The Dream Offer Method [High-Value Offers Audiobook, Part 2]
Welcome to the audiobook experience of my book High-Value Offers: How to Create Desire and Turn Your Course Idea into The Dream Offer for Your Ideal Student.
In this part, we’ll talk about The Dream Offer Method – the simple system I created to go from having just a course idea to an actual offer you’re ready to sell, which people desire, which you’re confident in, and which can become the foundation of your business. You’ll learn more about its stages, Value > Desire > Action.
A high-value offer is one that has a benefit that a specific group of people deeply desire, it allows them to achieve a result that will transform their life, it’s something they want and need.
It consists of the main benefit that people get if they purchase and complete your program, the many other beautiful things that will happen as a result of that and how their whole life will be different some time from now, how they will feel then vs now, as well as how easy and quick this can happen. In this episode, you’ll also do an exercise that will help you determine all of these.
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How to make the most of the Dream Offer Method
It doesn’t need to be complicated.
An offer can be super simple and a new one can be released easily.
For example, you can sell one workshop that solves 1 problem, has a no-brainer price, a short sales page, and you’re so clear about who it’s for and what it can do for them that you don’t need to explain much more. Those it can help will immediately know it’s the product they’ve been looking for.
Releasing a new offer can be as simple as offering a Voxer coaching package. There’s not much prep work. You can just have the vision for it, get excited about it and get it out there. Setting up a sales page can take half an hour and the promo itself can mean just announcing it to your email list and on socials.
An example of enhancing an offer is adding Voxer support to those who purchase your course in the first days.
By doing this, you’re applying powerful marketing and sales principles but at the same time, there’s not much planning, you can turn an idea you come up with one day into a whole new offer or part of an offer the next day. That’s how simple it gets to be.
You can play around, see what your audience reacts well to and do more of that. You can surprise them. Often you don’t lose anything by creating a new offer and getting it out there.
Each time you do it, you can learn so much about what works and what doesn’t and how you feel about it. This gives you data to work with so next time, anything you do can be quicker, easier or more profitable.
How you feel about your offer matters.
The more you believe in your offer, your course and yourself, the more sales you’ll have. That’s why we are doing so much before creating your product.
You want to make sure you release something that you yourself would buy. Something that you’re so confident in that you can charge what it’s worth, even if it feels uncomfortable and even if it means it will challenge many people and will turn off those who can’t afford it.
What seems to be working for others might not work for you. Over time, you’ll come up with your combination of offer elements. You can always keep enhancing it and updating it and that’s why selling 1 course doesn’t need to be a boring business model.
You can do so much with it, create excitement about the offer in a new way every next time, help those who weren’t sure the last time take the leap now and enroll, and so much more.
Selling is serving.
Value, Desire and Action are also 3 of the most powerful words in business and something I always want you to keep in mind.
It’s easy to create the program we want or the product we wish we once had access to, but ignore what people actually desire. Or not do anything to increase that desire with the right steps such as to know your ideal student so well and to feel what they are feeling and to tell your story in a way that they can relate to. To be able to describe the before and after so well that they can’t wait to buy from you.
Then, when it’s time to sell, you will be taking action and you will be encouraging people to act upon the offer. But it’s easy to forget to put yourself in the buyer’s shows.
Selling is about serving them in a way that allows them to take the most informed decision.
That means figuring out what stops them from buying now, why they think this might not work for them, and what more they need to know or see proof of to make up their mind.
Some will be afraid of the price so a payment plan can help with that, or your guarantee or the crazy amount of value inside. Others might think they don’t have time. So you can point out how the program is created in the most effective way possible, how you have added templates and other resources to save them time so they can see results in no time.
You’re basically coaching people throughout the sales process.
You help them figure out what’s bothering them, what’s stopping them from investing or believing in themselves, and you’re guiding them through shifting those beliefs and being able to take a decision and act now.
You’re doing people a favor by pricing your product higher, by closing the doors to your program in a few days, by limiting the number of spots or releasing a special bonus that only lasts for 24 hours.
All these are things we are going to talk about in the book that make your offer unique, magnetic and profitable. All this is helping the right people go from not knowing if this program is what they need to investing confidently and being excited for the transformation it will provide.