How To Live A Balanced Life: 8 Simple Tips to Drastically Improve Your Lifestyle

Whoever You Are, Find Whatever You’re Into

Whoever you are, find whatever you’re into!

Facebook just showed me that I’ve posted this as my status back in 2016. That’s 8 years ago.

I believed in this piece of life advice then, and I believe in it even more today, after living by it religiously. This made me feel so good.

It was a reminder that I’m on the right path, and what was just a piece of advice I got from other people back in the days, is what I can give to everyone today, after having followed that myself. So, this inspired me to talk about it on the blog.

It has to do with finding your passion and turning it into your career, and most people say they want this, sure.

Some of them don’t believe it can be profitable, so don’t even try. Others are actually more comfortable with their day job, even if they hate it, and with complaining about it, than with the discomfort you need to overcome to get in business, and the emotional challenges that come with staying in business, no matter what.

Some of those people who say they want to find their passion, don’t actually invest the time it takes to define it, don’t try different things to see what feels good, and what their talents are, so they don’t see any progress with this.

Others have limiting beliefs, such as thinking they are not worthy of living a good life, and getting paid to do what they love, or that it’s too good to be true, or that only the lucky few out there get to do that, but for some reason, not them.

Because of those beliefs, they don’t take the action necessary to make change happen.

Some, unfortunately, really, really want to find their passion, and monetize it, but they’re in a terrible position in life, and have so many problems to deal with, or live in a third world country, and they don’t even have the time or privilege to think about that and do something about it.

But let’s get back to the people who have it easy, and yet don’t really find what it is they love the most, and never see where it can take them.

As I said, some of them will stay this way forever. It can become your norm to feel dissatisfied with your current reality, and yet to be told by everyone around you that this is real life, and everything else is an illusion.

Just a heads up though, you’re not in the right room for growth, or to start a business.

But I wasn’t either, so I ignored everyone in my real life 10 years ago, I created a vision in my head that was more powerful than my current reality back then, and I found inspiration and mentors online. People who were doing what I aspired to do, people who were the proof I needed that this is indeed possible, and not crazy at all.

They were usually Americans, they had already seen some success, they were location independent, they were growing their business. But they started from nothing, and they shared their story in such an authentic way, without ego involved, because I believe there is no place for ego in business. And I could resonate.

They didn’t make me feel that they are more than me, or that I’m in any way less skilled than them.

No, they reminded me that if it’s possible for them, it’s possible for me too. And that is one of the main reasons behind the content I create these days. I want to show you the same.

That’s why I share my numbers. That’s why I share my mistakes. That’s why my story is outlined on the About page of my website.

It really is possible for you too.

There is also one specific type of people, though. The ones who can’t stop thinking about their passion, or about finding it if they haven’t already, and about turning it into something more.

Usually, that something more includes love for the work they do, impact (they will help others in some way) and earning potential, meaning that you want to not just get paid for it, but make a living off of it, and even achieve the kind of financial freedom that no job can ever give you.

To these people, I’d say go for it. Go for it with all you got.

If you fall asleep and wake up thinking about that, if after so many years of not having achieved it, it’s still a deep desire in your heart, if you can’t get rid of the feeling that there is more to life, that there are better things you could be doing with your time, that you are nowhere near using your full potential, then something bigger and wonderful is indeed waiting for you.

And I believe that with such a strong desire for it, you’re meant to have it in this lifetime.

The desire for that is stronger than the lack of understanding coming from others, which you’re ultimately going to experience on this journey. It’s stronger than the security a day job provides, and it’s stronger than any offer anyone can ever make you for a comfortable or even luxurious life.

Because you still won’t be satisfied and your passion will be waiting for you. Chances are you already know you’ll have regrets at the end of your life if you don’t devote yourself to it, if you don’t at least find it and make time for it, even if it doesn’t become profitable.

My advice for you is: whoever you are, find whatever you’re into.

The rest will follow naturally. Once you start devoting time and energy to your passion, unbelievable changes will begin happening in your life.

You will feel like a whole new person and new opportunities will come from places you’ve never considered before. And if you have found what you’re into, but have been trying for years to turn it into a business and haven’t succeeded, please don’t give up. You owe it to yourself and to the world to keep going.

There is a bigger plan and there are reasons why you haven’t yet monetized it.

You don’t know them yet, you only know why it hasn’t happened yet once it actually happens. You look back and say to yourself: ‘Ah, yes, I see now why I needed to overcome that challenge, to develop a stronger mindset to handle what my life looks like now, and the level of responsibility a business requires. I see now why that stage of my life needed to end first so I can be mentally ready for a business. I see why it had to happen exactly after having a second kid or after being fired from my job or after losing a parent or else.’

You don’t know the order of things, so we don’t need to interfere with the natural flow of events.

We just need to follow the intuitive nudges and take inspired action when the timing feels right.

I believe with every cell of my body that you can be anyone you want to be in this life. I feel this deeply and I act from that belief every single day.

