How Bloggers Can Make $10,000 a Month from Home (And How I Earned $12,262 Online in 3 Months) - digital marketer

How Bloggers Can Make $10,000 a Month from Home (And How I Earned $12,262 Online in 3 Months)

How Bloggers Can Make $10,000 a Month from Home (And How I Earned $12,262 Online in 3 Months)

The Web is full of the stories of bloggers who make $10,000 a month from home blogging. This sounded almost impossible to me a few years back. But since then, things have changed.

I now love writing my monthly income report where I share exactly how much I earned last month and what lessons I learned. Together with that, I keep track of my business goals and decide what new things to work on.

Just saw the total number for the past 3 months – it’s $12,262. Eventually, that might be what I earn in a month from home, still doing what I love. So I decided to share what it really takes to get to such numbers and above as a blogger.

Here are the elements that helped me on my journey to earning a few thousand dollars a month from my blog and business. And from all the examples of other bloggers I’ve seen and what I’ve learned from their income reports, you can’t make it without the things I’ve listed below.

Read on to start or continue your blogging journey and turn your passion into profits.

What It Takes to Make $10,000 a Month from Home

This post contains affiliate links.

1. Your own platform.

The very first thing you need to make $10,0000 a month from home is your own blog. While there are other ways (such as to directly share affiliate links on Pinterest and earn commissions for each purchase), your own platform can open doors for you like nothing else.

It’s what you will have full control over and your blog will become the foundation of your personal brand.

Let’s Reach Success is something I started as a side hustle and in my free time. It was like that for years before I monetized it.

Starting a blog is easy and is the first step you need to take to begin making money online.

If you still haven’t done that, I have the right resource for you. This is a free course and will help you set up a site in less than an hour so you can move onto creating content, building your brand and monetizing your site.

Enroll in Launch Your Profitable Blog for free now

how to start a blog in 1 day - free course

You need no experience and almost no money to do this right. But once your own blog is up and running, you’ll realize there are so many things you can do with it that will lead to profits down the road.

2. Bloggers have to be creators.

There are over 2000 articles on Let’s Reach Success. I’ve written guest posts for tens of other sites in the personal development niche. Just released a free online course. I write emails for my free newsletter and post on social media. I have published more than 10 books.

All that isn’t going to stop. Content creation is my thing as I’m a writer but there are other ways you can create too. I had a podcast till recently, I create my own Pinterest graphics.

You could do videos on YouTube, take travel photos and share them on your blog, be a curator and write roundup blog posts, and so much more.

You need to be in love with content creation as that provides value. Most of it will be for free but you’ll soon realize the power of content marketing.

Ranking your posts on Google for good keywords can directly lead to sales if you have affiliate links on your blog. That’s just one of the ways to make 10000 a month from home after some time.

If you want to delegate all that, you can get a freelance writer on your team and let them do the work. That’s okay too. Although if you’re truly a blogger, you’d prefer to be authentic and create your own content.

I have guest contributors here on Let’s Reach Success all the time and that’s yet another way to grow a blog and have fresh content. I give them exposure and their name and work appear on my platform, so it’s a win-win situation.

Read also: How This Blog Boss Earns $10K/Month in Different Niches (And Sold a 1-Year-Old Beauty Blog for $50K)

3. Having at least one digital skill.

There are many digital skills you can build now or later on. For me, it all began with writing. Once I had enough articles on my blog, I realized I could do the same for freelance clients and get paid for that.

So I began pitching people on sites for freelancers and that’s how I made my first money online.

I even created an online course sharing all the steps you can take to begin earning as a freelancer too. That’s one of the quickest ways to make money online and can lead to big things.

Check out How to Make Your First Money Online Freelancing.

4. Choosing a profitable niche.

10 Hobbies That Make Money (And Which You Can Start Today)

Not every niche is profitable. It’s important to be passionate about your field, but you might want to cover other topics too that will lead to earning more from your blog.

For instance, if you want to make it on Pinterest and get a million monthly views (which will mean clicks back to your website and potential customers too), you can focus on DIY and Home Improvement, Travel, Cooking, Home Decor, and Fashion.

I began my online career with Personal Development. Although a broad niche and one that’s already saturated, it was what I was passionate about. However, I then started covering anything business-related too. And that’s where things changed for me.

When trying to get more attention on Pinterest now, for instance, I’m close to the Make Money Online and Personal Finance niches.

You might need to make some changes to your approach if you want to appeal to the audience that’s ready to pay. Combine it with the things you love though so you don’t lose the passion for the craft.

5. You need to make a ton of mistakes first.

Another thing that I consider a game-changer and which helped me get to a point where I could earn over $4,000/month from my blog and business is the big number of mistakes I made.

I knew nothing about blogging, publishing, running an online business, managing finances, growing a blog, etc. I learned it all the hard way and I’m grateful I stuck with it.

Giving up early will lead to never seeing the potential of your blog.

So many bloggers earn $100K from their websites in multiple ways. Anyone can start and do it once they put in the effort and accept lifelong learning and experimenting as part of the process.

6. Diversify your income to get to $10K/month.

If you check my latest income report, you’ll notice that half of my money comes from freelance writing, while the other half is from sponsorships here on the blog. It wasn’t easy to diversify it but this gives me security. It also leads to earning more.

