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Whether your agency is just starting out, or enjoying great success, there are always areas in which you could improve. Agencies these days wear so many extra hats than their counterparts from years ago; they handle everything from online marketing and social media to HR, and more.

It can be a challenge to streamline these services and provide the most effective services to your client without a little boost from tech. 

Luckily, there are new software, apps and sites being created on the daily, it seems, to help agencies and companies handle the ever-growing business of marketing.

No matter what your specific needs are, there’s an app (or a website or some software) for that. We’ve laid out a few of the best marketing tools below:

The Best Marketing Tools for Your Agency


Apps like BuzzSumo and others connect users with companies that are looking to partner with them. Many agencies use apps like this to avoid having to spend extra time and money recruiting.

Users can use the database to search for companies and freelancers with certain specifications or skills.

You can also peruse trending topics and various performance data. Most of these apps require a subscription fee. 

Integrated Apps

There are a lot of marketing tools out there that integrate with your website to show targeted ads, information and marketing to your customers.

These apps can streamline your site by making your social media links more visible and making sure that visitors to said site will see the most relative and engaging information.

It’s a good way to round up customers and ensure that all your hard work in marketing is always seen.

These apps are abundant, can be specified and customized to your specific agency’s needs and are often reasonably affordable. They are also easy to use – in most cases you literally just copy and paste their link into your website builder or HTML. 

Google Analytics

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The old stand-by shouldn’t be counted out. Tons of business people and agencies still use Google Analytics every day to review data and statistics about their website performance, sales, client engagement, and more.

While most agencies are already well versed in Google Analytics, which is free to use, and have been using it for some time, the reasonably new Google Analytics 350 (which is a bit pricey but worth it if your company is large and/or successful) offers a more targeted and personalized approach. 

Read also: How to Grow Your Blog to 1 Million Page Views

Agency Reporting

All agencies should have some form of agency reporting software. As mentioned above, these days most agencies have so many different jobs they do for clients.

Handling a company’s entire online presence along with everything else you’re doing involving marketing, HR and more, you need a software that syncs up all these various duties and puts the data in one place where you can view and analyze it easily.

That’s where agency reporting comes in. It takes all of your data, statistics and analytics and rounds them up for you to use as you see fit, making life easier for both the agency and the client. 

Most agency reporting software can be bought outright, with a few who charge a reasonable monthly subscription fee. 

You can also use a marketing plan template to turn ideas into measurable goals.

Email Marketing

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Apps/software like MailChimp and ConvertKit have become increasingly popular over the last several years, combining email and marketing for agencies and companies to keep up with their clients’ correspondence and integrate their marketing plans.

You can design campaigns, keep track of analytics, use email templates and track website views all from the platform. Best of all, the basic version of MailChimp is free, though there are upgrades you can pay for if you wish. 

Read also: How to Get Your First 100 Email Subscribers


Marketing tools like Canva are taking off at lightning speed. This easy-to-use app integrates the best parts of digital design and graphic design, important in today’s Instagram-ready world. It also combines it with marketing, allowing you to design and edit your own marketing material, graphics, and visual promotions.

Design everything from bookmarks to posters and booklets with the easy drag and drop interface. You can even update your progress so the client sees how far along you are. 

HR and Payroll

Agencies and small businesses are spoiled for choice these days with the wide variety of software and apps on offer to handle HR and payroll duties.

Using the world of AI, you can delegate recruitment and payroll to a program that will seek out candidates that perfectly match your list of needs and specifications in an employee, zeroing in on the candidates who perfectly fit your vision.

These apps can also handle scheduling, clocking in and out, paying employees, analyzing employee performance/pay, and more.

These apps range in cost from monthly subscriptions to the more higher priced ones, depending on what your needs are. 

Organizing Social Media

Apps/sites like Tweetdeck and Hootsuite have been around for a while, but more and more agencies are using them every year to help keep up with their clients’ social media presence.

When you’re dealing with a huge amount of tweets, posts, links and marketing campaigns, sites like these can help you keep track.

You can plug in important keywords so you never miss a tweet, schedule outgoing tweets and posts, easily monitor private messages and create marketing lists with this software. It is a must for the company with a huge online presence. 

POS Apps and Software

For agencies that assist small businesses with sales, apps and software like Shopify and others are a must. Accessed with a simple login, they can be used anywhere and are instrumental in not only sales, but keeping track of inventory, returns and exchanges, promotions, discounts and deals, customer data and analytics, marketing campaigns, and so much more.

Having a POS for a growing business is always a good idea, and most POS apps and software have various tiers depending on the size and needs of the business, and pretty reasonable monthly plans. 

These are just a few of the great new marketing tools that agencies are using to help their clients grow and organize their business.

Taking the time to integrate marketing, analytics and other aspects of a growing business can make a world of difference for the client, and it’s all thanks to you!