The 3 Keys to Freelancing Success

The world of freelancing and self-employment is growing larger and larger every day.

Entrepreneurs now see freelancing as a viable way to pursue their passions with a manageable amount of risk. Freelancing offers the ability to ease into the world of self-employment without taking the full plunge and putting everything on the line.

A study done by Upwork and Freelancers Union found that nearly 84% of freelancers say the best days of freelancing are still ahead. The same study also reported that one in three Americans now freelance as a career while 60% of them say that they now earn more as a freelancer than they did through traditional employment.

With all of these apparent upsides to freelancing work, it’s no wonder we have seen such a rapid increase in interest in the freelancing world.

As alluring as self-employment may look to those on the outside looking in, it is important to remember that freelancing isn’t just full of endless prosperity.

The path to freelancing success is full of hurdles which can be challenging to overcome on your own. Thankfully, for anyone looking to make the leap into the world of freelancing, there are plenty of great resources.

Invoice2go, a mobile invoicing app, has recently put together a crowdsourced infographic complete with great tips from real freelance professionals.

What were Invoice2go’s findings? When asked the simple question, “what are your top tips for starting out in freelancing,” professionals from a variety of fields gravitated towards three distinct categories: networking, time management, and self-motivation. Here’s a more

Here’s a more in-depth look at what the community had to say:


It’s no secret that networking can help you succeed, but when it comes to freelancing, networking can be your lifeline.

Finding work and income stability are some of the top barriers that freelancers encounter.

By having a strong network of contacts (both with other freelancers and past clients), you have a larger net to cast for when you’re looking for that next project.

The freelance community recommends venturing outside of your typical workspace. Find a co-working space or a coffee shop; they’re great for extending your network.

Time Management.

As a freelancer, you have the freedom to create your own schedule. For the most part, this is seen as a huge plus over the typical 9-5 workday. However, freelancers have to be aware of the pitfalls that come with this responsibility.

Be sure to set up designated time for work so that your free time and work time don’t become one and the same.

The community recommends keeping track of data from previous projects so that you can better plan out how long future ones will take.


As freelancing is often a solo effort, it can be difficult to stay motivated. Motivation is a crucial aspect when it comes to producing your best work or finding your next client—so how do the professionals keep motivated?

The community recommends celebrating small goals as you work your way towards the big ones. They also noted that rejection is part of freelancing process, so you shouldn’t let it deter you.

Anyone who begins their journey into the freelancing world will undoubtedly have many questions. It’s best to remember that you are not alone in your endeavors and there are people out there who are willing to help.

About The Author

This is a guest post by Kate, the Community Coordinator at Invoice2go—a mobile invoicing application that offers a suite of helpful products for self-employed entrepreneurs, including free services such as invoice templates.

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