How I Earned $128,386 from Blog Sponsorships Alone in The Last 4 Years

How I Earned $128,386 from Blog Sponsorships Alone in The Last 4 Years

How I Earned $128,386 from Blog Sponsorships Alone in The Last 4 Years

If you’re here, chances are you already have a blogging business and want to increase your revenue or are just interested in how blog sponsorships work and how to get started with them.

Here’s my journey with sponsored blogging and how I made over 6 figures solely from that one income stream in the last years:

Earlier this month, I dug deeper into my business numbers.

I was doing my November income report, preparing my new course on blog sponsorships, but also wondered how much I’ve earned since 2018 (as that’s the first year when I began tracking every number in my business and publishing a detailed monthly income report on the blog).

I was curious how much of it came from blog sponsorships alone. I spent some time diving into the numbers and had a lot of fun with them.

Then I looked at the total amount: $128,386

This was a cause for celebration. We’re often so focused on the current month, our revenue goal or the next launch, that we fail to celebrate the other numbers and milestones in our business.

For example, I’ll never forget the first time I had a $5K month as a full-time blogger.

I’ll also never forget the feeling of hitting over 1 million page views on the blog (that was in 2019). 

Replacing my income from freelance writing with the revenue from the blog back in 2018 was the Freedom milestone for me as it meant I never had to work for clients anymore.

But one thing has always stood out, mostly because 80% of bloggers (big or small) have no idea how it works, whether it’s legit at all, and how to get started with it.

That’s blog sponsorships – the special income stream I created early on that has been paying my bills ever since, and which sort of feels like passive income as it gives the freedom to work on anything else I desire (in this case, my online course business).

Let me and my blog be the proof that earning from blog sponsorships is a real thing and anyone can do it.

This is also a good example of why I say owning a platform such as your own blog on the Internet is powerful AF!

Most give up early on, others want quick results and get discouraged quickly. But those who keep growing the blog (for years!), know what it means to reap the benefits.

We’re talking passive income streams for the rest of your life, building a name for yourself, starting any new business you feel like and still using your blog as the foundation of your brand. 

One special course I’ve had in mind has been in the making for some time now. It’s finally here. It’s called The Blog Sponsorship Boss and it’s my gift to the blogging industry. 

It’s where I disclose it ALL so you can start earning money by partnering with brands as a blogger and turn that into recurring revenue. So you too can earn 6 figures solely from that one blog monetization method over the next years.

the blog sponsorship boss course

Doors are open as of right now.

The Blog Sponsorship Boss is your one-stop shop for anything related to making money with sponsored content as a blogger (from making your site irresistible to brands and joining marketplaces that offer sponsored opportunities, to reaching out to brands yourself, negotiating your rates, and turning this into a regular income).

This course is a result of years of experience in the sponsored blogging niche and makings tens of thousands of dollars from sponsorships with just 1 blog. If I can do it, you can do it too.

>> To learn more about it, head to this page.

Let me share a story.

Back in 2013, I started a self-improvement blog called Let’s Reach Success.

I wasn’t tech-savvy. I didn’t know anything about blogging. I didn’t know this could turn into a profitable venture. English is my second language. I had no money to invest in expensive programs. And no one else in my life was doing anything similar.

What I had was a desire to write, a lot to say, and an idea of what my niche is – personal growth.

So I was hobby blogging for the first 2 years (using a domain I didn’t even own) and learning more about the industry. Meanwhile, I was using these articles as my portfolio to do freelance work for clients (this was my first step to earning an income online and getting a glimpse of the self-employed life).

After that, I decided to take the blog more seriously, learn ALL I can about this business model, and to one day become a full-time blogger.

I started using better tools, writing better content, building a name for myself, getting more traffic, growing my readership, monetizing in different ways, and much more.

Later, I replaced my freelance income with my blog income and doubled down on what I love the most – creating content for my own platforms.

Here are some fun milestones that I hit over the next years:

  • Creating passive income streams
  • Earning $50K a year as a blogger
  • Getting over 100,000 page views in one month
  • Having regular $5K months and working minimum hours
  • Building an engaged audience
  • Earning over $1000 from a sponsored collaboration with a brand
  • Being named one of the top course creators and experts to watch in 2021 by Yahoo! News

But that didn’t happen smoothly. I wasted a ton of time. I learned a lot from different sources and mentors and not all of it was useful. I took courses. I experimented and learned from experience.

Each income stream took me years to build. But you don’t need to go through the same. I now love using my experience to help others cut the learning curve in half and get to action!

