If you’ve finally found out you have obstructive sleep apnea, or if you’ve been suffering from mild symptoms for years now without doing anything about it, now is the time to make a change.
Luckily, that doesn’t need to be anything complicated. There are easy sleep apnea solutions you can try right now and at home, without buying expensive devices or making big lifestyle changes that you wouldn’t enjoy.
I’ll now share some natural cures for sleep apnea, as well as some simple alternatives of the cpap machine, that you can easily get and quickly test.
What’s more, most of what you’ll see below will also help you stop snoring, will cure your sleep apnea in the long-run, and will make you more energetic in daily life due to the better sleep you’ll get at night.
1. Positional therapy.
A quick sleep apnea hack is to change your body position and start sleeping on your side.
Backed by science, the so-called positional therapy is a sure fix for positional sleep apnea, but you need to be sure you’ve got exactly that kind of the sleep disorder.
The therapy is related to behavioral strategies that encourage you to sleep on your side at night.
Most people who have sleep apnea usually sleep on their back and are used to this. That’s when an easy to use device you wear around your waist is the way to go to become a side sleeper.
Another treatment option including positional therapy is using a small tool that vibrates reminding you to change body positions when you are lying on your back again.
None of that disturbs your deep sleep in any way, and that’s what makes it one of the effective sleep apnea solutions.
2. Acupuncture.
If you’re a fan of alternative medicine, you might try this out.
Acupuncture has many benefits, some of which include better blood circulation, relaxation and boosted energy. It leads to overall well-being and decreases stress, fatigue, pain and inflammation.
Together with that, some people have seen a positive effect on their sleep apnea events because of that. So if you’re looking for natural remedies, or just want to stop snoring and have tried many other things, give acupuncture a try.
3. A sleep apnea pillow.
Apnea pillows have some pretty surprising benefits.
They are specially made to elevate your head and body in such a way, that you only sleep on your side, keep the airway open and thus cure snoring, and reduce back and neck pain due to the design of the pillow and in what position it keeps your body, while letting you get a good sleep.
4. Humidify your bedroom.
Now that’s something you might not have thought of, but the level of humidity in the room you sleep in is closely related to less snoring and better breathing functions.
That might mean getting a humidifier.
If you don’t want to make any big purchases though and want to keep things even more natural and easier, essential oils can help.
The result we need is letting more air through your airways. So why not apply a few drops of some nice essential oil on your chest, to provide relief, soothe your throat, and get rid of chest congestion.
Do that before you get to sleep and make it part of your evening routine.
5. Try exercises for sleep apnea.
Experts have gotten pretty creative with finding natural sleep apnea solutions over the last few decades.
There are many types of exercises you can test, from those using only your tongue, to yoga, to mouth and neck practices.
Some actions you can try at home tonight are the following:
- yawn for a few minutes and open your mouth as much as you can to stretch the throat muscles;
- chew gum before bedtime;
- hold a pencil between your teeth for 5-10 minutes;
- gargle for a few minutes a few times a day;
- open and close your mouth quickly. Repeat 10 times;
- inhale steam using only your nose to clear your chest before going to sleep.
6. Use a mouth guard.
While this is not necessary, it is one of the quick sleep apnea solutions that can ease your symptoms, help you breathe more easily at night and stop snoring so much.
7. Supplements.
Last but not least, when talking about natural sleep apnea cures we can’t forget to mention some supplements and herbs.
Let’s begin with vitamin D and fish oil.
Knowing that sleep apnea leads to oxidative stress which prevents the blood vessels from relaxing properly, then we should consume antioxidants such as vitamin C and E.
Magnesium and calcium are known to promote good sleep, so include these in your menu in the right dosage.
As you can see, there are quite many sleep apnea solutions that you can try right now. The results will come soon too.
What else have you tried to treat your sleep apnea and snoring?