How I Earned $3,292 in 10 Days [Blog Income Report]

It’s been a hot minute since I last published an income report.

To be more specific, the last monthly review I shared with you is from September 2020.

After that I published my annual blog income report, and announced to everyone that this won’t be a monthly practice anymore.

The main reason was that the content was becoming repetitive. And as I’m more focused on online courses now than on the blogging business, I’m not tracking the numbers that much anymore and I’m not working on increasing traffic and revenue as much as I was in the last years.

But these income reports will always remain on the blog and the numbers, strategies, tips and lessons shared in each are still valuable today.

When I announced in the beginning of 2021 that I won’t be sharing my exact numbers every month, some people from my audience were a bit disappointed. That was my most interesting piece of content and some dedicated readers were looking forward to it every next month.

But I made a promise at the same time. I will do that every now and then, but only when there’s something more unusual, a big win, a new strategy I’ve found to work and which gives me results, etc.

I will start sharing Launch Income Reports at some point, as launches are a big part of my business now. But before that, 2 important pieces are coming your way. This 10-day income report, and the annual one for 2021 (stay tuned!).

Let’s get started.

Why a 10-day income report?

That’s not really a thing, but it’s my mission to show you what’s possible online (especially as a blogger) and encourage you to keep growing your blog.

I always go through my numbers at the end of the month and make a plan for the next one. But throughout the month I also review my finances every 10 days. That helps me stay on track (not just with income but also with expenses) and know the big and small things going on in my business.

I’ve probably had these numbers many times in a 10-day period, but just now I was inspired to share them with you.

Another big reason is the fact that my 4 income steams are present in the payments I received over the course of the first 10 days of November 2021. This means a lot to me as each took me years to build.

I still remember how my income reports looked like when half of my income was coming from freelance writing (client work) and the other half from the blog. That was years ago and then I set the goal of earning not just solely from my platform, but also to have 4 solid income streams (most of which passive).

I got to that point and wanted to share how that looks like behind the scenes.

In income reports, I only track what comes in my bank accounts. Some payments might be from a month or two ago, and over the course of those 10 days I might have technically earned much more, but that will be officially mine in the next year.

That’s just how I like to look at money earned vs money received. There’s no right or wrong, just wanted to clarify this before we get into the numbers.

Another reason why I prepared this 10-day income report is to remind you to think outside of the box. The 30-day months we are used to are for bookkeeping purposes most of the time. But in business, there are no limits to how much you can earn and when.

When I have more successful launches in the future, I’ll eventually share that I earned 5 figures in 5 days. A lot of prep work goes into this, and probably the actual creation of the program continues for weeks after that. But the launch period is 5 days, and that’s when the revenue is generated.

If you only expect the same amount of money every month, you’re limiting yourself. Any next day you can earn what you usually do in 2 months. Money can come from anywhere in business, so keep an open mind.

Okay, now that I said all this, we can move onto the numbers. I’ll share my earnings for the first 10 days of November 2021. 

10-Day Income Report [November, 2021]

Please keep in mind that’s gross income. A lot of it goes for fees I pay to other platforms, transaction fees, paying my own taxes (close to 30% of my income), insurance and pension. You can see all income reports here.

Here are the earnings from each income stream:


Sponsored content – $1,221

Display Advertising

Mediavine  – $830

Ad revenue is directly related to traffic. At some point, I was bringing in $1000-$1200/month (it’s all passive income), but as traffic dropped and possibly the pandemic affected advertisers’ budgets, now it’s lower. 

Read also: How to Make Money with Mediavine (+ Tips to Boost Ad Revenue)

Affiliate Marketing 

Total Affiliate Income: $872


Total Sales: $369

Most months this year my revenue from online courses was close to $1000, which is awesome (it’s my ultimate goal to replace all other income streams with the earnings from digital products). 

The payment always arrives in the first day of the month, but it’s for products sold 2 months ago.

I use Teachable for my products. 

TOTAL (Gross Income): $3,292

Obviously, every month these numbers are different. But what I like is that all 4 income streams work for me and keep being solid regardless of what’s happening with the world, what direction I take, or whether or not I take time off my business.

Sure, the traffic has dropped, but now I’m more focused on engaging with my audience, I spend more time on Instagram and the podcast, I create courses, launch and sell them.

But still, the blogging business has been here for me thanks to the years of strategic action.

Blog Updates from November

I don’t want to leave you only with the numbers, so to make this blog income report juicier, let’s see what I’ve been up to lately.

Celebrated the milestones from October.

Every now and then, I make sure I take a moment to look at what was achieved recently and feel great about it. This energy of gratitude is powerful and can bring more of the same your way.

Too often do we jump from one task or goal to the next and feel like there’s always so much to get done and to achieve. Looking back on what we’ve already accomplished in our business can help us bring the momentum back.

In October 2021 I did some pretty awesome things that I’ve never done before.

For a start, I released a new offer.

I launched my Blog Audit, which is something I’ve never offered before. Anyone who invests in it, gets a professional review of their blogging strategy and all the elements on their website, together with a growth action plan.

I enjoy doing such audits and can finally use all my blogging experience at once. The report you receive from me (which comes in a PDF file) can save you countless hours over the next years, help you fix the mistakes you’ve made with your blog so far, and gives you clear steps on what to do next to increase your traffic and income.

