Why a VPN Service Could Be Beneficial for Online Security

Why a VPN Service Could Be Beneficial for Online Security

Online security is a subject we should seriously think about. In fact, we should adopt certain measures to protect our online security.

We share millions of private data with others on the internet, regardless of somewhere knowing that it can be intercepted by any third party.

We may also adopt some measures to safeguard our online privacy but they may not prove to be very efficient.

Users got concerned when Congress did not vote in the favor of their online security but rather repealed the privacy measures, allowing internet service providers to share and sell their private information and internet activity without their consent with the third parties such as marketing agencies, government surveillance, etc.

The vote does not restrain the FCC from reinstating the same rules in the future, therefore users have to take measures to protect their online privacy.

For this reason, they came up with the solution of using a VPN service to keep their online privacy protected and safe from the third parties.

A VPN Proves to be a Great Help

Despite getting upset over hearing FCC’s new privacy rule, users did not stop looking for solutions that could help them protect their online security and keep their confidential data secure. A VPN service served their purpose to a great extent.

A VPN or a virtual private network builds a secure tunnel between a user’s computer and internet connection, encrypting all the internet traffic that travels in between.

A VPN prevents anyone from tracking or monitoring that internet traffic while giving a user complete anonymity on the internet.

Since all the internet traffic that passes through the secure tunnel becomes encrypted, it becomes difficult for anyone, even the ISP, to intercept the data. This way, all the information shared by the users on the internet stays safe and protected from the prying eyes.

However, the VPN provider can track and monitor users’ online activity and some of the marketing companies or law enforcement can also request information from them.

Therefore, it is recommended that users select their VPN very carefully.

Which VPNs Should Be Trusted

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A good VPN service can surely protect users against a lot of things including government surveillance and malware. M

oreover, they can also save themselves from the threats of public Wi-Fi networks and also get access to blocked content on the internet.

But then again, if they happen to select a bad VPN service, they can go through a lot of problems. It really is hard to trust a VPN provider. As far as we’ve experienced, free VPNs often create problems for the users.

Select a paid VPN option that offers a good privacy policy and does not keep a log of your information.

Some of the VPN providers may insist that they would not snoop on the data or would not keep a log of information, still, it is very hard to build a trust on them.

There are a lot of good paid VPN options available for the users on the internet that offer good privacy policies. FalcoVPN, ExpressVPN, and PureVPN are some of the good VPN services to name a few.

If doubts about a certain VPN provider still persist, we would recommend to set up your own VPN server and get connected to it. Creating your own VPN server may be the safest option of all but you need to be tech-savvy and have technical knowledge prior to opting for this option.

Users would not only pay a nominal cost for the server but also have complete control over their private data. But then again, this may be a whole lot more difficult than just paying a monthly subscription fee for a VPN service.


There might be other ways to keep online privacy intact from the snooping eyes.

Some users would want to try Tor if they do not want to set up their own server. A Tor has the ability to make users anonymous on the web but they need to keep in mind that they would have to compromise on the speed since it has a slower and less convenient browsing speed that could be difficult to bear.

Apart from using Tor, users might also use encrypted apps that have been created for individual services like chat. These encrypted apps can prevent all kinds of surveillance but still do not offer hundred percent online security.

The only effective measure to keep your online data safe and secure is by using a VPN service. A paid VPN service comes with many security protocols that help in providing users maximum online privacy.

Furthermore, if a user is fortunate enough to come across a good VPN service, he/she can benefit from it in a lot of ways. They can avoid government surveillance and stay away from ISPs that share their private data with other companies and gain money in return.

Users can get their electronic devices connected to the public Wi-Fi connections without worrying about online hackers intercepting their private data.

Last but not the least, they can enjoy geo-restricted content from anywhere in the world. Hence, a VPN service can really be beneficial for online security and can also fulfill other purposes.

About The Author

This article was written by Kelly Howard.

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