5 Ways to Save Money During a Recession

Happiness by Design: How to Find Well-Being at Home

5 Ways to Save Money During a Recession

Year after year, the pursuit of well-being has as its object the rational organization of the spaces in which one lives.

According to numerous researches, interior design is a fundamental tool for immediate well-being. For this reason, on social networks such as Facebook and (above all) Instagram, there are more and more photos with a furniture theme.

Recently, many philosophies have developed following the concept that unites outdoor spaces and psychology. Below is a brief insight into interior design, with some tips on finding well-being at home.

Eastern Beauty

At the basis of interior design, there is thoughtful attention to the smallest details of the interior spaces. The feed of Instagram often returns photos of living spaces featuring bright, pastel colors and beautiful plants.

Often and willingly, the photographs uploaded to Instagram testify to some of the most widespread trends at an international level, including those from Eastern countries.

Marie Kondo’s Teaching

“The magical power of tidying up” is the book from which the KonMari method originated. The work of the Japanese writer Marie Kondo soon became an authentic world bestseller, inspiring thousands of families even in Western nations.

The KonMari method consists of rearranging the wardrobe and the objects in the house to be comfortable. Considering the success achieved, the philosophy devised by Marie Kondo hit the target.

People who follow the KonMari method get rid of unnecessary objects to make room both at home and in their own life. In fact, according to the Japanese writer, only if you put the old behind you can you make room for the new.

Decluttering: A Way Of Life

Some scientific research has shown that having fewer objects in the house gives a sense of greater breath, both about furnishings and from a psychological point of view.

The concept of decluttering is related to eliminating the superfluous when even the simple ordering is no longer sufficient due to too many objects accumulated over time. So, if you live inside a house where wardrobes, shelves, and furniture are all occupied, the step to take is decluttering, which can be assimilated as a real lifestyle.

Life In The Kitchen 

Wallpaper is a decorative element that is back in fashion and comes in many variations, suitable for different styles. After giving you our tips for using it creatively in the bedroom and bathroom, today, we will tell you how to use wallpaper in the kitchen.

Very modern kitchens risk being cold and aseptic. Perhaps, with the thought of avoiding confusion and keeping everything clean and tidy, you too have furnished yours in a somewhat impersonal way.

If you want to renovate it at a low cost without upsetting the decor, the wallpaper will help you. Whether you have a designer kitchen in a classic, vintage, or industrial style, there are now types of wallpaper that match every style. Let’s see together five ideas to use in an original way and line with your home.

Playing With Colors

Colors can be used to change the perception of a room and a space. It makes it look bigger or smaller, wider or narrower, and can emphasize different parts to create the right mood. Here we have illustrated how working with colors on different surfaces can be useful for your project:

A recent study promoted by the University of Texas has shown that achieving well-being is not enough just to tidy up spaces and eliminate the superfluous, but also to play with colors.

Research participants from the American University put turquoise and antique pink at the top of their favorite color scale because they regenerate equanimity. Mint green and aqua green were placed in second place, confirming the positive trend of recent years. Finally, the third position for the classic cream and beige colors.

Consider Living in The Country

There are lots of reasons to live in the city these days. There’s public transport, there are plenty of job opportunities, and you’re close to downtown which means fantastic nightlife and lots of people to meet.

But with that said, it’s hard to ignore life outside of major cities. In fact, so many of us grow up in densely-populated cities and it’s hard to even imagine what life could be like out in the countryside.

Here are some hard-to-ignore benefits that could convince you to at least consider living in the country.

It’s surprisingly affordable

When you look at locations such as Charters Towers, you’ll realise that you could get a lot more space for the price that you pay.

There are so many fantastic deals for large properties out in the country and you could get a lot more space for the price you’re paying. This lets you house a much larger family and it gives you so much more room to carry out personal projects like having a home gym or a large private garage.

If you’re tired of the cramped and overpriced houses and apartments in the city, then why not consider moving out into the country?

The air is cleaner

City environments tend to be heavily polluted because of all the cars and machines that are operating. The emissions and pollutants pumped into the environment can slowly cause health problems, especially if you’re exposed to them every day.

In fact, there’s so much air and light pollution that it can be difficult to even see the sky at night. When you move to the country, you’ll notice a drastic improvement in air quality and you’ll be able to clearly see the stars in the sky at night. This can be a huge improvement in both health and wellbeing.

You’re surrounded by nature

One of the biggest reasons why people love the idea of retiring abroad is because they get to surround themselves in an unfamiliar environment that is away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Thankfully, you don’t need to move to another country to get this feeling. Instead, why not move away from the city and surround yourself with all of the beautiful sights of the countryside?

Living closer to nature gives you easy access to outdoor activities like camping and hiking, and you don’t have to pay an overpriced fee just to put up a tent somewhere.

It’s quieter

If you’re tired of busy city noises then why not consider moving out to the country? There are far fewer vehicles and the noisiest thing you’ll hear are birds chirping or the winds blowing around you.

A quiet life like this can be extremely relaxing and could reduce your stress levels, especially if you’re exhausted from your daily commute and work-related activities. This also means that you have a lot more privacy when compared to living in a densely-packed city environment.

Follow The Rules Of Feng Shui

According to Chinese culture, Feng Shui or “wind” and “water” are equivalent to health, happiness, peace, and prosperity, all elements that enter our homes since spaces are organized harmoniously.

We have talked about eliminating the superfluous. We have written about colors. Now we come to the other important characteristic of harmony in the home, which is mirrors.

According to Feng Shui, mirrors can hinder the flow of positive energies.

For this reason, visible mirrors should not be placed in the bedroom. Having a mirror near your bed may make it difficult to sleep. 

A valid suggestion in this regard could consist in placing the mirror on one of the internal doors of the wardrobe or in a corridor outside the room dedicated to the night’s rest.

While, regarding the choice of materials, only natural materials such as wood, stone, and metal should be adopted, avoiding all plastic materials.

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