That Girl Sunday Reset Checklist for a Productive Start of The Week

That Girl Sunday Reset Checklist for a Productive Start of The Week

Sundays are a great opportunity to relax, organize your space, catch up with some last tasks, let go of the week mentally and emotionally, and prepare for the new one. The goal is to ease into the new week and make the most of it, so below you’ll find an easy Sunday reset checklist you can follow.

You may see more items in it than you expect, but keep in mind that not all need to be done. Also, some take as little as 1-5 minutes, and others can be done at the same time. Multitasking is absolutely welcome if you feel like it.

A great example of that is listening to a self-help audiobook and/or watching a YouTube video to learn a new skill while dong chores at home.

It’s all about the energy you bring into your Sunday routine. It can feel easy and pleasant, or it can be stressful and something you prefer to avoid. It’s totally up to you.

Give the list below a chance and see it transform your whole next week, which ultimately brings you closer to your goals.

Your Sunday Reset Checklist

Have a slow morning.

If you’re a personal growth lover like me, you’re probably into the idea of all kinds of routines to add structure to your day, feel good, and be your best self.

A morning routine is a key component of an ambitious girl’s day, so if you haven’t created one, now might be the time.

Here are some resources:

Review your week.

Next in your Sunday Reset routine you can review your week. A great way is by journaling about it.

  • What went well?
  • What didn’t go so well?
  • Did you complete all tasks on your list?
  • What will you do with the items that didn’t get done?
  • How did you feel throughout the week?
  • At what time did you wake up every day?
  • How many times did you work out?
  • How was your diet?
  • How did you sleep? What time did you go to bed? Was it easy to fall asleep? Do you need to adjust your evening routine so you can get a good rest at night?
  • What has stopped you from being productive and working on your goals?
  • What were your biggest accomplishments?
  • What are you grateful for this week?

As you answer these questions, you will gain more clarity about your week and what to include in your plan for the next 7 days.

Let go of anything that’s not serving you. 

To start the new week with fresh energy, you need to let go of everything.

That includes the negative emotions, the things that didn’t get done, the feelings of not being worthy or being a failure, the perfectionism, the lack mindset (thinking there’s not enough time, etc.), people’s opinions, any time you criticized yourself, and so on.

Tidy up.

Declutter your space. This helps you declutter your mind too.

Next is a list of more specific chores you can do as part of your Sunday reset.

  • Do laundry.
  • Organize your desk.
  • Change sheets.
  • Change towels.
  • Water plants.

Plan your outfits for the week

To save yourself some time and energy next week, plan what you’ll wear now. Even if things change, having your outfits ready will save you some decision making, and that willpower you have left will be put to better use.

30-60 min of personal growth.

That can be journaling, reading, listening to an audiobook, or learning a skill related to your goals. Use your brain a bit, learn new stuff, get empowered, and create mindset shifts thanks to that.

I used to be a big reader but now my favorite thing is audiobooks. I listen to them on Spotify, as if they are podcasts, and it’s really fun.

At the same time, I do things around the house, or get myself ready to go out, work out or have a walk. That’s quite a productive time in my day.

Review your goals.

To stay connected to your vision and where you’re headed in life, review it every Sunday. Write down what you can do next week to get closer to your goals.

Write your to-do list for tomorrow.

The next item of your Sunday reset checklist is to write your to-do list for Monday. That will make it super easy to get to work tomorrow morning.

You can also identify the top 3 tasks on it so you can begin with them first thing in the morning.

>> Check out the reMarkable Tablet.

Set an intention for the new week.

What do you want your focus to be next week? It could be your relationship with your partner, better sleep, ditching a bad habit, working on a new business idea, or else.

Have a relaxing evening routine.

Finally, end the day strong with a powerful evening ritual.

It can include things like not using devices an hour or two before bed (the blue light they emit is bad for your sleep), meditating, connecting with your partner, visualizing your dream life while falling asleep, stretching, lighting a candle, etc.

Also check out: 12 Evening Habits to Include in Your Night Routine for a Successful Tomorrow

And that’s your Sunday reset checklist. What do you think?

Any items you love and will add to yours right away? Anything else you’d like to add?

Wanna be That Girl? Here's a Sunday Reset checklist that will transform your whole next week, which ultimately brings you closer to your goals.

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