girl music headphones side hustle ideas for musicians

Musicians usually have more than one form of income, and this is because moonlighting at the piano bar 4 nights a week usually isn’t enough to cover all of life’s expenses.

A lot of times, musicians will utilize their skills to also teach others while also making their way in the music business.

Musicians tend to prioritize their craft and let their other jobs consist of side hustles so that they can stay focused on their one true passion.

Surprisingly, there is a large plethora of opportunities within the realm of music that can be used as side gigs to help increase monthly income. Let’s see how to make money as a musician>

How to Make Money as a Musician

1. Blog Writer / Website Design

If you’re a decent writer or if you have designed your own website to promote your music, you can actually utilize these talents as a second job from virtually anywhere.

Many businesses need someone to create content or write weekly blog articles. Freelance writing is becoming vastly popular in the online world, and it is a great way to earn some extra income if you have a way with words

Other businesses might just need someone to revamp or create a website for them.

If you have experience in working with certain website platforms like WordPress or Wix, know your way around themes and can make things look “pretty,” you can use your skills to help other musicians get their websites made.

That pays well because website design is a very sought after service that businesses don’t always have the time or skills to do themselves.

It is much easier to hire someone who knows designs and themes and can put a website together in a short amount of time so that they can focus on the business itself. 

2. Workshops / Masterclasses / Courses

If you have ever thought of using your music talents to teach others, you’re well onto the track of finding a great method of side income.

If you want to make money as a musician, you can offer lessons to others within your realm of expertise. Workshops or masterclasses, though, are more refined than just teaching. 

If you’re a lead singer in a band, you might want to offer voice lessons to musical theater troupes.

If your talent is playing an instrument, you could collaborate with a voice teacher and provide lessons for both singing and learning to play within a full-day masterclass atmosphere that many young and talented singers/musicians would want to be a part of.

Another way to create a workshop is through the invention of an online course.

If you know how to break up “How To” do something with steps and don’t mind sharing it for a reasonable price, you can create a course, specifically for other musicians and music businesses to help them learn your secrets to success. This falls into the category of what is known as passive income.

3. Create Digital Downloads

How Bloggers Can Make $10,000 a Month from Home (And How I Earned $12,262 Online in 3 Months)

Have you ever created your own vocal warmups? Have you ever taught your own one-of-a-kind technique in playing?

You can use these talents to create your very own digital download.

This is also a service considered as passive income because once you put the work in to create it, you’re done.

As a singer, you can create your very own master vocal warmup download. As a musician, you could establish how you learned to play certain tough parts in well-known songs over a YouTube channel.

Though the actual production and editing will take some work and some time, once you have created it, you can advertise it, sit back and let the money come in from this side gig!

4. Social Media Consultant

Are you really in tune with the booming effects that social media has for businesses? You could utilize your services to help other musicians, music schools and teachers to strategize and grow their following.

Whether you know how to utilize Facebook ads, gain Instagram followers organically or even gain tons of click-throughs on Pinterest, you can use those talents to help other business owners.

Since you already have a strong music background, you can easily establish yourself by showing your success in the social media world to others and create packages to provide the same services you’re likely using to promote yourself.

5. Podcasting

If you don’t know what a podcast is by now you are probably living under a rock.

Podcasting has grown astronomically over the last few years, and there are plenty of music-based podcasts that you can assist with.

If you’re interested in podcasting, you can work as a podcast manager or editor, helping other businesses maximize their output.

You can help with strategizing and coming up with new episode ideas. You could promote your own services or business through a podcast by pitching to be a featured guest.

You can even put in the work to create your very own podcast.

Podcasting has a great reach and it can help you connect with your ideal clients for broader recognition to offer your services for those who can benefit, whether as a musician or in some other music-related aspect. If you want to make your first show a success, here are some podcasting tips for beginners.

6. Songwriting

Are you gifted with words but aren’t really interested in blogging or creating content? Maybe your specialty is more in the writing of actual songs.

Well, you can make money as a musician from that too.

Many times other musicians look to outsource the writing of song lyrics or composing arrangements.

They may even just want to purchase some original background music for their YouTube channel or live videos and be willing to pay so that they can have something different than what is already out there. 

7. Video Editing

Speaking of creating music for videos, maybe you have a gift with editing.

You can take making the background music a step further, if you happen to have access to great editing software or enjoy creating short snippets of your own live performances.

You can turn this into a side hustle by offering video editing services to other bands, musicians, or even theater companies.

You can record specific events, festivals or concerts and do the editing, all while charging a pretty hefty price, since many music businesses love to utilize these kinds of videos for advertisements. 

There are plenty of other side hustle ideas you can get into to help make some extra money.

If any of these interest you, but you feel you don’t have the “know-how” to put yourself out there just yet, there are tons of internet courses that can walk you through these side jobs and teach you how to make money as a musician.

Having a lucrative side hustle can allow you to stay true to your passion while building your income and sustaining a normal lifestyle while you pursue your dream.