How to Do What You Love and Make Money Doing It

There are plenty of entrepreneurs and business owners who make heaps of money but feel empty inside because it doesn’t give them spiritual and mental fulfillment.
Then, on the other side, there are the spiritually motivated people who do what they do because it’s about the mental question, who find it hard to earn enough to continue their quest.
The problem is in finding that goldilocks zone, where what you do gives you enough fulfillment and money.
Only if you can find that special zone will you be able to continue to love what you do. And that matters, because the goals that matter are the ones that move us and that affect us. Everything else is a waste of time.
So how do you get there?
The How and The Why
The first thing to realize is that the two groups that we’ve discussed above are focused on different levels of thinking.
The entrepreneurs and the business owners are focused on the ‘how’ question. They figure out ways to make money and to cut costs. In that way, they manage to turn their ideas into something profitable.
The spiritual questers, in the meantime, are looking mainly at why they’re doing things and making sure that what they’re doing fits in with their beliefs and their philosophies. They’re making sure that they understand why they do these things.
And so, you’ve got to switch that around.
In the case of entrepreneurs, that means focusing not just on how to make a profit, but on one’s inner life. Will this choice only lead to profit, or will it also give inner fulfillment?
And reversely, though it is fantastic to have an inner world that is rich, is there some way to monetize it at least a little bit, so that you don’t find your quest cut short by hunger and desperation?
Set time aside.
The best way to do this is to actually block off time for the other side of it.
So, if you own a business, force yourself to take an hour a day (at least) for meditation, to walk through nature or do other things that give inner fulfillment.
And if you’ve got the inner fulfillment down, then take that time to read up on how other people like you have actually made money doing what they’re doing. Here the goal is to see if you can try such strategies yourself and which strategies would actually work best for you.
Read also: 10 Hobbies That Make Money
Understand that it will take time.

Equally important is the understanding that to begin with you will probably fail. This is because you’re trying to do something that does not come naturally to you.
It’s a new way of looking at the world, which means getting used to new ideas, new methods of thinking and finding new ways to implement the right changes.
And so you will fail. The thing is that this does not make you a failure.
Instead, your failure will help you learn what you should and shouldn’t do.
You might not be able to meditate originally, or when you ask people to pay you to teach them meditation, they might not want to. That’s okay. Don’t be discouraged.
These things take time and every time something doesn’t work, you’ve got valuable new information that you will allow you to avoid mistakes the next time you do it.
Failing doesn’t make you a failure. It makes you a student of life. Mistakes are something you can learn from. Really, the master grades can only be reached by the wise.
Doing what you love is a journey, not a destination.
The trick is to realize that that golden city in your dreams probably doesn’t exist. If you want to get there, the only way you can do so is by actually building it, brick by brick.
You’ve got to start incorporating what you love into the life you’re living. Similarly, you should find ways to make a little bit of money doing what you love.
Then, when you’ve done that, you take the next step.
You navigate your business in a direction that you find more fulfilling, or you move how you make your money more into alignment with what motivates you on the inside.
What you need to realize is that this will take time. People rarely have enough patience anymore nowadays. If they aren’t fulfilled today they quit tomorrow.
The thing is when you do that you’re not giving the process enough time. You’re letting your sense of entitlement get in the way with the hard work that’s necessary to turn anything golden.
Remember, all those people who make money doing what they love probably didn’t start off doing what they loved, or only loving it some of the time. Similarly, they didn’t probably don’t make that much money in the beginning.
Instead, they stuck with it and got satisfaction and money where they could. Then, when they had a good foundation, they built the next level.
Doing what you love isn’t a get rich quick scheme.
Ultimately, everybody would like to do what they love. The difference between those that do and those that don’t is that the former take steps to turn a dream into a plan and then a reality. They learn the skills. They make the mistake. They do the time.
And then, one day, after a long journey where there were plenty of bad days and plenty of storms, they realize that they’ve finally got there.
You can do it too. You can even start today.
Find a way to inject what you love in what you do or create a plan that will allow you to start making money (even just a little bit) from what you love.
Got that down? Then do it again. And before you know it, you too will wake up in that golden city.
About The Author
This is a guest post by Janet Anthony, a blogger from Kansas City and content editor at Master Grades. who has been writing professionally for five years now.