How to Turn Vision into Reality & Stay The Course: My 4-Step Process

How to Turn Vision into Reality & Stay The Course: My 4-Step Process

Calling all visionaries, idealists, manifestors and big dreamers. This guide is for you!

We’ll now talk about how to turn vision into reality and I’ll share a few steps you can follow. 

If you’re new around here, I’m Lidiya, and 11 years ago I had this dream of becoming self-employed, leaving my home country, building a business, making money doing what I love, and designing my life the way I want to.

After a lot of focused work, and more importantly, keeping my vision in mind at all times and growing as a person as the same time, I made it happen.

I share all that on my About page.

In a nutshell: I became a full-time blogger, relocated to my favorite country, became independent, and was living the life I want.

That’s why I’m so passionate about teaching others how to do the same.

At every next stage of my life, my vision gets an upgrade, and a lot needs to be adjusted. Then I experience one more time what I did 11 years ago – the big gap between my current reality and my vision, having no one in my life who’s living the life I envision, wondering if I’m crazy, losing hope at least once a day and having to pick myself up, etc.

But that’s just part of it all. And if you want it bad enough, giving up is simply not an option.

Now I want to share some steps and tips that can help you turn vision into reality. 

But first, let me remind you:

You are not crazy. You just sound like it to people who don’t get your vision and who are too logical or who are thinking small.

So, you have the vision, then what? How do you bridge the gap between this and turn it into reality? I’ll share some things that have worked for me, and that can hopefully help you too.

The path you’re meant to take might look different than mine, of course. Everyone’s journey is different and that’s the beauty of life. But you can still find something useful in this post. 

Let’s dive in.

What Inspired Me to Talk About This

What inspired me to talk about this is an email I got recently. A woman from my audience reached out to say that she has all these wonderful ideas but no clue how to start anything. She’s been told how stupid she is to even think that she can do something like this.

This got to me and I deeply feel it. I feel the lack of understanding, not taking action on something we envision, allowing others to make us dream small, wondering if we’re crazy to dream big, and so on.

Receiving emails like this means a lot to me. I know it takes courage to open up to a stranger, even if they’ve been following me for a long time now. And it’s an honor that they feel this is a safe space and they can share what they’re struggling with.

Here’s the email I wrote back:

“Your main focus must be to distance yourself as much as possible (emotionally only, if it’s family members) from people who bring you down in any way, who discourage you, who make you believe you’re not capable of things, or that you’re stupid to dream big.

This is an environment issue, so to say. And luckily, it can be solved.

If you’re surrounded by people like that, then you’d start believing this too at some point.

I was in a similar situation (and still am to some extent).

No one in my life was doing what I did, I was far from earning from what I was doing, and yet I dreamed of being self-employed, leaving my country, being totally independent from family, and moving to my favorite country.

I had to connect to that vision and make it stronger than my reality back then.

Also, I had to surround myself with people who were dreaming big and living their visions. That happened by finding mentors online, and diving into their content.

I loved reading blogger interviews and their monthly income reports. That’s what kept me going for most of the time, so that every day I could wake up, have my vision in mind, and take action from that mental space. 🙂

Before you ever decide what you want to do exactly, you’ll need to let go of what others think of you, and of the negative story you’re telling yourself.

Then, I’ll ask you:

1. What are you passionate about? Any hobby or topic that stands out, that you keep learning about and would love to help others with?

2. Can you imagine yourself blogging about it? If writing is not your thing, what could it be? In what way can you share your knowledge online?”

Also check out:

So that’s what I wrote her.

It then inspired me to write this post and share actionable steps you can take if you’re in the same situation. It’s a plan on how to make your vision more powerful than your current reality.

How to Turn Vision into Reality

1. Define the vision.

The first step is to have a vision, and for that you need to define it.

What always worked for me is to first define what I don’t want. I wrote more about that here.

From there, you can figure out what you truly want.

You can describe your ideal lifestyle in detail, write it down, and really feel into it.

If you’re following me and my work, that probably includes starting an online business. But that’s just one part of your vision. Get more specific.

  • What will that look like?
  • How will you be spending your days then?
  • Why do you want all this?
  • What do you want to feel then that you don’t feel now?
  • What impact will you have on others?
  • How much do you want to earn?
  • How much freedom do you want to have? And what does this look like for you?
  • How will you be a better version of yourself once you turn vision into reality?

Define your vision and add feeling to it. This makes it more meaningful, and you’re more likely to connect with your desires and actually go for them.

2. Remove or ignore anything and anyone that’s not supporting your vision.

The email I shared is the perfect example of this. The woman who reached out had to constantly deal with negativity and lack of belief coming from others. Then it’s really hard to feel good about your desires and take action on them. You’re more likely to give up and think you’re crazy to imagine such a reality in the future.

So, let’s remove any distractions. I call them like this because they are literally distracting you from creating the life you want and slowing down the process of turning your vision into reality.

Maybe that’s people, maybe that’s lazy habits you have such as binge-watching series on Netflix, staying up all night and then sleeping in the next day. 

Maybe it’s your negative self-talk and any time your vision pops in your mind, your inner critic shows up and says that’s not possible.

This is likely a result of others telling you this all the time, or your lack of self-belief and confidence. Both are things you need to work on.

When it comes to others in your life, it’s about setting boundaries.

My way of dealing with this was to not share my goals with others until I was so convinced they are happening and was working on them daily, that I didn’t care what others thought about it.

It can even mean lying sometimes. If you spend hours working on your business daily to get it off the ground, and you don’t want to share that with others but friends want to meet you, you’ll have to come up with an excuse. I prefer honest communication but this is one case where an exception can be made. 

This also shows dedication to your vision. 

