Another year passed by. And I don’t feel nostalgic, don’t wish for things to be different, don’t have regrets, and don’t think it could have been any better. I’m simply …
12 Simple Productivity Habits That Help Me Write a Lot Daily
I easily write between 2000 and 5000 words daily now, both for myself (this blog, books and other sites I have) and for clients (I’m a freelancer). That’s a result …
5 Things I’m Enjoying, Reading and Working On This Week
Here’s what interesting things I’ve stumbled upon lately: New book: How to Win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie I bought it in paperback cause I want to come back …
The Tim Ferriss Morning Routine: 5 Things He Does When He Gets Up That Help Him Win The Day
“Tim is Indiana Jones for the digital age. I’ve already used his advice to go spearfishing on remote islands and ski the best hidden slopes of Argentina. Simply put, do …
Why You Should Always Have Side Projects (Plus: The New Side Project I’m Working On)
Life is meant to be spent working on things you believe in and are passionate about. That’s how you can be sure you’re doing your best at any moment, you …
9 Best Tools for Travel Writers
Have you ever been inspired to leave all problems behind and visit all places you’ve always dreamed about seeing? Writers have a huge advantage in such a situation: they don’t …
13 Free and Paid Writing Tools to Help You Get More Done in Less Time
Everyone, no matter what job they perform, has the exact same 24 hours in a single day. So why is it that some folks are highly productive, reaching all their …
Blogging Life Lessons: 12 Powerful Reasons to Inspire You to Start a Blog
Blogging is a great experience and there’s so much you can learn from it. Check out the life lessons it taught me.
25 Good Morning Quotes to Start the Day Right
There’s always been something magical about mornings. Not the ones in which you get up at noon and feel lazy for the rest of the day. Or when you don’t …
How to Find The One Thing That Just Feels Right
There is always at least one thing everyone should do. It’s what they’re meant to do, what they’re good at, what feels right, what helps others and can be shared, …