How To Turn Fear into Power and Create Personal Breakthrough

How to Turn Fear into Power and Create Personal Breakthrough

How To Turn Fear into Power and Create Personal Breakthrough

Are you afraid of change? Do you get anxious when you aren’t prepared for something in life? Do you fear failure, think you won’t make it and might get discouraged by those around you?

All this can be turned around with a shift in your mindset. You have all it takes to turn fear into power and I’m now gonna show you how. It will lead to finally being free to take action without overthinking and to create personal breakthrough.

Fear is one of the biggest barriers on the way to success, or to reaching any objective you’ve set. I want you to understand it, make peace with it, deal with it, and let go of it. Here are the steps:

Turn Fear into Power in 4 Steps

1. Learn more about the things you’re afraid of.

I’m a big fan of getting to know yourself so that you can always know why you do what you do. That’s a surefire way to find a solution. It’s key to know what causes your anxiety, stress, negativism or fears. But it gets worse when you just go with any emotion your mind thinks is right for certain situations, without analyzing where it came from and what you can do about it.

Sit down and write it all out. Share the stuff that terrifies you. Then look at what you wrote and try to see it from a different perspective. Some fears will be unreasonable. While others will be a result of a negative factor in your life that you can remove with the right mindset and a plan.

2. Observe your fear.

Now that you saw the big picture, it’s time to take one of your mental barriers in particular and turn fear into power.

Another thing most people do wrong when trying to improve their mental health and be freer and more peaceful, is that they want to remove the fear. Which causes pressure and you’re stressed. But fear is inside your mind right now, so being negative towards it only leads to more unpleasant emotions. Avoid these by sending positive vibes to the fear.

Accept it for a start, then acknowledge it. The opposite is denial, and as you might know this is quite a bad habit.

Now observe it. See how it feels when you’re afraid and what exactly terrifies you. Ask yourself questions about it to get to know it better.

3. Face it.

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We can describe each fear as a wall, preventing us from the freedom that’s on the other side. What makes sense is to chase the freedom, so we need to go through the wall no matter what.

No need to go around it, try to destroy it, or lie to yourself that it’s not significant. It’s there, admit that and take action upon it while it’s present. Lean into the fear. Challenge yourself, feel the discomfort, grow as a result of it, and – ultimately – push through the wall. But not in an aggressive way. Instead, this is the zen way to conquer your fears.

4. Turn it into power.

Time to unleash the power within. That’s one of the main things Tony Robbins teaches us. He helps people break through the fears that are blocking their potential. Learn more here.

So, how does one turn fear into power and see rapid change and personal breakthrough? Here are some ways:

  • Expose yourself to what scares you;
  • Act not out of fear, but do what must be done although it’s present in your mind;
  • Build self-esteem to be more confident in your abilities;
  • Start by doing something that’s only slightly close to the fears you’ve had for years. See that it doesn’t feel that bad and then take the next step. Seeing yourself take action is a reason to believe in yourself more and try new things;
  • Leave your comfort zone;
  • Your intuition is stronger than your fear. Learn how to listen to it and use it wisely;
  • Stop the negative self-talk. You keep telling yourself stories throughout the day about this fear and how it affects you. But it’s all in our mind. Let go of the need to play scenarios in your head. And you might just realize it was all an illusion;
  • Laugh in the face of fear. Seriously, see how ridiculous and not true at all it is. If you can’t, fake it till you make it. Body language will eventually help you deal with it.

So these are the steps to turn fear into power. Any other ideas?

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