These Highest Paid Bloggers Started from Nothing and Now Earn over $100K/Month. Here’s How - How to Make Money on Medium: 5 Ways to Get Paid

These Highest Paid Bloggers Started from Nothing and Now Earn over $100K/Month

These Highest Paid Bloggers Started from Nothing and Now Earn over $100K/Month. Here’s How

I’ve been meaning to create a list of the highest paid bloggers for a long time. I’ve been following these and other blog owners for some time now and know their story.

They all started from nothing, launched a blog, made mistakes, stayed consistent, began making their first dollars, and then the blog business started exploding.

I love reading their income reports and checking out their new posts. It’s the ultimate proof that any one of us can be part of a list like that a few years from now.

The highest paid bloggers I want to bring to your attention now know what they are doing. But most of them had no clue how to make money online, build an audience or run a website in their early days.

However, starting and growing a blog can be life-changing. It can lead to financial freedom, designing the lifestyle of your dreams, inspiring people all over the world with your work, doing what you love, and being your own boss.

All you need today is to check out the stories of these highest paid bloggers, get inspired and take action.

If you haven’t started your blog yet, make sure you enroll in my free course The Passive Income Blog Boss:

passive income blog boss graphic

Highest Paid Bloggers That Earn over $100K/Month

1. Michelle from Making Sense of Cents, $100,000+/Month

how michelle from making sense of cents makes over 100K/month

Niche: Personal Finance
Income:  over $1,500,00 In 2018

Michelle Schroeder-Gardner is someone I got to know in the last year or so. First, I read about her and how she runs a million-dollar blog business on other people’s blogs, as her story is basically everywhere.

As she’s best known for how much she earns from affiliate marketing (part of her passive income each month is at least $50,000 coming from affiliate earnings), I also purchased her course Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing. I myself am now an affiliate of it and often mention Michelle, her blog and her income reports here on Let’s Reach Success.

Please keep in mind that she earns $200,000 in her best months, but the number I’ve included here is sort of the minimum that is present each month. It’s more realistic. What matters more, however, is how she started and where the money is coming from exactly.

Let’s see how she became one of the highest paid bloggers online and what makes her stand out.

How Michelle Started Blogging

A few years ago, Michelle was a financial analyst with a student loan of close to $40,000. She made it her priority to become smarter with her finances and managed to pay off the debt in as little as 7 months.

Making Sense of Cents started as a way for her to track that progress. But then continued as a place for her to write about saving, managing and making money.

She soon started growing her audience and making her first dollars, which showed her there’s a lot more potential in having a site like that. So she set on a mission to create a ton of practical content, get as much exposure as possible, and master affiliate marketing.

Once the blog started earning enough, she quit her job, became a full-time blogger, and started traveling the world with her husband (first with an RV and now with their boat).

How She Earns Money from Her Blog

Affiliate marketing – that’s at least $50,000 each month, half of which is coming from Bluehost and from her main pages on the site (such as the ‘How to Start a Blog’ tutorial and her free blogging course).

Sponsorships – she occasionally posts sponsored articles from financial institutions and brands, as do most of the other highest paid bloggers. These bring her around $15K/month.

Related:How to Get Sponsored Posts for Your Blog: 7 Easy Ways to Start Earning

Ads – She also has ads on the site which bring in some income thanks to the traffic coming to the site.

Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing – her popular course brings in around $20,000 each month. Read my detailed Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing review.

2. Alex and Lauren from Create and Go, $130,000+/Month

Alex and Lauren from Create and Go, $130,000+/Month

Niche: Make Money Blogging
Income: $818,105 in 2017

The world of the highest paid bloggers is filled with couples too and Alex and Lauren are one good example of a rags-to-riches story.

Check out my interview with Alex: How to Earn over $100K/Month Blogging and Travel The World

How They Started Blogging

3 and a half years ago, Alex was a personal trainer and Lauren – a CPA with a job that paid well but that didn’t leave her with much free time or the freedom to enjoy life. They met on a Tinder date and have been together ever since.

Their lives were pretty ordinary but they both wanted more out of life and were ready to take risks and action until they find something more fulfilling for both of them.

So Alex initiated the online business journey.

The first site failed and they used that knowledge and experience to do it right the second time. So they gave it another shot but with the right amount of planning this time.

