Unlearning Deeply Rooted Beliefs & Turning 30Β - daily affirmations for women

Unlearning Deeply Rooted Beliefs & Turning 30Β 

Unlearning Deeply Rooted Beliefs & Turning 30Β 

Hey and welcome to the new episode of the show. I’m releasing it on the day I turn 30 and I decided that the best topic for this birthday episode would be one of the most important things when it comes to changing and wanting more out of life – uncovering your limiting beliefs, understanding where they came from, and re-framing them so they can allow you to create your ideal lifestyle.

Tune in below:

Show Notes:

  • Trip update
  • Details on my birthday promo
  • Where our first beliefs come from
  • Who to surround yourself with to form better beliefs
  • How I was once thinking small
  • Choosing discomfort over regret
  • An exercise to uncover your deeply rooted beliefs
  • The real reason why most people can’t change their beliefs

Get the following products with 30% off (till February 28th):

  • Blog to Biz System – my signature blogging course  that teaches you how to start, grow and monetize a blog, and scale it to 5 figures;
  • Fearless Contenta course on content marketing and branding that teaches you how to create content aligned with your true self and uplevel your brand;
  • The Blog Sponsorship Boss a course on how to start making money with sponsored blog posts, find and pitch brands, and get paid every time;
  • Blog Audita professionalΒ blog auditΒ of your website and blogging strategy so you can stop doing anything that doesn’t help you grow, get suggestions on how to improve and next steps to take;
  • The Blog Income Toolkit – a toolkit that contains an eBook and templates to help you grow your revenue (such as done-for-you email series, brand email pitch, lead magnets, media kit template, and more);
  • Blog Income Boost – a workshop that shows you 7 revenue-boosting strategies you can try right away to get closer to that 5-figure income;
  • The Blog Plannera collection of printables to help you organize your blogging business, plan your content, track your income, etc.


This episode is pre-recorded because at the time of releasing it I’m in Dubai, not doing any work although I’m in the middle of a promotion, but more on that later. This little holiday is the ultimate expression of freedom, which is one of the main themes throughout my whole life.

It’s also part of the Expansion Experiment which I’m doing this year and there is a whole episode about it.

In a nutshell, my word for 2022 is Expansion and that means it’s my guiding principle when taking decisions. It’s also my reminder to get out of my comfort zone, scale my business, make bolder moves, and just take my power back in any moment, follow my desires and know that I’m always doing what’s best for my higher self. 

It’s also how I’m getting closer to my next goals, which are much bigger. I’m developing the mindset of the person who will be living that life now. This is what it means to create your future from your future.

Because in the present moment we are often limited, our current perspective and beliefs are a result of our past. If we want something different we definitely can’t continue thinking and acting in the same way.

This month’s challenge, fun goal and bold move that’s part of the Expansion Experiment is to travel to Dubai. Now, normally, I would have gone to Spain like I’ve done many other times or in any other warm country in Europe where I feel like at home and which won’t cost me much. But that feels comfortable, which means it’s not expansive.

Dubai has been on my mind lately because my best friend moved there, she really wants me to visit and I did say that’s part of my travel plans for this year. It’s one of those places where I just have to go at least once, and turning 30 seems to be the perfect occasion for it.

But that’s not all. To turn it into an experience of not just joy but also growth, I need to do things I wouldn’t normally do. So, some things I currently have on the list are to first swim with the dolphins, combined with a day in the water park in one of the most iconic hotels there, Atlantis, which is at The Palm, one of the artificial beautiful islands on the coast of Dubai.

Next on the list is to see the desert, maybe ride a camel there, do sand boarding, have dinner while watching the sunset and many other things. Then, I’ll go to Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world, with over 160 floors. It also holds records for being the tallest structure ever built, the highest elevator installation, world’s highest restaurant and nightclub, and more.

That itself is not a big deal for people living there because one thing to know about Dubai is that they have the biggest, fastest, tallest, and most expensive of everything. That’s just what they are known for and when you live there, it’s the norm. But obviously for me it will be quite a big deal. So we’ll see what else comes up there. 

That’s the main update for this month. As usual, it’s always related to growth and seeking discomfort in new ways. So, I decided that the best topic for this birthday episode would be one of the most important things when it comes to changing and wanting more out of life. That’s uncovering your limiting beliefs, understanding where they came from, and re-framing them so they can allow you to create your ideal lifestyle.

