If you’re an avid reader, dive into some of my books to experience more of what I teach. All are available on Kindle.
High-Value Offers
People don’t want your product, they want the transformation it provides. That, together with any other action taken to present the product in a unique way and make the sale a no-brainer for the ideal client, is your offering.
You need to nail all key elements of an offer so your launch can be a success. In this book, you’ll learn how to come up with your epic course name and framework, create a sales page that converts, add a guarantee, the right pricing, winning bonuses, and much more.
By the end of of this book, you’ll know exactly what course to sell and how to validate the idea, how to name it, how to price it, what bonus material to add, who your ideal student is and what their challenges are, how to handle their objections, what guarantee to add to the offer, what to include on the sales page, how to overdeliver, and much more.
Published in 2023.
The Tao of Happiness
The Tao of Happiness explores the elements of happiness and shares practical and easy ways to live a simpler, more joyous and fulfilling life in this very moment.
Lidiya uses the ancient wisdom of Taoism, Zen and Minimalism to help you find joy and contentment and stop making your daily life more complicated than it’s supposed to be, stop interfering with the natural flow of events and finally let go of all that’s preventing you from being present so you can let happiness in.
Prepare for a whole new definition of happiness, plenty of happy thoughts to keep you going, real-life advice, a dozen tried and tested techniques you can use to turn your new happy state into the norm, and a feeling of bliss thanks to achieving emotional freedom.
Published in 2014.
“I’m loving The Tao of Happiness. It’s come to me at a time when I really needed it.
I’ve highlighted so many sentences, and am consuming the book slowly because I’m allowing it to really sink in.
It’s amazing that you wrote this back in 2014 – the writing is so mature, crisp, engaging and relevant!
Proud of you Lids, and you should be so proud of the book too! It’s amazing.”
This Moment
This book is about letting go of what was and will be so you can find peace and contentment in the present moment. It’s about letting go of the barriers to peace of mind, of anything that’s not serving you, and of overthinking, so you can be fully present and live an effortless life.
If you’ve been a prisoner of your past for too long, are often carried away by your future and lost in ideals, want to change things, plan everything, seek happiness in external sources, are putting a lot of pressure into finding solutions to your problems, and can’t seem to empty your mind, this book is for you.
It will help you let go of the clutter in your mind, simplify, prioritize, and see that all you’ve been looking for has been right in front of you the whole time – in this moment.
Published in 2015.
Finding The 1 Thing You Were Born to Do
This book will teach you how to live a happier life by finding your true calling among so many other interests and daily activities; finding meaning in your days by doing work you love; monetizing your passion and having the ultimate freedom and independence by making money thanks to what you enjoy the most.
I’ve been analyzing the passion phenomenon for so many years, have been doing what I love for a living for nearly a decade, and have seen the effect this has had on so many other people I admire, that I just had to create this book to help you experience the same.
Published in 2016.
Shorter Reads
The following books are shorter, only available as ebooks, and up to $2.99.
Procrastination is a Choice
Find out the 9 reasons why we procrastinate, understand what the problem behind each is and why it occurs in our life, and see the actionable tips and steps on how to overcome it.
The 10 Mental Habits That Will Become The Pillars of Your Success
These 10 habits of successful people will help you become more resilient, emotionally strong, motivated, disciplined and positive. Equipped with all that, you’ll be ready to take massive action on your goals and not lose direction.