You’re finally getting around to optimizing your virtual business profile. You’re going beyond just your LinkedIn page, which should already be in tip-top shape — but secondary properties like Crunchbase and
There’s just one problem: You’re not sure where to start.
Actually, that’s no problem at all. These six easy pointers apply to most any business directory or social media platform, including LinkedIn and the “secondaries.”
Put them to use as you build out a web presence that captures your audience’s attention and drives new business into your arms.
1. Put Up a Picture You Can Be Proud Of
Choose a bright, high-resolution picture that captures the essence of your brand. You’ll know it when you see it (or, if you lack a high-quality photo archive, when you take it).
The goal here is to draw and glue eyeballs to your business page.
2. Don’t Overwhelm With Detail
Many business directories aren’t designed to communicate a dissertation’s worth of information about the companies they feature. They are factual and to-the-point.
Lean into that format. Don’t try to squeeze too much detail into a package that doesn’t really permit it.
This InsureOne Crunchbase profile is a great example. After scanning it, the reader has a clear idea of what the company does, what it has achieved for its customers and stakeholders, how it adds value to the marketplace, and how to learn more about it (or become a paying customer). That’s all you need.
3. Use Multimedia Wherever Possible
Whenever a platform gives you an opportunity to embed multimedia elements in your business profile, take it.
Video and infographics draw in viewers and keep them on-page longer than plain text.
4. Add Keywords to Your “About” Content
Optimize your profile’s “About” content for search engines.
Many business directories have high search authority, which means they appear near the top of search results for relevant keywords. But that’s no help when the content that appears on them isn’t optimized.
5. Include a “Careers” or “Work With Us” Page If the Platform Allows It
Tout the fact that you are hiring, even if that means you’re just thinking about it.
Presenting career opportunities in the present tense shows that your company is on the upswing. And customers like companies on the upswing.
6. Seek Testimonials From Customers and Employees
Testimonials contribute to the “upswing” vibe too. Seek them out and include them in your business profile as you’re able.
Not all business directories have enough space for testimonials, so make the most of the ones that do.
Your Customers Are Judging You
Be honest: You’ve been known to peek at your competitors’ business profiles from time to time. Just to see what they’re up to, of course.
That’s good, actually. You should judge your closest competitors. And borrow worthwhile ideas from them. That’s how business works.
Just be mindful that your business is also being judged. Not only by your competitors; that much is obvious. No, a more important group is constantly sizing you up: your customers, past, present, and future.
It’s vital that they like what they see. They’re more discerning than ever. They have little patience for mediocrity. Give them a web presence that stops them in their tracks and they might just stop in to reward you with their hard-earned dollars.