Earlier this year I enrolled in my best and biggest business program yet – Business by Design by James Wedmore, who I see as my main mentor right now. Most of what we do inside is related to creating your offers, launching and running a profitable digital product business.

So I’ve been revamping my existing offers by adding guarantees, urgency and scarcity elements, improving my promo material and preparing for launches better than ever. 

Another awesome thing I did in October is releasing my newest freebie for email subscribers – The Epic Online Course Checklist.

I also created a whole new websiteBold Business School – named after the program I’ll be releasing in 2022. I’m turning it into a new branch of my business with its own brand, so it has its socials, the freebie I mentioned above, and a whole website.

I also finalized its framework.

Then, I left it behind for a bit and won’t start working on the content of the program until January/February as I have many things going on in December.

Updated my free blog course. 

I once had 3 free courses (and thousands of students have enrolled in them over the years). One was on freelancing but I closed its doors long time ago as I don’t really teach that business model anymore.

The other 2 were on blogging and I knew it was time to combine them and offer just 1 free course to people instead of linking to 2 different ones and confusing them. Plus, most of the info was similar. 

So, I took ‘Launch Your Profitable Blog Today’ and ‘The Passive Income Boss’ and turned them into ‘The Passive Income Blog Boss’. 

passive income blog boss graphic

It teaches you how to start a blog and monetize it for passive income. I also updated most of the content and added comments (and students immediately started leaving positive ones).

Once it was updated, I promoted it on IG and via email and many new people that didn’t know about it till now enrolled. It’s not a video course, but still it’s quite useful and a great starting point for new bloggers.

Shared my favorite Black Friday deals with my audience. 

Just wrapped up my Black Friday and Cyber Monday promo

It wasn’t a big deal and I didn’t prepare an actual launch. I didn’t discount my products either. 

It’s just the best time of the year to invest in some tools and courses that can tremendously help your business so I had to share my favorite deals with my audience.

That includes writing a blog post about it, sending 2 emails, and sharing the deals on Instagram.

All the products I recommended are something I’ve invested in myself, so I’m also an affiliate for them.

Outlined my newest course and started working on it.

New course coming…. THIS MONTH!

Things are moving quickly when inspiration hits. I surprised even myself this time but in November, I took the decision and created the offer for my new program that will be all about blog sponsorships.

It’s been in the making (as an idea in my mind and the lessons were outlined) for 1 year and the time has finally come.

I’ll teach you all I know about earning from sponsored blog posts, the 1 income stream I get most questions about and which I have the best results with.

I earn $25,000-$35,000/year only from that, and sadly there are many bloggers out there who simply don’t know how to get started with it. I can’t wait to help them!

The launch will be later this month and for the first 6 days, you can get it with $100 off. If you want to be the first one to know about it, make sure you’re on my email list.

If you haven’t joined, use any of the optin forms on this page. But if you want a relevant one to the topic, grab my freebie ‘7 Easy Ways to Start Making Money from Sponsored Posts’.

My Plan for Next Month

Finally, let me end that blog income report with what I plan to get done this month before we end 2021:

Special podcast episode coming!

I calculated how much I’ve earned only from sponsored blogging in the last 4 years. It felt good! I want to share all the details with you in a podcast episode & blog post and you can expect that early next week.

This will also be the warm up before the launch, as obviously this month  I’ll be engaging you with the topic of this income stream.

If you haven’t subscribed to the podcast yet, you can do that here.

Course launch

I have some things to prepare for the launch of the Blog Sponsorship Boss.

The sales page is almost ready and so are the copy and visuals for the promo (which I’ll use for emails and on Instagram).

Course content

I plan to be releasing 1 new module per week, and keep working on the content even after the first students enroll. That’s part of the ‘Monetize Before You Make It’ way to launch a product and I’m a big fan of it. It’s also a cool way to validate an idea.

I’ve outlined all the lessons and what will be covered in each and I don’t need to do further research as there isn’t any info on that online. I will be sharing what I know from experience after working with hundreds of brands over the last years, deciding my own rates (and increasing them multiple times) and conditions, making my site appealing to sponsors, finding out what works and what doesn’t in terms of negotiating and finding new clients, etc.

I just need to get all that knowledge out of my head and package it into a step-by-step course that will help you start making money with sponsored posts.

Travel plans

I’ll be heading back to my home country, Bulgaria, for 2 weeks in December and will be back in the Netherlands before New Year’s Eve. Opposite to what most people do during the Christmas holidays and when traveling, I’m actually planning to do a lot of work daily. I’m in areally good flow and want to create the amazing lessons I’ve planned for the Blog Sponsorship Boss.

The launch will be in the week that I’m traveling (which is next week, oh my god!!!) so things will be more hectic than usual. But if I have all the promo content prepared, there’s nothing else for me to do that week other than sending emails, posting on IG, engaging with people and staying high-vibe.

I won’t be releasing new podcast episodes after the one I mentioned because I won’t have time for that. Creating the content and recording the video lessons for the new course will be my main activity, and the one that takes the most time.

That’s it for this year’s only blog income report. I hope you enjoyed it. Reach out on Instagram @letsreachsuccess and let me know what you think.

Stay tuned for the new podcast episode next week, the new course, and the annual income report coming in January.

See exactly how I made over $3K in 10 days as a blogger, my 4 income streams, what new things I worked on and what's next: #blogincomereport2021 #blogincomereport