at their desks.
By giving them a chance to relax and recharge, you’ll increase their overall sense of well-being, and that will improve their work performance in turn.
5. Monitor Their Calls.
Call monitoring is an important part of quality control, so don’t let it fall by the wayside.
Employees tend to forget the finer points of their training, especially if it’s been awhile. And you won’t know how much they’re thriving, struggling or adapting unless you take the time to listen.
6. Slow Down.
Given their daily volume of calls, it’s quite common for call centers to focus on call times at the expense of everything else. This is a mistake!
If you force your employees to rush through their calls, you’ll sacrifice their general level of customer service.
Stop looking at the clock and let your employees handle their calls without a countdown.
7. Set Examples.
Don’t be afraid to shine a light on good employees or exceptional service practices.
For example, you might play a call for the whole department if the issue is resolved satisfactorily or if the customer is especially happy by the end of it.
This will let everyone know what kind of customer service experience that they should be providing on their own calls.
8. Ask the Experts.
If you just can’t get your call center numbers where they need to be, consider bringing in outside help.
Call center specialists have been in the business for a long time, and they can help you identify flaws, resolve problems and figure out how to get yourself back on track.
These are just a few tips for boosting both the efficiency and profitability of your call center services. Whether you run a simple department or a large, international brand, let these suggestions guide you towards greater success.