Bday Promo

Before I get into it, I want to share with you a special promo I’m doing from today to the end of February. You can get 30% off all my products using code BDAY30OFF. That’s b-d-a-y-30-off

Which means you can get one of my 3 courses, the blog audit, or any workshop, printables or other products on my store for a much lower price than usual. That applies to anything I offer expect for my bundle, because that’s already at a reduced price.

I’ll include the links to all products in the show notes, the discount code will be there too, so if you want to invest in one of my programs and transform your business, now is the time. 

To make this even more special and fun, I’m going to give anyone who buys using that promo code a gift. You can get my 3-day Money Magic Training that isn’t offered anywhere else at this point for free.

This is the first time I’m teaching money mindset. The program covers how to heal your money story and start breaking generational patterns, let money flow to you by removing the blocks and make attracting wealth and abundance a daily practice.

Inside, I’ll share the best of what I learned in the past years on how money works, manifestation and the wealth practices and abundance rituals I’m practicing daily.

The 3-day Money Magic training is intended to be a bonus for anyone who enrolls in my new program Bold Business School and it won’t be offered anywhere else, at least for now. Its value is around $200 and if you get one of my products this week, you get it for free. Just email me, respond to the Welcome email you’ll get right after purchase or DM me on Instagram @letsreachsuccess

This only applies till February 28th, and the products you can choose from include:

  • Blog to Biz System – my signature blogging course  that teaches you how to start, grow and monetize a blog, and scale it to 5 figures;
  • Fearless Contenta course on content marketing and branding that teaches you how to create content aligned with your true self and uplevel your brand;
  • The Blog Sponsorship Boss a course on how to start making money with sponsored blog posts, find and pitch brands, and get paid every time;
  • Blog Audita professional blog audit of your website and blogging strategy so you can stop doing anything that doesn’t help you grow, get suggestions on how to improve and next steps to take;
  • $1K Blogger – a course for beginner bloggers that teaches you how to start a blog on the side of your job and grow it to $1000/month;
  • The Blog Income Toolkit – a toolkit that contains an eBook and templates to help you grow your revenue (such as done-for-you email series, brand email pitch, lead magnets, media kit template, and more);
  • Blog Income Boost – a workshop that shows you 7 revenue-boosting strategies you can try right away to get closer to that 5-figure income;
  • The Blog Plannera collection of printables to help you organize your blogging business, plan your content, track your income, etc.

Some of these are priced really low so more people can afford them. Which means that if you really want access to Money Magic for free, you can just invest in one of these low-cost offers and get a lot in return.

Again, the links to all products with the promo code already applied for you are in the show notes.

Now, let’s get into the episode.

Where it all begins

During the first 7 years of our life, our brain is like a sponge. We just absorb anything that’s around us. Our beliefs then, which often stick till adulthood, come from our parents, other relatives and people who play important roles in our lives such as maybe our teachers.

But here’s the thing – their beliefs are based on their experience. And these people are most probably not living the life we want. So why would we copy their thinking, keep it with us many decades later, use it every day, and expect different results?

That’s why I’ve dedicated most of my mindset work over the last decade to unlearning what I was taught. 

Because even if you had a healthy childhood environment, received the love you needed, and were supported, that’s not enough.

It’s possible that you can’t grow your business now because of the generational financial trauma running in your family. If you’re also around 30 now, it means your parents were raised in a completely different time. They most probably had strict parents themselves, whose parents participated in the War or had something to do with it. Obviously, then people didn’t have the luxury of dreaming bigger, finding their purpose in life, manifesting abundance, and building 6-figure businesses. 

Instead, your grandparents did their best to teach your parents how to live a safe life and do what needs to be done, without wanting more out of life or quitting your job to start a business or taking risks or investing big amounts of money in coaches or programs that can uplevel you.

But that’s what we wanna do now. It’s a thing these years. However, you might have the fear that you will run out of savings. Or that regardless of how much your income grows, you can’t spend more, you can’t live a more luxurious life. 

I also often see people who earn their first money in business but they still have the sacristy mindset. They don’t believe there’s any chance this can turn into a regular income stream. They might chase clients and payments, charge less than what they are worth, say Yes to time-wasting and low-value activities only because it can lead to quick money.

All that is not how you build an abundant, value-driven business that is set up for passive income and maximum freedom. No.

