Evergreen vs Live Launches: What’s The Best Way to Sell Your Online Course
If you’re a course creator or thinking of creating your first digital product, one of the many decisions you’ll have to make and things you’ll have to experiment with is whether you’ll keep the doors to your program open all the time or you’ll go for the open/close cart launch, also known as a live launch. It means that you will welcome students every now and then and will promote the offer actively during that time. Once the doors close, new people won’t be able to join anymore.
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Find the whole transcript here.
Show Notes:
- The benefits of closing the doors to your course
- The disadvantages of the live launch
- Why I turned BBS into an evergreen offer
- Tips for an evergreen course
- Urgency and scarcity in live launches
- How to always keep selling your offer
- How to transition from live launching to an evergreen offer
I think you’ll never know what works best for you unless you try. See how both of these go for your business, how your audience reacts to them, what the results are, and also how you feel about the whole thing. Because it’s much easier to sell an offer if you are excited about it and believe in it.
In this episode, I’ll talk about these 2 business models. I’ll share the pros and cons, different versions of each, what I’ve tried and why, and hopefully help you decide to go for one of these with confidence.
What inspired this topic is the fact that after doing live launches for my signature program for course creators Bold Business School since it exists, I now turned it into an evergreen offer. You can join any time and go through the content at your own pace.
Bold Business School is where I show you the whole journey from coming up with your course idea and creating the framework for your program, to doing a beta launch to welcome your first students and selling it like a pro. I also teach you all about email marketing, building an audience, creating a content strategy, designing the ideal sales page, and anything else you need to turn your course into the perfect offer for your dream students. If you’re interested, you can get all the details here.