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Fearless Bloggers is Here: Why I Created a Membership and What’s Inside

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I just released something that I’ve been creating behind the scenes for a few months now. Actually the first members are already in because I did a special launch for the waitlist in December, but now in January it’s open to the public.

I’m talking about Fearless Bloggers. That’s my membership and community for bloggers – new, intermediate and advanced – who just need a place online where they can get the support, the connections, the next steps in their business, the strategic content and the accountability they seek, and which the industry actually lacks.

Blogging is a lonely business model, but it doesn’t need to be. You can be a part of a community and maybe this can be the one thing you change that helps you create and publish content consistently. Maybe that one place online that I created can be where you share your ideas, get access to unique content and even make friends with other bloggers.

The goal is to treat blogging as a game.

It’s a playground, you know. You can be spontaneous there, there is a topic to ask questions, there is one where you can introduce yourself, you can interact with other members through the comments or you can message each other.

You also get direct access to me. You can just leave a question in the membership anytime you want or share any concern or one of your wins or failures if you want to. We’re either going to celebrate you or help you analyze why that happened and how you can do better next time. There is also a chat box so you can always just text me.

This is the membership I wish existed when I was first starting out and every next year because I never found it. We bloggers are mostly introverts but that doesn’t mean we don’t want to make friends in the industry and interact with people who are going through the same. So that’s why I created this community.

It’s not enough to just take a blogging course. It’s not enough to just start your blog and publish content for some time but then to leave it behind. You gotta stay consistent.

Not just for one year but for two or three. That’s when you can unleash the full earning potential of your platform.

And remember the playful and fun energy that was at the playground when we were kids? We lost track of time there.

We could be there every day. We could scream, get dirty, fall and get back up. We could go talk to anyone and start playing together.

It was the opposite of being at home or being in school. There were no strict rules. I’m bringing this fun and playful energy to our business and to our day-to-day blogging activities.

That’s what we do in the membership.

We can lose track when optimizing content, creating graphics, testing new monetization strategies, adding internal links to blog posts or building new blogs that we can monetize as soon as possible and maybe even sell for profit in one year. Add to that a community of bloggers doing the same and being there for each other.

That’s what Fearless Bloggers is all about. And that’s why I named it this way.

You also get to share your latest blog content there and get feedback on it directly from me but also from other members if they want.

You can get motivated thanks to the action others in the group are taking and you can brainstorm ideas. It’s a safe and empowering space to share what is on your mind, to ask me questions, to feel less lonely and to find hope in your business journey over and over again. Because let’s face it, we often lose it and that’s when things can go down.

What’s going on inside the community

This week, I’m going to be sharing my annual income report for 2023.

I stopped creating income reports a long time ago but now started doing it again only for members and I’m having so much fun with it.

If you join now, there are already three income reports waiting for you. For December, November and October.

You can see the exact earnings and expenses in my blogging business, what niche sites I’m building and how I’m growing their traffic, how my multiple Pinterest accounts are doing, what new projects I’m tackling, my different income streams, big decisions I’m taking such as switching course hosting providers, cutting some business expenses, investing in new tools, investing in courses or anything else that I do throughout the month. Also, how I utilize AI content to grow the traffic to my blogs and what my goals for next month are.

Also, I give you the exact articles I published on different platforms and share which of them are AI generated, which of them are sponsored posts (which means I got paid for publishing them), what content I created, what keyword phrase it’s optimized for and so much more.

And now the biggest income report is coming, the annual one. You can see exactly how much I earned in 2023, in what ways, how much of the revenue came from each income stream, which of the things I worked on worked well, which didn’t and I’m gonna leave behind.

I also shared my exact goals for 2024 in the membership and they’re very exciting and I hope they can motivate you.

There’s also another new post where I give you tips on how to set blogging goals this year and actually stick to them.

The strategic content

But the most interesting thing, in my opinion, is the strategic content.

For example, these days I’m publishing a post sharing exactly how I ranked a new article created with ChatGPT on the first page of Google in exactly 4 days and it brought – so far – over 1300 clicks to my site.

Also, recently I had a Pinterest image for my niche site go viral on Pinterest. It currently has over 30,000 page views. This isn’t blog traffic, this is just Pinterest traffic, but a lot of that turns into daily recurring traffic for my blog. I’ll show you what that article is, how I optimized it exactly and how I plan to replicate the process.

This single viral pin helped me grow my new Pinterest account to over 30,000 page views, which is a pretty big deal. That’s the power of Pinterest, by the way. I’m going to talk a lot about it in the membership.

Other big topics we tackle all the time are SEO, traffic, email marketing, content, just the key areas of our blogging business.

I’ll also be sharing the occasional PDF inside the community.

One example from earlier this month is the blog annual checkup, which is a guide you can use to go through all the elements on your blog and your strategy for the year. It will help you see if everything is in place, see if you want to update something from the smallest design element on your blog to the bigger things that are part of your blogging strategy.

I also reveal a specific new SEO strategy I’m trying to rank my content better.