Sponsored posts have a special place in my heart as it’s the income stream that worked best for me.

I’ve earned a total of $128,386 from blog sponsorships alone in the last 4 years.

Everything I’ve learned about this income stream comes from experience. I’ve learned a lot from experts and have taken many courses on business and blogging, but none of them taught me this exact monetization method. There isn’t much free content on it either.

In fact, fellow bloggers (full-time ones, who are already doing great) have reached out to me multiple times and asked about my success with sponsored content and whether this is a legit way to make money.

I believe it is. And I believe the information in the Blog Sponsorship Boss can’t be found anywhere else. At least, I haven’t found it, and I’m quite the reader and researcher.

Bloggers don’t usually disclose their partnerships with brands. And while you might see a big number earned through sponsored blog posts in their income reports, you don’t really know where it comes from.

There’s a lot of confusion in the sponsored blogging niche and I’m about to help you connect the dots so you too can use the full potential of your blog and start earning money through sponsored blog posts.

You can earn hundreds of dollars for one article, like me, and that can increase and reach thousands for one order when you grow.

Also, it’s something that must be strategized, reflected on and planned. Otherwise, you risk being scammed, lowering your rates, not negotiating the conditions, and more.

But it’s your blog we’re talking about and you’re the one in charge here. Brands and individuals must be reaching out to you because of the platform you’ve worked hard to build and grow. They have a budget for that (even if they don’t share it in the first few times you communicate). So you must be firm, have higher rates, and know what’s fair and what isn’t.

Here’s the thing.

I get a dozen emails on a daily basis from people who want to collaborate with me and want to publish their content on my blog. I stopped accepting free guest posts a long time ago, and now only accept sponsored content.

I’ve raised my rates, choose carefully who I work with, get paid in advance and am in charge of anything that goes into this collaboration.

But it wasn’t always like that.

I’ve been underpaid. I’ve chased clients for payments. I’ve received bad content. I’ve answered other people’s expectations. I wondered where to find new opportunities for sponsored content. I was afraid to charge more.

I’ve experienced all the challenges that come with this income stream, and I’m here to save you the unpleasant emotions.

In the Blog Sponsorship Boss, I share all I know about earning from sponsored articles on your blog and working with brands. I’ll take you behind the scenes with me and reveal all the numbers, content, negotiations, the bad clients, the good clients, the emails I get, the marketplaces I’m part of, the pitch I used when I was reaching out to brands myself, the elements on my site that make it attractive to brands, and so much more.

If you’ve already been blogging for some time and are earning in different ways, I’d love to help you add this income stream to your blogging business.

What’s different about this course compared to my other programs and offers is that it’s super tactical. There’s no mindset work, journal prompts, bonuses that give extra content on related topics, etc.

It delivers on the promise I make – to teach you how to start making money with blog sponsorships, find and pitch brands and get paid every time.

The format of this course is also different due to its actionable nature and the fact it’s mostly strategies I share inside. Each lecture is as digestible as possible – no fluff, we directly get to the point and in a few minutes (5-15) you walk away with something that has taken me years to realize, create and optimize, and which you can put into practice right away.

That’s what made it easier to create than other programs where I prefer to cover every single detail about the topic, share the What and Why before getting into the actionable tips, and make some videos longer and with as much detail as I can.

This course also includes more behind the scenes information than anything else I’ve created. You’ll see many screenshots from emails where I negotiate rates and conditions with brands, turn a No into a Yes, spot bad clients right away, stay true to myself and say No even if it means leaving a lot of money on the table, and turn outreach emails for free content into paid collaborations with ease.

>> To learn more about the Blog Sponsorship Boss, check out this page.

I’ve discussed possible collaborations and/or partnered with hundreds of brands and clients over the years.

I’ve analyzed the reasons why brands like my site and are willing to pay me for sponsored blogging. And now, I’m here to help you do the same.

My goal with this course is to give every blogger the chance to scale their small website to the point where they earn a few thousand dollars per month only from blog sponsorships.

I want to empower you to ask brands to work with you because you will be confident enough in the platform you’ve created. To allow you to make the most of your blog and see its full earning potential.

If that resonates with you and you’re ready to add this special income stream to your blogging business, I can’t wait to see you inside The Blog Sponsorship Boss.

Prefer to listen to this article instead? Tune into the episode below:

Want to earn money from sponsored posts on your blog? Learn how I've made over $100,000 with blog sponsorships as a blogger:

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