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7 Digital Security Trends to Follow This Year

Safety Tips Every Business Should Follow - seo tips

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the world was already living a large portion of their daily lives online. With many people shifting to working, learning, shopping, and even receiving medical care from home, the world is more reliant than ever on the internet.

With that increase in online connectivity comes an even greater need for digital security. These are seven of the digital security trends you should watch for this year. 

1. It Will Keep Getting Harder To Protect Your Personal Data

Many of the apps you rely on for shopping, ordering food, dating, banking, and other services are constantly collecting pages and pages worth of your personal data.

Information that may be tracked includes your social media activity, pages you visit on the internet, products you have ordered or even just looked at, records of online conversations, and of course anything you specifically input into the apps you use.

With so much information out there, digital consumers will find it increasingly difficult to keep track of who has what information about them.

2. Data Regulation Will Become Increasingly Global

Because the privacy and cybersecurity laws vary from country to country, users are often particularly vulnerable to attacks from overseas hackers who can not be prosecuted by local authorities.

The increasing threat of international cybercrime has led many countries to introduce new cybersecurity legislation.

The European Union introduced the General Data Protection Regulation in 2018. Since then, Australia, Brazil, California, Canada, and Japan have followed up with their versions of similar regulations aimed to combat the global threat of cybercrime.

3. Data Breaches Will Continue To Be the Top Threat

Most consumers have probably been affected by at least one data breach involving a major corporation they have done business with or shared their personal information with at some point.

Personal data is a hot commodity for thieves and they continue to come up with new ways to break into systems where users’ credit card, bank, and other information is stored.

Because web applications are often the source of data breaches, organizations will increasingly focus their security efforts on web application security.

4. The Internet of Things Will Continue To Provide New Targets

As more of the technology we use becomes connected to the internet in some way, an increasing number of new targets will pose security threats.

Consumers have already experienced cyberattacks on webcams, devices that listen for audio commands, and even web-connected pacemakers.

While devices connected to the internet of things may not be as valuable to cybercriminals as corporate databases, they are often far less protected, making them much easier targets.

Consumers and device engineers will need to find new ways to protect against security exploits in these devices.

5. Artificial Intelligence Will Play an Increasingly Large Role

Artificial intelligence is becoming an increasingly popular tool for both cybercriminals and cybersecurity experts.

This digital arms race has both sides feverishly working to outsmart the other, as new AI technology and new ways to exploit that technology becomes more common.

AI technology’s greatest feature is that it can learn, which means security software utilizing AI can learn to spot patterns that signal an attack, but malicious software using the same technology can also learn better ways to avoid detection. 

6. Extended Detection and Response Capabilities Will Improve Security

Extended detection and response solutions provide security professionals with tools that can automatically collect and correlate data from multiple security products.

This function can help improve threat detection and response by automatically detecting the threats one product may miss and reducing the chances of false positives by cross-checking reports from multiple products.

7. Phishing Attacks Will Continue To Be a Top Threat

A 2019 data breach investigation report from Verizon indicated that 32% of all verified data breaches were the result of phishing scams.

In addition to e-mail, phishing schemes are becoming increasingly widespread in SMS text messages, social media chats, and even phone calls.

Criminals trick users into handing over personal information, such as social security numbers, bank or credit card information, or login credentials by impersonating a legitimate site or business that the user may have a relationship with. 

Companies, such as Aura™, which was founded by CEO Hari Ravichandran, have focused on making digital security simple to use so that consumers can more easily protect themselves against phishing and other threats. 

As the digital arms race between cybercriminals and cybersecurity professionals continues into 2020 and beyond, these emerging trends will shape how consumers, corporations, and security professionals interact with people, software, and data online.

The growing importance of the internet to the world’s ability to continue to function, while maintaining social distance during the pandemic will continue to make innovative and effective cybersecurity an important component of every business, educational institution, government, and home for the foreseeable future. 

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