When I have a result with something I’m trying, I immediately share it with members and I want to hear their opinion, of course.

The monthly content calendar

Inside Fearless Bloggers, we have this content calendar that I prepare for each month and in the beginning of the new month, I share it so everyone knows what to expect.

I also created the bi-weekly newsletter, which means that I’m going to email you (twice a month) with everything new that’s been going on in the membership so you can be up to date even if you didn’t manage to log in.

Soon, I’ll be releasing a mini training on brand partnerships, which will contain behind the scenes of two deals I did with brands on sponsored content.

You’re going to see all the details – how they approached me, how we negotiated the terms, the content I created for them, what they paid me and everything else. Basically, I reveal it all.

You’re going to know everything that’s happening in my business if you are inside Fearless Bloggers.

The Content Corner

There is a topic there called Content Corner where you get to share your latest blog post and we can give you honest feedback. I’ll be the first one to comment there, to check it out, to tell you how you can optimize the piece better. People can even share it and it will get more of the attention it deserves.

This little thing can become a practice that keeps you accountable. Just write and publish a blog post weekly, show it to us and we’ll check it out.

Also, there is a topic to share your wins. I really want you to brag in the membership. Any small accomplishment counts and be sure that I’m going to celebrate you.

This is just the first version of Fearless Bloggers.

Obviously, it’s going to evolve and things are going to be upgraded around here.

It’s intimate now but bigger things are coming. So, I would love for you to join us. There is some bonus content also and more coming in the next months.

If you’re a new blogger, one of the things you’re going to love is the bonus course, Your 50 Days of Blogging. It basically gives you the exact steps and tips on what to do as a blogger from coming up with your blog idea, name and categories and launching and designing your website, installing the right WordPress plugins and setting up Google Analytics to writing content optimized for search engines, starting your email list and creating your first lead magnet.

Thanks to this course, you won’t wonder what the next steps of your blogging journey are.

Other things to know about the membership

Currently, the price is very low. It’s for early birds and it continues till the end of January.

>> You can check it out here.

There is a monthly and yearly option. If you pay for a whole year, you get one month free.

If you aren’t sure yet, you can just join the membership for one month. The price is what we pay for a latte. You can see if it’s for you and after a month, you can decide to stay or you can cancel your membership.

What Fearless Bloggers is not

It’s nothing like social media because as I said, we’re mostly introverts in the blogging community and social media is too social for us. We crave the connection and the like- minded people but there is just too much going on on socials.

Notifications come in all the time. We end up comparing ourselves to others. We people-please, scroll mindlessly, might end up chasing likes and wasting time and not getting much done.

The membership is also not a coaching program because as bloggers, we don’t really like to be told what to do directly. Live calls exhaust us and we don’t really want to show up on camera.

We operate behind the scenes but we still need to feel like we belong to a community and we seek guidance. So that’s what I created instead. These elements are not there but the best of them is still coming to you every month and that’s the new content and the interaction with other bloggers.

I’m so excited to see how it’s going to turn out.

This year is like one big experiment because the membership model is definitely not easy. There is a reason why most people have just courses or no digital products at all but they never create a membership.

It takes consistent work, it takes a whole different strategy and most of the members are going to be quiet so it’s my job to make them open up and start posting inside Fearless Bloggers.

So that’s what I wanted to share with you today. Once you join, you’ll get an email with the first steps, there is an introduction post with all the rules and tips on how to make the most of the membership.

Also, you can immediately dive into the bonus course I mentioned. You can go through the posts that are already in the membership, you can check out the content calendar for January and see what else is coming this month.

You can also introduce yourself, ask any questions, share your content, share your wins or chat with me directly if you feel like. You can browse the income reports and ask any questions about them, nothing is off limits.

You can also request new topics you want me to cover and I would gladly explore that.

In the next months, you can also expect posts on anything from a quick and easy internal linking strategy you can implement right away to boost SEO to a case study of how I made $500 from one sponsored post last month or how I reached 1 million page views on Pinterest.

One week I might share how I track my content audit to make sure every piece is updated strategically to bring me blog traffic.

In the next, I’ll tell you why your blog categories might be hurting your traffic and search rankings. I might add surprising printables and checklists to give you quick wins.

Why join now

If you’re still on the fence and wondering why join, here are a few good reasons.

Now is your only chance to grab the lowest price. You can just pay for a month, see how it is inside, give it 1-3 months to see if it’s for you and then you can cancel.

A year from now, this membership might be the sole reason why you were consistent with content creation, tried new SEO tactics and created new blog income streams and grew your traffic.

You also get immediate access to the bonuses. This is your chance to make blogging more social and fun, to stay accountable, to give and get feedback and to make actual friends. And this, I believe, is priceless.

And last but not least, you get direct access to me. You can message me anytime via the chat box. So we can say this is like blog coaching, but almost for free.

Here’s the link again. I’m excited to meet the new members that are going to join this month.

From then on, the membership will stay open, but the price will increase.


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