5 Nighttime Tips for Becoming a Better Morning Person

5 Nighttime Tips for Becoming a Better Morning Person

What The Sleeping Habits of 50 Successful People Can Tell Us

Becoming a morning person is more than adjusting your alarm clock and forcing yourself to stumble from your bed straight to your coffee machine.

Bleary-eyed, we try to hack our morning routine with sage advice from many early birds who find that their best work is done in the quiet hours of dawn, or from once-night owls who were able to develop into a morning person through small habit changes over time.

However, before we can become a morning person, we need to consider how we’re spending our time before we hop into bed. That’s right, becoming a morning person starts well before the dawn – it starts the night before.  

5 Nighttime Routine Tips

1. Invest in your bed.

A good sleep environment is paramount to a good night’s sleep.

First, consider updating your mattress for maximum support. A new foam mattress can also help keep you cool and keep you asleep, as experts recommend a cool environment (between 60 and 67 degrees) for ideal sleeping.

There are other factors about your bed beyond your mattress to consider like sheets, blankets, pillows, and even your sleepwear.

Sleep in light cotton clothing and invest in new bedding that feels soft and comfortable to your skin. Don’t forget to wash your bedding often!  

2. Set a new bedtime.

Remember when you were a little kid and you hated bedtime? Now you may be counting down the minutes until you can be cozied up in your comforter again.

If you don’t have trouble going to sleep, try to maintain a consistent bedtime and adjust if you need more time.

For those who love to stay up late, ease into this routine slowly. Try to go to bed 15-30 minutes earlier than you did the night before until you’re going to bed at a time that allows for you to get the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep.

3. Prepare for the following day.

There are some tasks people typically save for the morning that can be accomplished at night to help make your morning routine easier.

Tasks like picking out an outfit, packing a gym bag, making a lunch, putting items you need for the day in your work bag, etc., can all be done the night before.

Make sure you plan to finish your tasks before your bedtime!

Also read: 51 Nighttime Journal Prompts to Unwind, Reflect and Set Intentions for Tomorrow

4. Adjust your alarm.

If there is a new target time you would like to wake up, begin setting your alarm 15-30 minutes earlier than you did the night (or a few nights) before.

If you hate the sound of your alarm, switch it to an upbeat song or other noise that will help you wake up less disgruntled.

If you’re still having trouble waking up for your alarm, set it across the room to force you to get up.

5. Turn away from technology.

Research has told us over and over again that screen time before bed (and especially in bed) is not recommended for a good night’s sleep.

In today’s technology-focused world, it’s a tough adjustment to shut down your gadgets for good shut-eye. Instead, take a gradual, habit-changing approach to your tech.

Start by utilizing your gadget’s nighttime setting that dims the harsh blue light that keeps you alert, and dim it a few hours before bed. Try to sleep with your phone in another room, too, to help prevent the habit of scrolling in bed.

What about you? Are you a morning person? What can you do tonight to make sure you wake up early tomorrow and feel energetic?

About The Author

This is a guest post by the team at Leesa.

Becoming a morning person is more than adjusting your alarm clock and forcing yourself to stumble from your bed to the coffee machine. Here are some tips on how to become a morning person:

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