One of the things I never stopped repeating ever since I was a little kid, was that we all have potential within us that’s waiting to be unleashed.

No one can talk me out of this belief, and it might be the thing that kept me motivated when things looked hopeless, when nothing was working, when everyone said I won’t achieve what I want.

Well, eventually I did. To live the exact lifestyle that I wanted, I had to unlock some more of my potential. There’s more coming, and that makes me optimistic about what’s to come.
And you can do the same. Because you’ve got it within you. That’s such a positive thought and it never ceases to amaze me how many people transform once they take the decision.

Hard work and consistency are the things you can’t go without, of course. And the road to success isn’t short either. But knowing you do have all that you need to get there – and you just need to let it out – is comforting and makes the process simpler.

Now, how to boost your potential as soon as possible? Here are some ideas:

1. Do what makes you feel uncomfortable.

Yes, to grow you should seek discomfort. And there are plenty of places to find it in.

Because doing what feels familiar and safe won’t help you change – and to boost your potential you need to challenge yourself and exceed your own limits – you’ll need to do the opposite.

Here are some examples that you can easily do today:

  • talk to a stranger;
  • approach people superior to you at work;
  • push harder in the gym, or when jogging run till you’re exhausted;
  • wake up an hour earlier;
  • look people in the eyes on the street;
  • wear something others won’t approve;
  • speak up in public;
  • state your feelings for somebody (whatever they are);
  • take up a new project at work when no one wants it because of some difficulties (you never know where opportunities for something profitable will come from);
  • sing in front of others;
  • if single, go speak to the most handsome person when on a night out;
  • ask 10 people what they think about your business idea.

2. Let the experts motivate you to boost your potential.

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Even though we don’t need others to support us, especially on our entrepreneurial journey, even the best of the best needed encouragement from someone else at some point.

That doesn’t make you weak. And the results can be tremendous.

What I mean by letting experts motivate you, is to either find a mentor, or turn to the success gurus online, or everyone around your area, and hear their words (read, listen to, or go see them in public).

It all begins by checking out their success stories. How they started is so encouraging.

Then, you’ll probably watch a few YouTube videos, be it a lecture of a startup founder, a TED talk, a speech of a famous athlete from history, or a short daily motivational video by an entrepreneur telling you to hustle.

You’ll see that these do have a positive influence on your mood for the day, your mindset in general, and – mostly – your overall actions.

Knowing these successful people were doing what you’re doing now is uplifting.

And when soon you’ll want to take things to the next level, as obviously motivation plays such a key role to whether or not you reach your goals, you’ll decide to see one of these leaders you admire in public.

The easiest thing is to go watch them speak when they are in your city, or country. Unleash The Power Within seminar by Tony Robbins, for instance, will leave you speechless.

The guy knows what he’s doing and has inspired millions of people all over the world with his books and events.

3. Say Yes.

To achieve more, you need to do more.

And although I preach being selective with your time and activities, it’s much better to become action-oriented by taking all chances that you can, than to stay in your zone of comfort.

 Say yes more often. Sometimes it will lead to important life lessons. Other times to finding out things about yourself you didn’t know before. You’ll meet people, form relationships, be exposed to business opportunities, and will see more of what life offers.

To boost your potential tomorrow, think about what you can say yes to today.

Is it this free event they’ve been emailing you about for so long? Or finally starting a blog and sharing your thoughts with the world?
Is it to travel with a dear friend? Or to take more responsibilities at work?

Whatever it is, do it. See how it goes, learn, be okay with the discomfort, and be a better version because of this pretty soon.

Over to you now. What do you think will happen once you boost your potential?