• Why Friday 13th Is Your Happiest Day

    friday the 13th

    Some think it’s their lucky day. Others take it as a special one. One person can be scared of it, while for another it’s like every other day. Well, what is the answer then? What kind of day is Friday the 13th? I’ll tell you. It’s the best day of your life. It’s your happiest […]


  • 8 Benefits of Fitness Other Than Shaping Your Body

    success habits

    Most people start going to the gym because of the muscles they build. Others want to lose weight, get ready for the summer and create the body they’ve always wanted to have. And yes, this is possible. It happens when you take your workouts seriously, stay focused and persistent. But only after you’ve been to […]


  • The 7 Aspects of Cleanness

    The Ultimate List of Morning Habits: 32 Easy Yet Powerful Morning Routine Ideas

    Many things are given to us but we don’t use them in the right way and we often forget to keep them in a good condition. Our body with all its organs, our senses, belongings and mind are our partners in life. That is why we must treat them well and give them the attention […]


  • On Our Way to Inner Realization

    inner realization

    We are all after something. Some call it happiness, security, a loving family, success, or prefer to find it in the face of money and luxurious life. Others turn to religion, spend their lives in loneliness, dedicate all their time and energy to art, books, sport, work or else. All these people have one thing […]


  • 10 Simple Steps to Benefit from Failure and Turn It into Success

    Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently. – Henry Ford You seem to be doing everything right but somehow you always fail. That makes you have a negative opinion about yourself, lose hope and lack motivation to persevere. But you know what? Everyone fails. With one exception – those who […]


  • 9 Significant Facts about Life We Should Never Forget

    Top 10 Most Expensive Places to Travel Once in a Lifetime

    In life there are many rules, principles and things to learn and understand. Society expects you to think in a certain way, to behave somehow and to know particular things that are considered important by the current generation. On the other hand there are the laws of the universe, the advice of your parents and […]


  • How to Embrace Insecurity and Live the Life You Deserve

    How to Embrace Insecurity and Live the Life You Deserve

    “Uncertainty is the only certainty there is, and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security.”John Allen Paulos Most people spend their lives trying to reach financial stability, to feel safe at the place they live, to have a job they won’t get fired from, to have loyal friends, a faithful partner and […]