You protect it from other people’s energy. Because even if they want the best for you, they often have a different idea of what is best for you, and want to talk you out of your goals. That’s no good, and you’re better off being your own supporter on your journey.

Then analyze what else is distracting you from being focused on your vision and remove that too. 

It could be too many nights out with friends, watching the news (if you feel down after it and it brings no value to your day), or even the place you live in. If you live with a roommate who has bad habits and no ambition at all, you might be living the same lifestyle but expecting different results. That doesn’t add up.

This step is not easy. It might offend some people or even end some relationships. But I believe we need to be dedicated to our vision and show that in every aspect of life.

The question always is: How bad do you want it, and what are you willing to change to get it?

3. Surround yourself with everything that supports your vision.

Once you clear your life, mind, daily schedule and social circle of anything that’s not supporting your vision, it’s time to add what does.

That will look different for everyone. 

What I shared in the email is part of what helped me – reading blog income reports, interviews, and just hearing as many success stories as possible of people who achieved what I want. 

These people started from nothing, and were always sharing how it’s possible for anyone, and how it takes time and hard work. So eventually I started to believe all that.

I stopped making excuses, I stopped saying life is unfair, I stopped thinking that where I come from or the fact that English isn’t my first language are obstacles. I just did the work every day, and I felt good about it and about myself.

Because no matter what else was happening in my life, and regardless of how far I was from turning my vision into reality, at least I was doing something about it every day. That helped me build a specific type of self-confidence. The kind of confidence that makes me believe in myself, in my abilities, in showing up daily.

Then other behaviors followed. Going to the gym wasn’t about superficial reasons anymore, but about the benefits it gave me so I could be more productive and perform better when working on my business. It gave me discipline and I built more willpower, which was directly beneficial to getting closer to my vision.

That’s just one example. I’m sure you can think of many more things like that and find the ones that will bring you closer to what you really want.

I’ve had periods in the last year when I’m extra focused on my goals. That can look like this: instead of watching something before bed, I read a personal growth book that helps me change my limiting beliefs, and fall asleep doing a meditation or hypnosis related to the topic I want progress with. 

It also looks like not drinking alcohol and avoiding nightlife, and instead waking up earlier and investing the first few hours of my day to blogging.

I have to tell you, these are the seasons in my life when I felt so good about myself, so strong mentally and emotionally, and also when I solidified my vision so much, that it became a reality sooner than expected. 

I also built unshakeable confidence around it. To the point that no one could bring me down, no matter what they said, and even if I sounded crazy to them for believing what I believe and wanting to achieve what I planned.

4. Make tuning into your vision a daily practice.

By tuning into your vision, I mean feeling the way you’ll feel once it’s a reality. That’s a big part of the manifestation process too, and it’s such a powerful practice. 

There are also many different ways to do it, and you can find the one that works best for you, then do it daily. Or even a few times a day if you feel less connected to your vision.

Don’t forget – the goal here is to make your vision more powerful than your current reality, to the point where you start operating from the version of you who’s already living that vision.

Tuning into it can look like affirmations you say out loud and that you feel with your whole body. 

It could be journaling about it. Scripting is an interesting practice that involves writing down your dreams as if they are already a really. You can even use past tense and imagine it has already happened, and you can express deep gratitude for that.

When done often, and when you add emotion to that, this has the power of rewiring your brain, and with that making your body, mind and soul believe that this vision belongs to you and is already here. 

Then your actions in daily life will reflect that new mindset. You’ll operate with more determination, will be inspired to take action more often, and will be guided to the right kind of action so you get to your vision sooner.

It might take time to get to this level of mastery of the practice, though, so be patient. It’s like learning any other skill.

But you can have simpler practices, such as the ones I mentioned. Reading stories of people who have already achieved that, and taking a moment daily to imagine your success story.

You can listen to podcasts or watch videos by people who are living the life you want, and not just learn from them but tune into their energy while consuming their content. They operate on a higher frequency and listening or them or watching them is one little way to tap into their power and carry it with you for the rest of the day.

Staying Consistent with Your Practices

Hopefully this guide will have that effect on you.

But such effects fade away quickly and that’s why you need to turn them into regular practices, into habits.

Let me give you an example. 

Things are pretty crazy in the blogging space right now. Many bloggers have lost a lot of traffic, some all of it, together with the income. I’m affected too and it can look hopeless.

But instead, I choose to learn from bloggers who are taking action on it or recovering from lost traffic. I’m curious about the strategies they use so I follow them. They remind me that this is inevitable, but also there are opportunities now, such as to diversify traffic and not rely only on Google from here on so we are never in this situation again.

Things feel so hard sometimes right now, that I need to hear from those bloggers a couple times a week to keep my motivation high. Imagine if I was focused on all the news articles that are saying Google traffic is not an option anymore, social media is the only way forward, bloggers who lost traffic and income will never get it back, and so on.

No. This wouldn’t make me take action.

I love this business model, I love blogging and writing, and I love teaching it. So as I figure out what works now in times of so much uncertainty, I also get to share it with readers of Let’s Reach Success, course students and members of Fearless Bloggers. That’s part of my mission. I can’t just give up and lose hope.

So this is what I mean by keeping your vision in mind and finding things that support it, while ignoring anything that makes you give up on it.


Let me know what you think about this. This topic is so important to me. Now I get to use my previous visions that turned into reality as proof that I can do it again, and use the process for bigger things. But in the beginning, there was no proof. I just had to believe it’s possible and that it’s what is meant for me.

So I hope this guide on how to turn vision into reality helped you and encouraged you and you will follow the powerful process I shared with you.

Prefer to listen to this post instead? Tune into the podcast episode below:

Want to learn how to turn vision into reality? Here's my simple but powerful 4-step process, together with manifestation practices you can use:

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