But I worked on this. I wasn’t born thinking that. In fact, I spent the first two decades of my life not believing it.

I was told by my dad that I’ll become nothing and no one. I come from a country with a bad economy, where not many people think of starting an online business, becoming location independent and relocating to any place in the world they feel like.

I’ve been told by others around me back then that I can’t have all the freedom I want, that I can’t have it all, that I’ll have to follow the standard career trajectory and have my life under control.

If I went for this, I would go against my soul’s path and I would never forgive myself.

So I embraced uncertainty, stopped relying on anyone else but myself (by the way, I’m not saying this is a good thing. It’s just what worked for me at the time.) Then I hustled for two years at home to start an online business, which was first a hobby.

I got a one-way ticket to my favorite country where I still live happily 8 years later. I moved by myself and I focused on growing the business to create more stability.

It was never easy and yet the other version of the life I could have lived is unbearable for me. So that makes it the hard one. For others, that’s the easy one.

It’s a matter of perspective and where our desires guide us.

Desire is a key word here.

I believe our desires are given to us for a reason and I believe that if we’re given that, it’s also available to us.

Yes, it can take a long time to get there. It can take many sacrifices, a whole lot of personal growth and uncomfortable emotions that you have to face. But it’s available to you and I believe that if you’re that type of person, the one I described now, like me, then you can’t turn away from those desires, no matter what else is happening in your life. This is part of your self-love journey, and also of your healing journey.

You owe it to yourself to follow your desires.

Some people might call you an egoist for that, but they are probably not your kind of people and you shouldn’t really share your goals with them.

Although the fact that this triggers you – their feedback, their negative comment, shows you what you need to heal.

It shows you that somewhere deep inside you, there is doubt or fear or insecurity and you have to work through that to get to the next stage and to reach your next goals, especially in business.

Business growth really goes together with personal growth.

It’s not about the money.

Another part of this piece of advice that the whole episode is about – whoever you are, find whatever you’re into – is that you don’t really start this for the money.

The money is a byproduct of the value you provide and that’s priceless because value means impact. The impact is bigger than you, bigger than the business, bigger than the individual people you affect with it. It’s about the change that happens on a collective level.

This is the bigger picture. The small one is that you have all the time freedom, the location freedom and maybe one day the financial freedom that you crave. But starting something not for the money can also be very liberating.

You can find a way to not get money involved in a way that it drives your decisions because after all money is not the goal. Money is just a means to an end. The goal is usually freedom or impact or living the kind of life you want or being whoever you want to be or living elsewhere or traveling.

Money will help but what will motivate you to keep working on that business even when there is no income or even when the economy is bad or even when you feel like shit (because that will happen many days as a business owner), whether the money is there or not already, is your burning desire. And that goes back to what Napoleon Hill talked about in Think and Grow Rich.

It’s what manifestation is based on. It’s what the greatest teachers on any subject have realized a long time ago. Desire can take you places.

Also read: 9 Steps to Financial Freedom: Practical Tips to Get Started

There are good and bad desires.

Some come from the ego, some come from the heart. You have to be able to recognize that and to see the difference because the ego desires – the shiny object syndrome – they won’t make you happy, and the rest.

You can get what you want. Yes, but if it’s for the wrong reasons, you’re not going to be fulfilled and you’ll wonder why. But you didn’t really follow your heart. So I hope this piece inspires you and reminds you that it’s worth it.

Whatever it takes, it’s worth it.

I like doing this exercise where I like to imagine the worst case scenario and sort of accept it. This helps me take my power back and not give it away to outer factors but still hope for the best, have my vision in mind and take action.

Many people wonder whether that doesn’t bring any negative energy or actually ends up in me manifesting the negative result.

But no, because I don’t do it out of fear. I don’t fear that result and that’s the point. When you fear something, you give your power away to it and then it’s stronger than you.

That’s when subconsciously you can actually take action that takes you there. Which is very sad, but it’s just how things work. It’s how energy works.

We are manifesting whether we know it or not, whether we like it or not. If it’s not in the direction of our desires, it’s in the other direction. So yes, I like to imagine the worst case scenario, although of course, we never technically know what the worst could be.

But I feel very empowered by this because I remember: ‘Okay, if that’s the worst, I accept it. It’s still not going to be that bad.’

In the case of having a business, even if it never gets to the big numbers that I really, really want deep within and have wanted for so many years now, that’s fine.

I made a deal with myself a long time ago that no matter where this business takes me, it’s about the work itself, the satisfaction it gives me. Because it’s my hobby, it’s my creative outlet and it’s my therapy. It already gives me so much and the money is just a bonus.

If the worst is staying at this level, then that’s fine.

This kind of bad is still the dream for so many other people. And back in the days before I saw any progress with my business and before I made radical changes in my lifestyle so I can live life on my own terms, I knew that in the worst case, this will never become a business. It will stay a hobby and I’m still going to keep doing it because this is my legacy.

