testimonials letsreachsuccess.com

Don’t take my word for it. Here’s what readers and students are saying.

“I love Fearless Bloggers! It was the best investment I could have made in my business. ❤️”


I’ve been taking your advice for years but this is just amazing! I’m honored to be a member of Fearless Bloggers.

I’ve been going into the membership every couple of days or when I get a notification of a new post and am loving being part of this community even more than before. 

I read your January Income Report and the lightbulb went off about supplementing my income with the sponsored posts. I did a little research on sponsored posts and realized that I was giving away link insertions for free and not charging nearly enough, or anything at all for sponsored posts. That’s when I asked my question inside Fearless Bloggers, and the rest is history LOL. 

I’m so happy that the membership is evolving into something special. It’s truly been a blessing for me!

Maria Bonacci / The Krafty Planner

More feedback from members of Fearless Bloggers


“We were definitely missing something like this in the blogging community 😍”

sofia testimonial for fearless bloggers

“THANK YOU!! You’re amazing! Fearless Bloggers is really awesome and I am glad I found you!”

Sofia Pereira / Blogging She Thrives

“I knew very little about sponsored posts before The Blog Sponsorship Boss. I feel like an expert now (or nearly)!”

the blog sponsorship boss - jane testimonial

I loved the tips for reaching out and responding to brands and companies – it’s helped me feel I can be assertive and know my worth. I’m still working on building my traffic currently, but this course has given me the confidence to move on to sponsored posts once my traffic has grown a bit more…

The information on the sponsorship page and media kit was invaluable. Now I know exactly what I should be doing. I loved having all the transcripts there – it’s not always convenient to watch videos so this really worked for me.

If you’re interested in learning everything there is to know about sponsored posts, take the Blog Sponsorship Boss!

Jane Geffin of The Family Conscience

“Since joining the Blog Sponsorship Boss, I’ve made $150 from one sponsored post.”

The Blog Sponsorship Boss paid for itself before I even finished it.
Once I finished my media kit, I sent it to a couple of the sponsored post emails I had and negotiated a deal for one of them. YAY! I had to settle for a bit less than I was asking for but something is better than nothing. I also received two more inquiries yesterday and sent them the media kit too.

I feel like this is a breakthrough moment and things are only looking up from here!

I’ve said it a hundred times already but – thank you so much Lidiya for everything.”

Maria Bonacci / The Krafty Planner

“My blogging journey took a different dimension the day I came across $1K Blogger.”

rachael tanze

I am no longer lost or confused. I know exactly what to do and where I am heading towards monetizing my blog.

I am making affiliate sales even with little pageviews, my digital products are set for sales and release come 2021 and my email list is growing.

Lidiya simplified this course and it felt so easy to implement everything she is teaching.

I never thought I could understand SEO until I took this course. Within two weeks of implementing some things, I saw my Google page ranking go from 60 to 38.

My favorite part of this course is how Lidiya is always ready to help me with simple ideas when I send her an email. She shares free and easy tips that you can try and see results immediately. 

Lidiya’s blogging course was a game changer for me and it will be for you too.

Rachael Tanze of Broke Girls Get Fixed,

“Yesterday I ran into a step in the $1K blogger course, on which I got totally stuck. So I emailed Lidiya, somewhat apologetically. And her response was quick, and could not have been more generous and gracious.

john testimonial

I was already confident that Lidiya is most sincere and genuine. But this little exchange of correspondence yesterday, both the specifics, and the high quality manner of it, has totally confirmed this for me. This exemplary client/customer service deserves to be appreciated, and endorsed.

Note: Lidiya’s course are already great value in their own right. Her attitude of great helpfulness is the cherry on top of the icing on that cake. 

If anyone reading this might be wondering whether or not to partake of any of Lidiya’s current, or future offers, I hope this might encourage you to do so.”

– John D. McDonald – Yogi & Spiritual Guide 

“I now have the confidence to approach brands myself about working with them – something I would have never done before taking this course.”

jae testimonial blog sponsorship boss

“If you are considering doing sponsored posts and advertising on your blog, or if you have already been doing some, this course will let you know things that just can’t be found anywhere else.

I love Lidiya’s teaching style! She makes it so easy to understand and follow.

