Traveling 40 Countries in 4 Years and Running 7-Figure Businesses: The Laptop Lifestyle of Yuli Azarch
This is an interview with Yuli Azarch.
1. Hey, Yuli. Tell us a bit about yourself and your background.
I’m Yuli, a serial entrepreneur and world traveler. I grew up in Israel and in the last 4 years, I’ve been traveling around the globe.
I became really passionate about online business around the age of 20 when I started my first business venture. It was then that I started to really open up to developing myself.
I wasn’t happy with my life or where I was. But through books and audiobooks, I basically started my first online business while in the Israeli army. Since then, I’ve had many failures and successes and kept building up from there.
Long story short, in the last 4 years I have traveled all around the world – being in 10 countries per year and living a great lifestyle – and have built 2 7-figure businesses.
Read also: How to Become a Digital Nomad and Travel The World
2. How did you begin making money online and working remotely?
I had many opportunities, but I knew it all had to be online and that I wanted to travel the world. Knowing what you want specifically really helps.
At the time, when I was looking for what to build online, I got introduced to the many business models, such as affiliate marketing, for example. There are a million ways to make money online and I was just trying one after another.
The remote work started thanks to my desire to have a location independent business – work I could do from anywhere in the world.

3. What was your first online business idea and how did you start?
My first online business was an eBay/Amazon dropshipping business which I started when I was 20. The idea wasn’t actually mine but came from the friend I started the business with.
We were at his house one day just chatting. I was sharing the books that were helping me with self-development and he just told me: ‘Hey, there’s a profitable opportunity with eBay. We can do this. Let’s go and start it.”
I said yes right away and we started executing. First researching by reading blogs on the topic and then came the action part where we actually started to build the business.
4. How do you define a rich lifestyle?

A rich lifestyle is a lifestyle designed for me. That’s my definition. A lifestyle of my choice.
Why laptop lifestyle? Because the world allows us to be more and more location independent.
The internet has opened the doors to more millionaires and billionaires than ever before. There isn’t a better time to be alive, to having an online business & living your ideal lifestyle. And that’s why I created my personal blog Rich Laptop Lifestyle.
What’s right for me, though, won’t necessarily work for other people. That’s my general definition. How it looks in reality in my case is this: a strong connection to nature. For example, as I’m doing this interview, I’m living by the beach.
Whatever I do with my life, I always try to be by the beach or close to the mountains and have easy access to nature.
I also want to have as much time as I can for myself so I can choose how I work and how long I do it.
If I choose to work more, it’s my decision and no one is really forcing me. This way I get to decide how many hours I work.
A great lifestyle is also one where I have a great apartment. I think that’s really important as it’s the first step to creating a nice environment. You need a decent place that can support you and allow you to have a rich life.
I’m in a really good place right now and that’s where I spend a big chunk of my day.
The next element is to have the freedom to be anywhere in the world.
5. What did you learn after working remotely for so many years?
Working remotely is still working. It doesn’t matter if you’re in an office or working from home, you’re still putting in the work.
The world is changing in such a way that there’s no need for people to be around. While you can be anywhere, you still need to do the work. If you’re just hanging out in Mexico, where I’m at right now, you still have to do it. And I work a lot here.
Next, you have to take care of your habits and routines. These are really crucial.
As I choose to work remotely, I travel to a new location and I change things. The best thing to do to settle down, ensure I’m able to work properly and establish myself at that place really quickly, is to develop some habits and routines that I’ll stick to day in and day out.
This is essential and much better than letting the days, weeks and months go by.
6. What’s the one daily ritual that helps you get a lot done and stay sane?
I would say my morning routine, especially as I was traveling a lot in the last 4 years. I always stuck to it.
Every morning, I meditate for 20 minutes, journal, work out, and take a cold shower. I’d then do deep breathing and focus on things I’m grateful for.
All those practices combined are my morning routine and I know that whatever else happens, I will take care of myself in the morning thanks to that.
With a ritual like that, I’m able to start the day insanely fresh. It keeps me completely sane even on the insane days.
7. How does running a 7-figure online business look like?
Running a 7-figure online business looks exactly the same as running a 6-figure and a 5-figure one.
Yes, you’re making more profit. But at the end of the day, it’s a business.
Whatever kind of business you’re running, I believe it looks the same. I change myself the way I see.
The more people I hire, the more things I do that I enjoy and the less time I spend doing what I don’t enjoy. But in the same way, it’s not much different from running a small business, where you have just a few people working for you.
A 7-figure business is just more established, involves more people on the team, and makes higher revenue.
8. Let’s talk about the importance of having a remote team. Tell us a bit about Trackly.
A remote team is really beneficial for someone like me. Not just me, as you can hire talent all around the world and it helps you do stuff and grow.
Trackly, the product I’m building right now, is helping manage remote teams so you can be more productive and stay on top of your remote team.
There are more and more remote companies popping up. They’ve realized that having a remote team can help you as opposed to limiting yourself to one spot.
Even if you have an office and don’t want to be a remote company, remote employees are really beneficial for the speed of hiring and the talent you can get on board. They can help you progress faster, whatever goal you’re trying to achieve.
9. What are the challenges of having a remote team?
The first challenge is communication – making sure everyone communicates very well with each other.
Since you don’t meet face to face, there’s always communication issues. You need to make sure you communicate exactly what you want via text. There’s often no voice that can help you recognize how the person is feeling.
Different time zones can be challenging too. If you say something to another member of the team in the morning, the other person’s day may be over, which makes communication more difficult.
The fact that you don’t see each other is kind of a people challenge. If you make the effort to see your people by visiting your remote team, though, it can really help overcome this.
10. What do you aim to achieve before turning 30?
I’m 27 right now and I’m going to be 28 in 2 weeks. So in the next 2 years, I’m looking to run an 8-figure business, which is a pretty big goal knowing I’m just getting started with Trackly now. That’s what I aim to achieve and I like to set big goals.
I plan to travel to many other countries and also support many entrepreneurs whom I can help on my end. I also want to be healthier than I am now.
11. How do you find work/life balance when living the travel life?
I travel with my wife, which I think really helps me find work/life balance as she gets me away from the computer. If it wasn’t for her, I might be working a lot.
Not doing it alone helps especially when living the travel life.
Another thing that’s allowing me to make the most out of work and life is living by the beach. For instance, after I do this interview, I’d got to the sauna or head to the beach. I can work all day, but I also nurture myself.
One important element of this is to actually live on the beach so I can have easy access to the things allowing me to enjoy life and take care of myself.
When I’m mostly traveling, it’s hard to work too much. Naturally, you’ll pay more attention to the traveling part and this too brings balance.
12. What are the books and people who inspired you along the way?
Tony Robbins is a huge inspiration to me. Along with that, I’ll add Tim Ferris and Richard Branson. These are the 3 people I really look up to.
A few books I can think of are
The 4-Hour Workweek;
The 1 Thing (a wonderful business book so many business leaders often go back to);
The Lean Startup by Eric Rees (it taught me how to use the build-measure-learn method to build businesses and shifted how I looked at everything);
Deep Work by Cal Newport (the book that affected me in the last year).