How to Have The Worst Business Career, Ever!

Everyone wants to succeed in their business career, but the fact is sometimes it is hard to believe when it comes to the decisions they make.

In fact, it seems as if many people are setting out to have the worst time possible regarding their career, especially if they make the major mistakes that are listed below.

Luckily, you can read through them and make sure that you aren’t getting these things wrong, something that will help you to boost your career and success, even if others around you are failing.

Choose the wrong field or job role.

One way to screw things up in term of your business career is to choose the wrong one in the first place.

After all, even if it pays well, you will be bored or disenfranchised after five or ten years down the line and end up looking for something else.

Of course, it’s not that easy to switch careers in middle age. And it can severely reduce your earning potential so it’s better to make the right choice at first if you can.

Luckily, something that can help you to do this is to consider three factors. The first is what you love to do, the second is what you are good at doing, and the third is what type of careers meet one and two, and pay well?

Then, by hitting all three factors, you should be able to find the perfect career first time around. Just be sure to be 100% honest with yourself when answering.  

Not spending time on your education.

Another major mistake that can ruin a career is not dedicating enough time and effort to getting the best education that you can.

Education is of course, critical. Not just because it provides you with the knowledge to do your job effectively, but also because it signals to potential employers that you have the dedication and motivation to succeed at challenging tasks.

Happily, even if you haven’t had the time or funds to get a higher level qualification before you start your business career, you can now do courses like these online MBA programs that allow you to study from home.

What this means is that you can continue working in your chosen field in the day, and start to build up your academic studies and credibility at a time that will suits you as well. Something that can help to boost your career.

Hide your light under a bushel.

Lastly, if you don’t want to have the worst career in the world, it’s essential that you can assess and promote your own strengths.

Yes, I know you may be much more comfortable hiding your light under a bushel and being modest, but that is not how the world of business works. 

In fact, you will need to get used to talking about your success on your resume, as well as in employment reviews and interviews for new positions and promotions. Although, you don’t need to worry that you are being prideful, as long as you stick to the facts.

As for your business failures, here are some tips for understanding them and turning them into something positive.

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