The Blog Sponsorship Boss was valuable in showing me what bad enquiries are and those I should stay away from and not pursue. I am already saying no to bad offers – now I can see them a mile off! I feel empowered to do that! 

I just worked with a great company on a sponsored post and I knew from taking the course that there were no red flags and they were professional and great to work with. I knew how to negotiate, what to look out for, and what to expect from a partnership.

I also learned about creating my media kit, and with the advice given I was able to create mine in Canva in just one day!  

This course really helped me understand that I should never sell myself short, it gave me so much confidence in that. I should have started out with sponsorships earlier, I was too hesitant to do that. Now I feel I am armed with all the information that I need!”

Jeanne Lund / Make Calm Lovely

I’ve joined 2 of your courses and they are worth every penny.

“I’m a brand new blogger. And I’m super excited to find your website. Your journey has inspired me and helped me broaden my blogging horizons. Thank you for your dedication.”

– Selena Nguyen of A Tailored Website

I follow Lidiya because she’s highly helpful and honest. I listen to a lot of her podcasts and strategies she shares about blogging which I have started to implement in my blog!

harshita testimonial

There are soo many things I like about Let’s Reach Success, starting from the website’s theme, color, and graphics, I feel they are unique and captivating! I love the information Lidiya shares that is helpful and to the point! I also like the fact that there is an easy access page for all the freebies and you can download them to read them later!

Harshita / Bellflower Lifestyle

“Pinterest Boost is the perfect little toolkit for anyone looking to kick-start their journey on Pinterest within the next couple of hours.”

Pinterest Boost is a great starter training for content creators in any niche! It’s great summary of how Pinterest works. I have done other courses about Pinterest but I love how Lidiya goes straight to the point.
She shares a lot of less-known tips and tricks to make Pinterest work for you and answers the types of questions the majority of newbies wonder about but can’t find a straight answer to.
The masterclass is short but full of valuable advice that will help you understand how the platform works, and start creating faster!
Also, the pin designs shared in the bonus section are fantastic and super eye-catching!! Love them and I’ll definitely use them!”

Sofia Pereira / Blogging She Thrives

“Lidiya does a great job simplifying Pinterest for us busy business owners and content creators.”

phebe - testimonial for pinterest boost

Pinterest Boost is a crash course for those who have heard of Pinterest and are getting ready to use it for their business but don’t want to spend a ton of money and time getting to learn it.”

– Phebe Rose of The Noun M / @thenounm

“I completed your two free courses and followed every step you mentioned to start my own blog. I have made so much progress just by following the steps you shared. You have helped me learn WordPress, SEO, marketing, business and so much more.”

I have been wanting to launch a site but I kept postponing over and over. Last year I got discouraged because I was having a hard time with the platform AND I have a 7 months old baby and a 24 months old one too. Also, with the travel business, my readings, studies and home I have almost no spare time left. BUT!!! I kept thinking and thinking every day about my long time project! I first read your blog when I was living in The States I think 6 years ago. Since then, I come back to it all the time. I HAVE SEEN ALL YOUR JOURNEY. I’ve read the books you suggest. I’ve downloaded a lot of your free books and actually bought one. A few days ago I completed your two free courses AND followed EVERY STEP you mentioned to start my own blog. I’ve even set it up with the theme you recommend. Basically, I’m a disciple of you and what you are sharing and I think that you can use my experience to PROVE that the information you are sharing is really useful and different from the one others are sharing. AND THAT IS REAL VALUE. I have been managing my time better and better so I can spend some of it working on my site everyday and I HAVE MADE SO MUCH PROGRESS JUST BY FOLLOWING THE STEPS YOU SHARED.You have helped me learn WordPress, SEO, marketing, business and so much more you can’t even imagine! I want to make a living out of my writings and my site, and I WILL. I have developed the necessary mindset  and willpower to achieve ANYTHING I WANT and that’s why I’ve decided to work together with you.”

– Carolina S Gomez, Travel business owner

“$1K Blogger is an excellent introduction to all the different things you need to know to build and grow a successful blog.”

clara testimonial

I learned a lot from it, but the most significant part was a mindset shift that allowed me to get more done and actually get my posts written. 

Before enrolling in the course, I struggled the most with consistently creating content and finding time to write on a regular basis. Now, I have a better writing process and have been able to be more consistent with it even when I’m busy, and know how to leverage my content in creating an email list.”