Plenty of other bloggers earn from selling their digital products or from affiliate marketing (Michelle, for instance, earns $50,000/month through affiliate marketing). So to be able to make 100000 a month from home, you’ll need to do the same.

I will soon release a paid online course and start promoting it in different ways and places. Eventually, I plan to have more and make that yet another income stream in my monthly earnings.

So that’s how you can make $10,000 a month online.

You too can make money blogging!

How I Earned $250 from One Sponsored Post on my blog

I wouldn’t be earning over $4K/month if it wasn’t for this blog and monetizing my writing skills by freelancing. It takes some time and effort but it’s absolutely worth it. Because blogging and freelancing are the reason why I wake up whenever I want to every day to do what I love. It’s why I’m location independent, have no boss, moved to another country, started a new chapter and took my online business with me.

For that to happen, you need to have a blog and start monetizing it. Here are some resources to help you out if you want to make $10,000 a month from home:

Financial Freedom Through Blogging – It took me 5 years to start earning $5K/month blogging. In this course, I share all that I’ve learned about it. It’s the formula for starting a blog, turning it into a 5-figure business, and living life on your own terms. Inside it, you’ll find answers to all your questions about becoming a full-time blogger, behind-the-scenes content, real ways to make money and build blog traffic even if you have no experience, a ton of video tutorials, how-to guides and screenshots.

How to Start a Profitable Blog– This step-by-step guide to starting a blog is a must for everyone who wants to start earning online and become self-employed. Having your own blog is the first step to selling products, making money from affiliate marketing, building a name for yourself, getting traffic and monetizing that attention.

Blogging Resources – To build a powerful site that turns visitors into buyers and monetize it well, you will need the right tools. In my Blogging Resources page, I’ve gathered the best of the best and the exact tools I’ve used to grow Let’s Reach Success and be able to make a full-time living as a location independent freelance writer.

How I Gained 20K Pinterest Views in 1 Month: 8 Pinterest Tips for Bloggers If there’s one social media I’d recommend that will transform the way you bring traffic to your blog and make money online, it’s Pinterest. I recently doubled my Pinterest views a month after I got active on the site. In this post, I share the strategies I learned from experts that worked for me.

My Monthly Income Reports – If you’re curious how bloggers make a living online, check out my income reports. I publish these monthly and share all the numbers together with the lessons I learned and the new things I’m working on.

Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing – If you’re not earning money through affiliate marketing, then you are leaving money on the table. This step-by-step affiliate marketing strategy course shows you how to increase your affiliate income and make more money blogging. It’s by Michelle from Making Sense of Cents who went from $0 in affiliate income to over $50,000 per month (and also the first online course I’ve ever taken).

How I Became a Location Independent Freelance Writer –  In this post, I outline the exact steps from shifting my mindset back when I didn’t believe I could be making any money online to finding my first client, making my first $1,000/month, moving to another country and becoming location independent.

How to Write and Publish Your First Book in Less Than 30 DaysCheck out my guide on how to become a self-published author in less than a month. I’ve published plenty of eBooks and have included all the steps you need to go through, from choosing your niche and word count and committing to writing the content to editing, formatting and marketing the book.

How I Make a Living with Sponsored Posts My monthly income reports won’t be complete without sharing the how-to of sponsored posts. That’s how I earn half of my income. In this post, I share more about how I started with it and what I charge.

Now that you know what it takes to make $10,000 a month from home, here are some of the things I did in the last few months to earn $12K in 3 months.

How I Earned $12,262 Online in 3 Months

I took an online course on affiliate marketing.

That’s Michelle’s course Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing which helps me build the foundation of adding this new income stream to my business.

Learning is part of the process. And while there’s a ton of info available for free, I knew I needed help with this.

I raised my prices.

Freelancers are always underpricing their services. The same went for how much I charged for sponsored posts on the blog. But I got to a point where I valued my time and work much more so I became selective.

I said ‘no’ many, many times in the last 6 months. I asked for more and people took me more seriously, agreed and I doubled my income.

I followed the right bloggers and learned from them.

I always read about entrepreneurs, bloggers and productive people I respect. Following their journey is fun and there’s a lot I can learn from those who got where I want to be.

In the last few months, however, I found out new people in my niches and am now full of ideas on how to improve my business and what new to do to my site.

They inspired me to give Pinterest a try (and I doubled my views there in a month) and to start making online courses (I use Teachable for that and use it for free).

Some examples include

  • Michelle from Making Sense of Cents;

and more.

Sometimes all you need to do to be able to make $10,000 a month from home is follow the right people. These are usually the ones who are hard-working, started from nothing and are already earning a lot from their blogs. Read their posts and understand all they did to get there. Then, go do the work and don’t be in a hurry.

Want to make $10,000 a month from home?

Start your blog today, find your niche and begin publishing content. Connect with others bloggers and leverage one social media to gain attention.

Then, once you have traffic and more experience, choose your first monetization strategy and earn your first money from home.

Good luck!

Want to know how bloggers make money and whether it's possible for you too to earn something like $10K/month from home? Absolutely. Here's how (and what it took me to make $12K in the last 3 months): #howblogsmakemoney #make10000amonth #makemoneyblogging #makemoneyfromhome #howbloggersmakemoney

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