7 Creative and Easy Ways to Repurpose Blog Content

7 Creative and Easy Ways to Repurpose Blog Content

7 Creative and Easy Ways to Repurpose Blog Content

One of my favorite things about being a blogger is that there’s always a new blog monetization method to try and it usually has something to do with content creation.

As a blogger, you complete many tasks on a daily basis but before anything else, you’re a publisher.

At any point of my blogging journey, I was creating content for my blog, courses, email list, Pinterest, other social media channels, sales pages, my About page, etc. All that combined is the foundation of my brand and becomes part of my blogging business.

If you’re currently creating content only for your blog in the form of blog posts, you might be missing out. Because updating old content and republishing it can help you improve your rankings. Sending a helpful email to subscribers can lead to building stronger relationships with your audience. Writing a review for a product you loved can boost affiliate sales. Creating a few Pins for a blog post can make it go viral and get tons of traffic which will turn into ad revenue, email subscribers, loyal readers and potential product sales.

Luckily, you don’t always have to create the content from scratch. Often, especially once you have a lot of articles on your blog and writing becomes easy, you can repurpose blog content.

What Does It Mean to Repurpose Blog Content

Repurposing content means transforming existing content into a new format so you can share it on another platform, engage followers, reach a new audience, grow your brand, offer something to the readers who prefer visual, audio or video content, etc.

There are so many benefits to this and so many ways to do it. One thing is sure though – repurposing content can save you a lot of time and can be the solution to appearing on more than 1 channel and sharing your message in multiple ways.

Sometimes, reusing content you’ve already published and transforming it into something else might take as little as a few minutes, as you’ll see from the examples below. Other times, it might be a bigger project (but which will offer your readers something amazing and might add another income stream to your online business).

Even if you don’t have much content on your blog yet, you can begin repurposing as soon as possible so you can see how it works, get better at it, and – ultimately – make it a permanent part of your content marketing strategy. 

It might take time to learn what performs best, what day of the week or time of the day is best for different social media channels, and what’s the best way to promote a certain topic (maybe an infographic performs 10x better than a long blog post). 

The good news about repurposing content is that the hard work is already done – the main idea is there, the content is outlined, written, published and shared with the world.

Oftentimes you’ll get amazing feedback just from 1 blog post, which means you have to keep sharing that piece elsewhere and introduce it to new audiences so it can reach its full potential and get more traffic.

The whole point of this is to grab something you’ve already shared on your blog, update it or just change its format, and give it new life. Your readers and followers won’t get tired of seeing the same ideas over and over again, as long as they are in a different format, refreshed and created specifically for the platform you’ll share them on.

Now, let’s see some creative and easy ways to repurpose blog content.

Ways to Repurpose Blog Content

1. Turn your blog into a book.

Did you ever consider that? It might sound like a big investment of your time and resources, but really, it’s not.

There are now services that allow you to do that in a few steps. One example is Publishing Parrot. With them, you can gather your best posts or even podcast episodes and turn them into a manuscript, have it edited and formatted, and distribute your eBook on all major publishing platforms.

That can take you from a blogger to a published author in no time.

2. Create a mini course.

You might not have considered becoming a course creator just yet, but it might be easier than you think. As with most other projects related to blogging, content creation is the hard part again.

But you already have the content on your blog. Now, gather a few pieces on the same topic (one that you know is in demand), join an online course platform (I use and recommend Teachable), and turn your blog posts into course lectures.

Create your sales page, it can be a free or paid product depending on how much value it provides and what your goals are, and start sharing it with your audience so they can enroll.

Read also: How Krista Makes 6 Figures as a Full-Time Course Creator

3. Republish your content on more platforms.

A fun thing you can do to get more exposure and build authority in your niche is to get your best blog posts and republish them (even keep them exactly as they are) on platforms like Medium and LinkedIn Pulse.

Just don’t forget to mention that the article originally appeared on your blog and link to the original source.

Read also: How Kanika Found Clarity and Aligned Her Content Creation and Branding

4. Turn one article into multiple social media posts.

Most bloggers don’t utilize social media as much as possible and don’t distribute their content correctly.

See, 1 blog post can turn into a series of tweets, mini-posts for LinkedIn, Pinterest graphics, Facebook updates, quotes for Instagram, and so much more.

That might be time-consuming but it’s a much better investment of your time than creating multiple short articles on your site and waiting for them to rank.

You never know where your next reader will come from, so it’s important to speak to them on every channel and let them find you in their favorite Facebook group, through Pinterest, or via the right hashtags on Insta. 

Read also: 7 Silly Pinterest Mistakes I Was Making

5. Create an infographic for your blog post.

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When talking about repurposing content, we can’t skip visuals. There are many ways to turn existing articles into visual content, and one great opportunity to get traffic and attention is to design an infographic and include the main points of the post in it.

With a free tool like Canva, that can happen easily. Use one of their templates, add your brand colors, use your voice, and include different elements together with the text to make it look good.

That will do well on Pinterest (with the right description and title so people can find it) and can earn you plenty of backlinks (you can even start reaching out to website owners and offer them to include your infographic in a blog post to add more value to it).

And if that’s not enough, here are 40 infographic submission sites to make sure it gets the attention it deserves.

6. Start a podcast.

There are more people out there wanting all that you have to share on the topics you cover on your blog, so why not get to the podcast lovers by turning your existing blog posts into audio?

If you don’t mind the tech aspect of podcasting and are ready for a new challenge, you can give it a try and start your own show. Eventually, you might see a lot of listeners subscribing to it on iTunes or other platforms and eagerly waiting for your next episode.

Some bloggers and business owners started a podcast on the side but later it became their biggest asset and the most popular way for them to promote their services (like coaching or courses, for example). 

7. Record videos.

This list won’t be full without mentioning video content, because each article on your blog can easily be turned into a short video. Simply talk about the main points in the article and share it on YouTube where 2 billion people are highly engaged with videos every month.

If you don’t feel like being in front of the camera, that’s fine too. You can create a simple presentation and record the slides while you talk about each. You can also record your screen if the video will be a tutorial. 

With the right topic, good video content and the right optimization techniques, you can get many views and even visitors to your blog.

So that’s how repurposing blog content works, why it’s beneficial, and how you can do it like a pro. These are just 7 out of the many creative ways to repurpose content on your blog and give it new life. There’s a lot more you can think of.

You don’t always have to create content from scratch. Often, you can repurpose blog content. Here are some great ways to do it: #howtorepurposeblogcontent #repurposingblogcontent #blogtips #contentmarketing #writingtipsforbloggers #howtopromoteyourcontent #contentcreationideas

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