Clara Carlson Kirigin, Prometheus Editorial

“I’m loving The Tao of Happiness. It’s come to me at a time when I really needed it.”

“I’ve highlighted so many sentences, and am consuming the book slowly because I’m allowing it to really sink in. 
It’s amazing that you wrote The Tao of Happiness back in 2014 – the writing is so mature, crisp, engaging and relevant!
Proud of you Lids, and you should be so proud of the book too! It’s amazing.”

Kanika of Stepping Into Better

caro feedback

“Lidiya’s guidance helped me discern what I should be prioritizing as a new blogger.”

aida image

“Before Blog Income Boost, I felt like I was investing so much time and energy into strategies that aren’t necessarily a priority and didn’t result in new readers/visitors to my blog.

What I loved the most about the course were the sections on Pinterest and building a mailing list with the help of a freebie.

This training helps you cut through the noise and allows you to get clear on what you should be focusing your time on. Running your own blog can be a handful, especially if you feel like you have to focus on too many things at once. But Lidiya really helps you zero in on the priorities.” 

Aida Knezevic / @glassboxofemotion / Glassboxofemotion.com

“YOU are one of the very few people that resonates with me. Your approach to HOW you do what you do is spot ON!”


“I always enjoy reading your emails. You are one of the very few people that I truly enjoy hearing from.

I wanted to let you know that you are “Amazing!” I have been a motivational speaker for 34 years now. When I read your emails, you remind me so much of myself.

Your energy and passion is so authentic.  I can tell you that I research a lot online to keep in touch with how other people do what they do. And of the hundreds of people I have researched, YOU are one of the very few that resonates with me. 

So many are just in it for the money. You, are not!  That puts you into a very unique category.

I wanted to let you know how unique you are and that your approach to HOW you do what you do is spot ON!

For you to have a positive impact on a guy who eats, breathes and lives motivation and is energized everyday of his life, that is saying a whole lot about you and the impact you have on others.

Keep doing what you are doing, driven by your intuition, your grasp of the power of simplicity and your passion.”

Bob Koehler, Motivational Speaker, ExtraordinaryBob.com

“Thanks for your writing! It’s inspirational and it’s nice to know there are other girls similar to me out there.”

“I really enjoy and appreciate your blog. I also greatly admire your persistence and consistency in writing regularly.”

– Jennifer Warren, Career Coach

“After taking Fearless Content, I felt more aligned and could actually begin creating content with ease.”

kanika testimonial

“I was looking for a course that could help me with some direction and actual action steps to align my content and my branding, and felt that Fearless Content would be the right fit because I know that Lidiya would provide value above and beyond.

This program was instrumental in relaxing my pressure with finding a niche, and I’m more clear now about the first course I would like to build.

Module 1 of Fearless Content and the journaling made me think a lot.

Thanks to Module 2, I reworked my entire homepage, About section and blog categories. The lessons helped me define ‘who’ I was helping, with ‘what’ and ‘why’.

I also started working on my book and have gained so much momentum! I think the book was inside of me, and Fearless Content helped me unlock the clarity to let it flow.

The journal prompts in the workbook helped me with a deeper understanding of why I’m doing what I’m doing, as well as with how to find alignment between the coaching/course creation aspect and the blogging aspect of the business, so that they both complement each other.

Fearless Content is a light, simple, and easy to follow course that can have a deep impact. It will help you sort through the cobwebs in your mind, and find clarity with what you have to offer the world.

It will also help you meaningfully align what you create, with who you are, your values, what you stand for, and who you’d like to serve. It’s a great course to do before you start or get deeper with creating content, and can help with course correction or more clarity.

I thought the division of topics was very well laid out. Easy to understand and implement. I liked how the videos worked well to listen to, and the transcripts worked well to absorb what you heard.

Thank you for all the genuine value and in depth information and insight you provide through your courses, Lidiya!”

Kanika Batra, CEO, Filmmaker, Writer, Actor, Speaker

“Fearless Content will change your whole outlook on life and business.”

leah testimonial

I always felt like I was trying to do what the “gurus” said. But thanks to Fearless Content, I feel confident in creating the content and brand I feel led to. I trust my instinct in MY business and to create in the way that feels right instead of pushing to create content I hate doing.

