How to Keep Control Over Incoming Information
In the 21st-century people get too much information. The human brain is loaded daily with 34 GB of different data.
It comes to us from everywhere: by email, in social networks, advertising posts, TV, radio and so on. Moreover, half of this information is absolutely useless.
We simply can not absorb and process such a volume of content. Also, an important clue can be lost in the flow and never reach its recipient.
Therefore it is necessary to keep control over incoming info. In this post, I’ll give a few simple tips on this.
Regularly check your messages.
This step will be the first and fundamental in the correct organization of the flow of information.
Choose a convenient time for yourself to check your mailbox and messages on the network. Ideally, this may be the first half of the day, because often your plans can depend on some data or message from colleague or friend.
If you can not do this check every day at the same time because of the unstable schedule, then take for a rule to do it in a free minute.
Such a useful habit will help you avoid the accumulation of information and you it will be easier for you to absorb the received.
Filter messages and incoming data.
It is important enough to learn how to filter what you get every day. Disperse unnecessarily and process useful ones.
In many mailboxes (for example Gmail), instant messengers (f.e.Telegram) and social networks there is a function to “Highlight” or “Pin”. Take advantage of this opportunity to not lose important messages or information in the stream.
The function “Delete” is in all applications. Delete unnecessary messages as they arrive, so info will not accumulate and clog your mailbox.
There is one interesting trick; if you received an SMS from an unknown number and did not know whether it is worth responding, you can punch this number over the phone base and use reverse phone number lookup. Such a service can help you to find an email address, location, social media profiles, and even criminal records by the phone number of the owner.
Do not subscribe to newsletters.
A lot of information is sent to us as an advertisement. If you are not interested in news about a particular product, then you should not make out an agreement for advertising messages.
Unfortunately, sites do not always ask permission to send you advertising posts. But there is an option on how to reduce the amount of advertising received.
Do not leave your phone number or e-mail address anywhere. For example: do not leave them on your social networks for general access, do not fill out questionnaires on doubtful websites, and so on.
Your caution will definitely reduce the flow of useless advertising.
Close profiles on social networks.
What is a closed profile on social networks? This is when only your subscribers have access to your account. And to become your subscriber, everyone needs to make a subscription request.
This function is very convenient because your profile is not available for public access and you control the list of your Internet friends.
Moreover, you will have control over incoming information and messages. Before sending messages to the direct mail, the person will need to submit a request to subscribe or to send a message.
You get too much unnecessary information. Therefore, you must learn to control it.
If you follow the tips from my article, it will be much easier to cope with the flow of content. Do not forget that your brain is not rubbery.
I hope you were interested in reading this post and you found something new and useful for yourself.
About The Author
Valerie Malecha is the content manager for Spokeo people research platform focused on helping people research and reconnect with others through access to names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, marital status, and more.