• 3 Ways to Finding The Right Person for You

    3 Ways to Finding The Right Person for You

    Let’s admit it. Finding the right person for us is one of our life missions. Living in denial doesn’t help. You may already be in a relationship where things aren’t going so well, or you never found Mr. right and are desperately trying to make others like you (which is a wrong approach). Whatever your […]


  • A Quick Guide on Avoiding Time Management Mistakes

    How I Made $5,808 from My Blogging Business Last Month (+ Q4 Goals)

    Time management is one of the most powerful tools to organize self-space. It’s widely known these days as a tool of self-organization; almost everyone has heard something about it. However, many of us don’t fully use time management to organize our time effectively. At the same time, this discipline can really help to improve self-efficacy. […]


  • How a Writing Morning Ritual Can Help You Cure Depression

    The Morning Journal: What is It and How to Do It (+ 7 Morning Journal Prompts)

    What if you could cure depression just by writing for a few minutes each morning? After all, it’s just a pleasant activity that takes no time, but which can make you less anxious, stressed and negative over time. That’s absolutely possible. Depression comes in many forms. And it’s never good. But we can take control […]


  • 5 Things Average People Do That Ruin Their Chances for Success

    5 Things Average People Do That Ruin Their Chances for Success

    Average people are those individuals who always go for the easy and fast option, who follow the crowd, live by someone else’s standards, and are pretty much anything successful people have changed about themselves. But the world is full of such individuals. And their mediocrity is contagious. Why? Because society wants you to be successful, […]


  • How to Manage Workload and Never Be Overwhelmed Again

    8 Frugal Living Tips and Ideas to Try - benefits of drinking more water

    I don’t know what your situation is, but I’m sure you want to take your productivity to the next level – both in work and in your personal life, and manage workload in the most effective way possible. There’s always so much to be done and we get stressed, overwhelmed and are on the verge […]


  • What to Do When You Think You Aren’t Good Enough

    What to Do When You Think You Aren't Good Enough

    There are times in life when many outer factors will make you think that you aren’t good enough. And that’s when you’ll need to gather all the self-esteem you have gained while working on yourself and make yourself believe that you are indeed good enough, remind yourself of the powers within and thus get motivated […]


  • Manage Your Money Like A Boss With These 6 Tips

    manage your money like a boss

    They say that money is the root of all evil and that money cannot buy you happiness. These things may or may not be true, but for most people in the modern world certainly NOT having money brings with it a lot of difficult times and sadness. And, for people on a limited income (which […]