Being a very factual & tactical person, giving the time to the mind work is hard. But I think that should be worked on from the beginning, BEFORE the business tactics. This course helps you do just that.

I greatly appreciate Lidiya’s program and will be coming back to it often if I feel stuck.

Leah Lynch of Leah-Lynch.com

“Your content is your legacy, and Fearless Content will walk you through creating content easily, lovingly, powerfully and with profound impact.”


“The prep work leading up to the course helped me to identify the barriers I wasn’t even aware of. Being relaxed, happy and joyful about who I am and my passion enabled me to write and create from a place of love and not fear or doubt.

Before Fearless Content, I had doubts about the impact my content is making, was unsure about the topics to write about and did not feel totally confident about my content and brand.

Now I embrace my uniqueness and individuality and I allow it to show up in my creative work.

Module 3 on human design really dealt with your true nature; and it was this section that helped me understand how to live and work strategically. Knowing my energy type is helping me when taking action and making decisions.

Fearless Content is loaded with everything you need to become a better content creator. Your content is your legacy, and this course will walk you through creating content easily, lovingly, powerfully and with profound impact.

Thanks Lidiya for the great work that has gone into producing this masterpiece course. I am truly blessed by it and really grateful.”

– Ayoola Kaffo, The Success Feed

“Lidiya opened my eyes and inspired me to start blogging.”


Two years before graduation I was reading an article by Lidiya. I sent her an email and told her about my “big plans” after college thinking that she’d encourage me.

But the response I got from her shook me.

“You know from my blog posts that I say things straight. I think you are putting off the publishing phase of your potential online endeavours”, she said.

She was right. I was procrastinating with the excuse that when I have more time after college, I’ll start. Now, I realize that I was bullsh*tting myself.

She opened my eyes and inspired me to start. From that day, I made a promise to her. I told her I would write and publish one post every week no matter how busy my life gets.

Nobody read my posts, but I knew I had to report to her, so I kept writing. Some posts were okay and most of them were crap. But I couldn’t stop.

In 1 year, I wrote 51 posts. That’s when I was about to graduate and started having second thoughts about my passion and my future. And then I made my decision. I decided to start freelancing on the side and grow my blog as my full-time gig.

Prakhar, Life Coach, Founder of Design Epic Life

“The email sequence in the Blog Income Toolkit is a definite time-saver.”

emjae blog income toolkit testimonial

“I have examples I can use and explanations for what each step should achieve so I can confidently create my own.

The content in the Blog Income Toolkit delivers exactly what it promises.

Emjae, WriteHeadspace.com

“Thank you Lidiya for teaching me the importance of blogging. I will never give up on it until I reach success like you.”

“I wanted to give up and leave blogging behind because I have tried many ways to monetize and nothing worked. But thanks to this course, I was motivated to start fresh, implement the strategies and work hard to grow my blog with the powerful tips inside The Passive Income Blog Boss
I learned what blogging is, that growing a blog takes time and I need to be patient, what the right plugins to use are, etc.
I’d recommend this course to any friend of mine who wants to start a blog. “

Phillimon Sefake of Senwabarwana Online News

“I’m loving the Abundant Biz Journal Challenge.”

Ayelen testimonial

“I’ve been postponing doing it for months, and I’m finally here, because I decided I want to turn my “willingness” into something real, and build my online business once and for all. 

Thanks for putting the Abundant Biz Journal Challenge out there. It’s just amazing. I’m already feeling inspiration and abundance, 2 things that I was lacking and think I actually need a lot.”

– Ayelén Iara Torres of AyeWrites.com

“I’m thankful for your Fearless Content course. It’s filled with so much substance and fruit.”

lauren test

“I appreciate your work and am grateful to put the knowledge into practice with my business.”

– Lauren of Abundant Reality Life

“What I loved the most were the tips on using Pinterest. I had ignored it till now.”

testimonial for the passive income blog boss

The Passive Income Blog Boss helped me figure out a few important things about blogging and gave me a fresh new perspective and steps I need to take to grow.

This course is simple and easy to understand and, most importantly, honest. There’s a lot of information which I didn’t get from anywhere else but here.”

Gomati of HellItsMine.com