get your first 100 email subscribers with a small blog - how to start a startup with no money

How to Get Your First 100 Email Subscribers Even With a Small Blog

get your first 100 email subscribers with a small blog - how to start a startup with no money

Being new to the world of blogging and email marketing, small blogs find it daunting to build an email subscriber list. However, getting that first 100 email subscribers is an achievable goal for any small blog, if it’s committed to realizing that.

Growing an email list is a surefire way of getting the audience to read its content. Several marketers also confirm that building an email list is among the best tactics for the success of an online blog. Building that list of email subscribers is worth the time and effort.

Owners of small blogs finally sign up for email list building after hearing bloggers like Neil Patel tell them that “the money is in the list” and Derek Halpern saying, “if you’re not building an email list, you are an idiot”.

After signing up, they expectantly wait for the flooding in of email subscribers. Then after quite a long time, they capture a very small number of about 5 subscribers.

They wonder why they failed, but it’s most likely because they did not apply the right strategies. In this post, we are going to examine various strategies of building that first 100 email subscribers!

Gentlemen and Ladies, Shall we?

Strategy 1: Who Is Your Target Audience?

To start with, a small blog owner should be aware of their target audience.

Before venturing into building an email subscriber list, it is necessary to know those who will benefit the most from the content of the blog.

The email sign-ups ought to be focused on a kind of audience. The aim is not to build a list just for the sake of building a list.

The goal of making the email list is to communicate with people through the blog about specific topics.

This is why it’s essential that the theme of your blog is one that you have a passion for. Your passion radiates out to the readers, they become interested in the site, and they want to come back for more. So, they sign up to your email list.

Strategy 2: Ask People

4 Ideas for Gaining More Email List Subscribers
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The strategy of asking people can grow your list to 100 subscribers in less than 30 days.

Be bold to ask family, friends, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pals to join your list. Reach out to those you’ve exchanged emails in the past.

But wait, there’s more! You can reach out to those forums on social media that will find the content of your blog valuable.

If the blog is based on men’s fashion and lifestyle, reaching out to forums with more active men will be strategic.

Read also: How This Female Blogger Tripled Her Traffic and Income

Strategy 3: A Clear Blog

A small blog owner interested in gaining the first 100 email subscribers ought to ensure that the blog site is clean.

That is, the blog should have easy readability. It should be enticing to the eyes without tons of unnecessary add-ons and sidebars.

It is advisable that you pay attention to the designs of blogs that you gravitate towards.

The general layout, fonts, and colors of the site, there must be a reason why these blogs are attractive to you. Figure out these reasons and apply them to your blog.

Picture a blog that is clear and beautifully designed. Such a blog is what will drive people to sign-up to the email list.

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Strategy 4: Visibility

Make it easy for readers to sign up to your email list! Let there be sign-up forms on your website.

You can have them around the nooks and crannies of the site as well as the sidebar. Hiding the sign-up form from readers’ sight is going to harm your email list.

News flash: People see a form for five to six times before they fill it. So, reminding them is a must!

Let me take a wild guess; you might be concerned about being a bother. Well, the simple solution is to make it so that those who have signed up to the list already do not see the sign-up boxes.

The form can be a pop-up so that when the visitors are about to leave the website, the form pops up. Just imagine that!

More also, let the signing up process be easy and not too complicated. Interested signees could give up if the process appears complex.

Read also: How This Mom Earns $10K/Month from Her Blog

Strategy 5: Freebies

The temptation is all that is needed for some blog visitors to offer up their email address. So, to get the numbers on your email list, you need to offer freebies to new visitors and even to the old ones for remaining “loyal”.

The freebie could take on different forms. It could be limited offers or reward programs.

For instance, you can offer free reads to the first 100 subscribers. eBooks, Video tutorials, calendars, checklists, and planners are actionable freebies which are useful to the readers but do not cost the blog anything.

Offering a free email course is another option. So, yes, a travel-based blog could offer an introductory course wherein subscribers on the email list receive course updates bi-weekly.

Readers will more likely take advantage of a freebie offer if it has a short duration span. You can also get the readers interested enough to sign up to the list by regularly changing the freebies.

As said earlier, getting the first 100 is not that daunting task. Once you have these; it might become easier for you to sail smoothly in the boat of email list building.

Fact: Right now, you are thinking, ‘Why will someone want to drop the personal detail of their email address to sign up with me?’ “How can I succeed in maximally engaging the subscribers?” ‘Where exactly do I get up to 100 subscribers?’

Trust the process. Do not get overwhelmed; follow all the steps above.

Join the email list building challenge, NOW. Share your experiences to others who will be reading this post for the first time.

About The Author

Lori Wade is a writer for DealRoom blog who is interested in a wide range of spheres from business to entrepreneurship and new technologies. If you are interested in M&A or virtual data room industry, you can find her on Twitter & LinkedIn or find her on other social media. Read and take over Lori’s useful insights!

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Want to grow your email list but just started your new blog? Getting that first 100 email subscribers is an achievable goal for any blogger. Here are the top strategies for building your list: #howtobuildyouremaillist #emailsubscribers #emailmarketingtips #bloggingtips

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