In order to understand what a Limited Liability Company Tax ID is, you must first understand what a Limited Liability company is.
A limited liability company (LLC) is a title that only businesses within the United States can hold.
An LLC means that the company is entitled to the protections and benefits of a corporation, but the taxes are passed on to the individual, such as it would be in a sole proprietor company or a partnership.
While every state has its own rules and regulations regarding LLC, the standard is the same. We offer an EIN number lookup for the purpose of finding LLC’s or verifying or tracking your EIN number.
A limited liability company in any state needs to apply for and obtain an employer identification number.
A limited liability company in any state needs to apply for and obtain an employer identification number. In order to apply for a North Carolina tax ID number, our online application is simple and easy to use.
Every LLC is responsible for obtaining an EIN number. The numbers are issued by the IRS, but IRS-EIN-Tax-ID can make the application process a breeze.
We offer an easy to use online application that is processed in twenty-four hours when the application is completed prior to 7 pm.
You will receive your LLC EIN number promptly and can begin using it right away, except for tax purposes, which can take approximately two weeks to receive. Your EIN number, in the meantime, can help you open a business bank account and apply for credit cards, permits, etc.
Once you start an LLC and your company is ready to obtain an EIN number, contact IRS-EIN-Tax-ID so that we can help you throughout the process.
Begin by completing the online application process and let us process your request in a timely manner and have you ready to go in no time.
It’s best to be sure your company or organization is formed legally before you apply for a tax ID.
All organizations are subject to automatic revocation of their tax-exempt status if they are not able to submit required return or notices for three consecutive years.
A tax ID number is not required if you operate LLC with no employees. In that case, you can use your own Social Security Number as a tax ID.
But you must get an EIN if you are a sole proprietor who files excise tax returns or pension. Non-partner employees are also required to have tax ID numbers.
If you can’t locate the Tax ID Number for your company, there are several ways to find it. The best way is to look at your company records when you applied for an EIN. The IRS issued you a computer-generated notice that confirmed your application.
Your EIN should be on this notice. If you can’t find this notice, contact your organization’s bank. Your Company Tax ID was required to open the business bank account, and the bank should be able to provide the number to you.
If you’re still unable to find your EIN, you can contact the IRS directly at 800-829-4933 from 7 AM to 10 PM, Monday to Friday.
Once the IRS has established you are an authorized representative of your company, they will provide you with your tax ID number.