Their next project – – was a health and fitness blog and it made them $103,000 in the first year.

Before it started making real money though, Alex and Lauren made some big changes to be fully invested in this. They quit their jobs, sold everything they owned, moved into his dad’s house to save on rent, and became full-time bloggers.

After they did it, they realized it’s time to help others do the same. So they launched CreateandGo – a platform that would inspire others to start their own blog and show them the right ways to make money from it.

From then on, they entered what they like to call the ‘product creation mode’ and launched their first course for bloggers (it’s about Pinterest).

That’s Pinterest Traffic Avalanche and I completed it 2 months ago.

I saw some amazing results from it, learned how to use Tailwind, increased my Pinterest traffic and grew my blog traffic thanks to it (which directly let to making more money from ads).

I share the exact progress I saw in this article: How I Increased My Pinterest Traffic by 778% in 2 Months

Once that product was out, Alex and Lauren began creating a ton of content on how to start a blog

That’s because they realized a big part of their audience was actually newbies who wanted to make money blogging but didn’t even know how to start, design and monetize the blog yet. So Alex and Lauren made a course on that too. It’s called Launch Your Blog Biz.

After a lot of success thanks to their 2 profitable blogs and launching courses successfully, they listened to readers’ feedback and created the next epic digital product – the 6-Figure Blogger course.

In it, they teach people how to monetize their platform and sell digital products successfully.

During that time, they also traveled the world together, lived in different countries and met amazing people.

After that, they were featured on Forbes, began making 6 figures a month and became some of the highest paid bloggers online.

How They Earn Money from Their Blogs

Affiliate marketing – they promote other people’s products on both of their sites.

Products on Avocadu – an eBook, a fat-loss program, and a supplement.

Courses for bloggers at CreateandGo


More Bloggers Earning Big Money from Their Blogs

How Kristin Larsen Earned $100K in Her First Full Year of Blogging

How Monica from The Travel Hack Earns a Full-Time Income as a Travel Blogger

How Suzi Whitford from StartaMomBlog Makes $30K/Month from Her Blog

How Marc from VitalDollar Earned over $1 Million from 3 Blogs

Final Words

I hope these 2 stories of some of the highest paid bloggers will motivate you to give blogging a try too. Don’t forget that almost any blogger can easily earn $10,000/month from home.

Here are some resources to get you started:

How to Start a Profitable Blog– This step-by-step guide to starting a blog is a must for everyone who wants to start earning online and become self-employed. Having your own blog is the first step to selling products, making money from affiliate marketing, building a name for yourself, getting traffic and monetizing that attention.

Blogging Resources – To build a powerful site that turns visitors into buyers and monetize it well, you will need the right tools. In my Blogging Resources page, I’ve gathered the best of the best and the exact tools I’ve used to grow Let’s Reach Success and be able to make a full-time living as a location independent freelance writer.

How I Gained 100K Pinterest Views: 8 Pinterest Tips for Bloggers If there’s one social media I’d recommend that will transform the way you bring traffic to your blog and make money online, it’s Pinterest. I recently doubled my Pinterest views a month after I got active on the site. In this post, I share the strategies I learned from experts that worked for me.

67 Best Side Hustle Ideas to Make an Extra $1000 a Month Check out the ultimate list of side hustles you can start on your own and while working full-time that can be your chance to achieve financial independence.

My Monthly Income Reports – If you’re curious how bloggers make a living online, check out my income reports. I publish these monthly and share all the numbers together with the lessons I learned and the new things I’m working on.

How to Save $100K by Age 25, Sell Everything, Quit Your Job and Travel The World

How I Became a Location Independent Freelance Writer –  In this post, I outline the exact steps from shifting my mindset back when I didn’t believe I could be making any money online to finding my first client, making my first $1,000/month, moving to another country and becoming location independent.

How to Write and Publish Your First Book in Less Than 30 DaysCheck out my guide on how to become a self-published author in less than a month. I’ve published plenty of eBooks and have included all the steps you need to go through, from choosing your niche and word count and committing to writing the content to editing, formatting and marketing the book.

Learn how these highest paid bloggers earn $100/month and started from nothing: #makemoneyblogging #bloggingtips

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