5 Office Remodelling Tips with Productivity in Mind
When it comes to working in an office environment, there are many factors that contribute to motivation and productivity.
Proper lighting, furniture arrangements and the general atmosphere in the workplace are some of the elements that can determine one’s ability to be an effective part of the team.
That’s why experts are now saying that, since every business solely relies on the performance of its employees, it’s crucial to constantly update the office space in order to satisfy the needs of the workers.
With this in mind, we have prepared a list of essential renovation tips that will help boost the productivity of your company. Let’s take a look.
Proper lighting
First things first, one of the main factors that influence the mood and productivity levels in a company is adequate lighting.
Just imagine having to sit behind a computer for a longer period of time where the lights are too dim causing you headaches and eye strain. However, the same negative results can occur even when the lights are too bright, or if there is not enough daylight to naturally stimulate your employees.
Therefore, we recommend investing in large windows which will open up your office and let the sunrays in. On top of that, you can invest in ambient lighting which will have a soothing effect on the workers and tie the whole place together.
Opt for an open floor plan
Another important design trend is to get rid of a cubicle-based plan and go for a more open one. Experts say that the transition to an open floor plan has tremendously improved the workers’ productivity and creativity by promoting more communication and creating an inviting ambience in the office.
Therefore, if your workplace still uses cubicle walls, it’s time to break those down and replace them with big tables where your employees can face each other so that they don’t have to stand when they need to talk to someone. Additionally, opting for spacious circle tables will improve cooperation and equality among the staff.
Essential office accessories
In order for your employees to work efficiently, they need to have the proper tools. With the development of technology, the demand for high-end supplies has increased drastically and every successful entre
preneur knows how important it is to acquire these for their workers. For example, every desk should be stocked with high-quality affordable office supplies like staplers, folders, pens, etc. so that your employees can have them at hand and not run to the supply cabinet every five minutes.
Not only will they work more efficiently owing to this, but your employees will feel more appreciated and thus ready to go the extra mile to finish all the tasks on time.
The modern break room
It is common knowledge how important it is for employees to take a rest every once in a while and go to the break room to grab some refreshments before heading back to give their best.
However, not everyone wants to unwind in the same way as their fellow co-workers. For instance, some people just want to get lost in their thoughts and be at peace. For this reason, we recommend investing in a yoga studio with a professional trainer who will teach lessons and
On the other hand, some people like to have fun during breaks over a game of table tennis and pool which makes opting for a game room a sure way to go. Make sure to explore various break room designs until you find the one that suits your employees’ desires the most.
The new office kitchen
No one can work on an empty stomach, especially when it’s a full-time job which requires eight or more hours of hard work a day.
Most importantly, busy people don’t have the time to stay at home and cook healthy meals before going to work. Instead, most of the food they consume is junk food which is not only unhealthy, but can be heavy, leaving them feeling bloated and fatigued.
Therefore, if you don’t want your employees to eat unhealthy and feel unenergetic all the time, make sure to invest in an office cantina where food will be prepared during the whole day.
Finally, another great solution would be to invest in office kitchen appliances like smoothie and vending machines, refrigerators, microwaves, etc. So that your employees can prepare or warm up their food themselves.
As you can see, it’s not so hard to raise the productivity and motivation in your office with a simple remodelling project. All that’s needed is genuine care for your employees’ well-being and needs. Lastly, don’t forget to treat your workers to something a little extra. Good luck with your renovation and all the best in your future endeavours.
About The Author
Sophia Smith is an Australia-based fashion, beauty and lifestyle blogger. She is very passionate about photography, interior design and DIY projects.