How to Get Paid to Do What You Love
Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. ~ Confucius
Are you doing what you love? Are you making a living from it?
Unfortunately, most people aren’t. Actually, the average person thinks it’s impossible to do what you love and make money from it.
But I think it is.
This self-limiting belief itself is something that prevents you from even trying to make a change in your current lifestyle.
And the only way to achieve the impossible is to believe it’s possible.
I think everyone is good at something he loves doing and has the chance to make it his dream job. It may not be easy, but it’s absolutely possible.
What’s more, it’s something you need to do in order to live a happy fulfilling life.
You owe it to yourself, to the people you love – as this way you’ll be a better person and will have great relationships, and to the world and society in general – because you’ll be doing what you’re good at, will be inspiring others to do the same and will contribute beyond yourself.
In his free eBook The Zero Hour Workweek, Jonathan Mead explains how possible it is to start getting paid to exist.
It’s titled this way because once you find what you love and start making an income from it, you’ll no longer consider that work. And you’ll never need to work a day in your life, but will still make money, help others, follow your passion and contribute to the world.
Here’s how he summarizes his main idea:
“It’s about getting paid to be who you are by leveraging your unique strengths, doing what you love, and finding a way to channel that so you can provide value to others while you’re doing it.”
And here are the main strategies he employed to start living a life like that:
1. Have a clear message.

Everything starts with a purpose. Without having something we’re passionate about, for which we’re ready to make sacrifices and take action every single day, we won’t achieve anything that will last long or find satisfaction.
You need to define what it is that you want the most and how you can reach others that are passionate about the same thing.
This can happen by thinking of what makes you feel alive, the things you enjoy doing and the people you resonate with, that want to see the same change in the world and need your help.
Your message must be crystal clear, remarkable, unique and shareable with others.
2. Connect with the right people.
As a part of his personal story, Jonathan mentions that targeting his message to the people in his field that are enthusiastic about the same things has been one of the biggest keys to his success.
It’s important to speak to the right audience and reach only those who are interested in what you’re saying, who’ll give you feedback, who care about the same things and who you’d love to have as readers/clients/virtual friends/etc.
3. Focus on the important tasks.
Or as he calls it “ruthlessly prioritizing based on highest leverage activities”.
The only way to get paid to exist is to work on your most important tasks every single day. Doing things connected with your final goal will help you move forward and eliminating the unessential will help you stay focused.
Read also: How to Make This The Year Your Business Takes Off
4. Choose only remarkable ideas.
Good ideas are just not good enough. Everyone has many of them every day. But you’ll make a difference if you choose the promising ones and do something to make them come true.
Ignore everything average and focus on something people want to know more about, are willing to share and you can offer your unique value.
5. Build meaningful relationships.
Find influencers and connect with them. But don’t forget to pay attention to people that are around your level too, as they might turn out to be your biggest fans one day.
6. Give people what they want.
The whole thing will be pointless if you’re doing it only for yourself. The point is to help others, give them what they want while doing what you love and making money from it.
Simply find a way to provide value to others by following your passion and doing what you’re good at.
These are the main things you should be considering while trying to build your ideal lifestyle and turn what you love doing into your dream job.
And here are the 3 main things it consists of:
Things you’re good at
It would be perfect if it’s something you’re naturally good at. Or as the writer explains in the eBook:
“We want to find a way to leverage our natural strengths to magnify our passion… By working from your strengths – rather than trying to improve your weaknesses – you’ll be a hundred times more effective.”
Things you enjoy doing
Nothing can be done well if it’s not done with a desire, joy and a positive attitude.
The things you enjoy are the ones you can do forever without getting bored or losing motivation. That’s why you should choose one of them and start making it your main activity and a source of income.
Things you can get paid for
People must need what you can offer them in that field, there must be a market for that if you’re planning to make money from it.
Also, put giving value before getting the money of your followers. Try to offer something unique and helpful and in return people will be glad to pay you for it.
The whole process is not easy – it requires hard work, time and dedication, but it’s simple. And it’s the only way to your dream life.
What about you? Are you getting paid to do what you love?