And that’s just one category of beliefs – the ones related to money.

Who to surround yourself with to form better beliefs

If you’re in the process of unlearning what you’ve always believed to be true your whole life, you will feel crazy. Chances are, the people in your surroundings won’t agree with your new perspective and goals. It will feel weird, unfamiliar and irresponsible for them.

It’s then good to find new people, surround yourself with those for whom these beliefs are the norm.

If you don’t do that in real life, do it online. My mentors online are self-made millionaires who were once in debt, confused, had no support, no evidence that what they were building was ever gonna work. But they are also innovators, risk takes, and like to shift realities.

After devouring content in all formats by them over the course of 10 years, it’s now completely normal for me to believe these things. I have no doubt that anything is possible, even if the current reality seems quite far from the goal.

And I often catch myself confusing people in my life. Because for me it’s easy to jump to the end goal and say it like it’s the most normal thing in the world. But without any warm up or without knowing the steps that will lead to goal, other people are wondering what the h*ck I’m talking about.

I also believed the only reality I have is the one I see and experience in the present moment. I was thinking small, I was anxious and afraid to take action although my heart knew exactly what my next step should be.

People around me didn’t get me, other than my mum, so I had to find more support elsewhere. I stopped explaining myself to others simply because we were on different paths. I distanced myself from certain people, activates, ways of speaking and thinking, habits, and environments.

Because to create the new reality I was after, I had to first remove anything that was keeping me where I was. No one was the enemy in this case, everyone still wanted the best for me. They just had a different version of what that meant.

Truth is, only you know what is best for you. Only you know if you are truly unhappy where you currently are. That inner knowing isn’t gonna go away. You can keep stuffing it down, and that can continue till the last years of your life. But then that unhappiness turns into something worse and more final – deep regret.

Avoiding pain and negative emotions such as regret has always been a bigger motivator for people to do or not do something than the joy of achieving or having something else.

So because I knew about that potential regret I will eventually feel, I chose discomfort. To break social norms, to say what I think even if others get offended, to stop living in denial and face the darkest corners of my soul. To feel the emotions I was terrified of feeling, to find healthy ways of expressing them, and to eventually, not just become comfortable with all that, but turn it into my source of inner power.

An exercise for you

So today, I challenge you to recognize your deeply rooted beliefs. To sit down right now, this evening or later this week and write them down. Whenever you get to one such belief, I want you to dig deeper. Because under each, there’s most probably a deeper cause and you need to get to the bottom of it.

Once you do, journal on how that showed up in your life. What do you wanna change about it? How will you life look like if you break that belief? 

The first step is recognizing it, next be okay with it. It’s part of who you were and who you are, but it doesn’t need to be part of who you can be. Own it. Know that your current beliefs, the ones you don’t actually want to believe, are a result of years of conditioning.

There’s no need to blame yourself or anyone else. It’s just how things are. But I am here to remind you that you gotta take responsibility for this. If your life isn’t how you want it to be, and you’re still avoiding doing the inner work, then something isn’t right.

Changing on a subconscious level

You either have to accept your life for what it is now and love it this way, or change things on a subconscious level.

Most people try to change it on the surface but that simply doesn’t work. Here’s the one and only reason why. Every result you have in your life is because of an action you took. 

That action was provoked by a feeling, and that feeling is a result of a thought you had. Our thoughts come from our beliefs and the beliefs exist in the subconscious mind.

When most people get into personal growth, they try to fix something on the outside. They try to directly change their actions, which means the habits and routines, only to realize there are feelings that trigger them so no matter how many days they stick to the new behavior, something always sabotages it.

If they work on the feeling, that’s great. But what they think is ingrained in them, and that eventually brings that same feeling back to the surface.

If the person doesn’t give up by then, they might learn that a belief is underneath all that and it needs work. But that might mean years of work. Because if you’ve been conditioned to believe something for the past 3 decades, do you expect to change it in 3 days? That’s where the love for lifelong learning comes in.

Don’t chase quick results, they don’t lead to long-term satisfaction.

I want to invite you today to do the exercise I shared above. But to also not leave this behind in a few days. Learn more about limiting beliefs, uncover them for every area of your life and decide which one you wanna change. Then, start doing the inner work. 

Thanks for being here today. There’s no better topic I could have covered on my 30th birthday.

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