This work helps me become a better person. This work is bigger than me. It’s what I’m meant to be doing one way or another.

I’m just so privileged that we live in the best possible times to start a business, to share your message online, to not need to be tech savvy because there are so many amazing platforms you can learn from and use. They do most of the work for you, you don’t really need any coding or design knowledge.

And there is so much free content out there that you don’t actually need to pay for courses or coaching to get stuff done and to take your business off the ground. We really live in the best possible times for that.

If you don’t believe that, if you don’t see enough proof of it, I suggest you start working on making this your norm.

Instead of reading how competitive every industry is, read about the many people who bet on themselves and who made it work. Who come from nothing. The stay-at-home moms who just started a hobby while taking care of their kid and who actually now provide for their family and retire their husband.

Because I know many examples like that. I interviewed some of them on my blog. Here you can check many of the bloggers and business owners I’ve interviewed.

They are the perfect example for that. This site hosts over 100 stories with people I’ve personally interviewed, people I’ve researched, people I admire, people whose stories are mind-blowing. We’re talking about six and seven figures.

But we’re also talking about the ones making one or a few thousand a month and using it very well and being happy with their lives.

We live in a beautiful world full of opportunities. And whoever you are, you can find whatever you’re into and you can turn it into a business.

There is enough space in any industry for you, for me, and for everyone else. Because the world needs more people who do meaningful work. And also let’s not forget that money is actually unlimited.

Abundance is a choice.

You can always tap into it and there is always more money to be made. Even in innovative ways, especially now with AI and many other new tools.

You can also be your most authentic self while doing it. You don’t need to fake it because that’s probably not going to work. And you want to attract the people who are meant to be in your energy.

The people who will benefit from your work the most. You don’t just want everyone on your website or in your courses. You want the right people.

Also, the first part of the title of this post, whoever you are, is very important. With this I want to remind you that it doesn’t matter where you come from.

It doesn’t matter what family dynamic you have. It can be the most dysfunctional one. I get this, believe me. You can still choose to do things differently.

You can choose to break generational patterns and family curses and you can be the first person in your family tree who will have a business. Who will get into personal growth and heal their traumas, who will move to another country, who will be fully independent and also emotionally liberated and live life on their own terms.

That’s what I did. No one in my family is really doing it this way and it can be triggering for them, for me. It’s not easy when I go back to visit, sure, but it was totally worth it.

I believe that clears a lot of negative energy that’s been transferred from one generation to another in the past and that also paves the way for the next generations after me.

So whoever you are, please know that every success story you see online is possible for you, too, as long as you have a laptop and an Internet connection and a vision.

Knowing that you’re reading this, I would assume you have the basics covered. So no matter what else is happening in your life, you’re capable of much more.

And please let go of time.

Time is subjective.

In the subconscious mind, time isn’t really a thing. That’s why a lot of the inner work we do, during meditation, hypnosis and all the other practices, has to do with jumping on a timeline in the future, connecting to your future self, and then coming back to the present moment and starting to act as that version of you who already has what you want.

Again, this is manifestation and attracting what you want in your physical reality. The inner work also has to do with going back to the past and healing traumas by reliving them. So in the subconscious mind, there is no such concept.

Past, present and future are the same. We invented that as humans because we need it. We need to calculate things.

We need to give them a time frame. We need deadlines. But in the spiritual world, there is no such thing.

That’s why I love the concept of quantum leaps.

An example of that in business is the many people I’ve been following who went from not earning anything online, then earning a few hundred or a few thousand, then having their first 10k month, then next year having 200 or 300k. And then – there is no logic here – they can directly start making 2 million, for example.

Now what comes to my mind is James Wedmore, one of my business mentors. He went from 2 million to 10 million in 1 year. But, of course, to get to the first 100K, years before that, required a lot more hustle than from 2 million to 10 million. And that’s a quantum leap.

But you are preparing for that energetically. You are normalizing that new reality. So then the physical changes began happening.

Then everyone is asking you: ‘Wow, how did you do that? Can you teach me?’

When you actually sit down to explain to them, they are not really happy with what they hear. They were hoping for a secret formula, for a shortcut, for something that makes sense. But what you’re going to tell them doesn’t make sense.

Because it has to do with your emotional state. It has to do with your energy and how that shifted. And it has to do with you operating from your future self instead of your current reality.

Because the current one is not what you want. It’s limiting you. You can’t think from the present.

You can think from the future.

You learn from the past and you come back to the present moment so you can take the action necessary to get you ahead in the game. I’ll leave you with that.

Let me know if you have any questions. You can always email me. Go check out some of those interviews I mentioned.

And if you’re building a blogging business, consider joining our membership Fearless Bloggers because that’s where we do the work.

That’s where I’m constantly posting new strategies to increase your traffic and income sooner. That’s where you can ask all your questions, connect with other members and find blogging friends. And just be in my energy, see my monthly income reports and how much I earn in my business and use me as a case study, as proof that it’s possible.

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