Why I Removed 2,200 Email Subscribers from My List (and How to Clean Your Email List) - benefits of blogging

Writing an essay here and there will always be a part of your education. There is pretty much no way out of it.  

I guess that even if you love writing, doing it for the sake of getting a score is simply not motivational enough. Maybe if the teacher gave you the option of choosing any topic, but that is a once-in-a-lifetime event.

You see, teachers love to see where your head’s at when it comes to what they are trying to teach you.

Even when you might find some that just skim through your hard work, you will find others that actually love reading them.  So, how about you make the reading pleasurable for your reader.  Who knows, maybe they get inspired and publish your work somehow.

If you really want to write for the mere pleasure of it, you should try blogging.

It is an awesome way to put your thoughts out there and build a nice audience and community.  It does not involve a thorough process of studying, yet it helps in so many ways.

Let´s go through all the ways in which blogging will help you out with your educational life.

1. It helps you get introspective.

One great thing about blogging is that you can write about any topic you like.

Experts do recommend that you find a niche and focus on it. You know, like to become a benchmark on a topic instead of trying to tap into all types of knowledge.  Sounding more expert than opinionated can go a long way.

Either way, you decide to go, blogging will help you get introspective.

This means that you will be able to better access your own mental and emotional processes.   Take a look at what you are writing and you will see that, sometimes without even knowing, you have dug into your own emotional states.  

Try this:  Once you have chosen a topic and all, just start typing whatever you got at the back of your head.  You can make all the editing later.  Trust me, it is actually fun.

how to start a blog in 1 day - free course

2. It improves your grammar and spelling.

There are so many tools out there, like Grammarly,  that will help you write essays with zero grammar or spelling mistakes, which there is no way for you to torture your readers with a poorly-written article.

Besides this, there is this self-respect and even reputational aspect about it.  In other words, do you really want Shannon, the girl that has you head over heels, come across your regrettable article?  Don´t think so.

For some reason, having good grammar and spelling is a rare skill these days.  When it comes to all your studying stuff, this will get you a long way into scoring good grades.

3. You are creating a positive digital footprint.

When you blog, you are placing your thoughts into written form for all the world to see.  All of it!  (Well, maybe not China, much.)  Your content should always be positive.  It could be critical all you want but still written in such a way that it speaks well of you.

During this process, you are creating a positive digital footprint.

Have you ever tried googling your own name?  Yes, I know your name may not be unique but still, what comes when you type in your name?

When you start building up, you will start to see that, besides your Facebook and Twitter profile, you will find your interesting posts.

4. It helps you have a global thinking.

The internet is global and making inputs to share with the world goes all the way out there.  Tapping into the way of thinking of everybody in such multi-cultural word is almost impossible.  However, there are ways of achieving the most.

Knowing that you probably have an audience in the most remote places where the internet goes, will force you to build content that can reach them.

You want to create content that the majority of your readers can relate to.  This is what global thinking is about.

This will help develop a set of skills that will open a more global window of job opportunities for you in the future.

5. It stimulates your critical thinking.

Critical thinking is needed when writing an essay or a blog post.

Do you think you still not have it in you?  No worries.  Sometimes this has to be developed.

One fantastic thing about blogging is that you open a forum of opinion.

Learn how to build a community or “tribe” where you comment on other people’s blogs and you have them comment on yours.  This will start the most interesting conversations where your critical thinking skills will be sharpened up.

6. Your creativity and artistry will be stimulated.

Blogging provides a great practice on creativity and artistry.  This is very important when it comes to writing essays.

Again, this is a skill that needs to be developed most of the time.  Now, you feel you have issues with writing essays and studying?  There is an online service that can help you with all the types of essays.  Contact them and get all the help you need.  Trust me, it is completely worth it.

So there you have it.  Now go and get in front of that screen.  Pick up something you are passionate about.  Anything, except maybe your crush ’cause that could actually be a bit creepy.

But think of anything you love to do.  It could be sports, TV, going to the movies, knitting, etc.  Create a global forum where you share your thoughts, get input from a broad audience, you enhance your writing skills, and get a better grade on that next essay.

About The Author

This is a guest post by Emma Perry, a tutor and freelance writer, who is interested in education, blogging and sharing her ideas.