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Where Do You See Yourself in 10 Years? Here Are 4 Ideas

side hustle ideas for musicians - Where Do You See Yourself in 10 Years

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? This is the type of question you were asked when you were in school.

Naturally, you would have known straight away, or you wouldn’t have had a clue. That probably still stands now, doesn’t it? It’s one of those awkward questions that you can’t be too sure how to answer.

Half of you know what you want out of life, the other half has conflicting ideas. Or, you might be one of these people who believes you shouldn’t know where you’re going in life, you should be taking each day as it comes and going with the flow.

Those types of people are the ones who can just jump on a plane and not look back until they run out of money. But it takes a special type of person to be able to do that, and most of us are not geared up to do that.

So then you’ll start thinking about where you actually want to be in ten years and how you can get there.

Life is going to change at every twist and turn, so although you can’t plan for everyday and what’s going to happen, you can put some type of plan in place that will give you something to work towards.

So, we’re going to compile a list of some of the things that we think you should be doing in the next 10 years. It’s always good to have goals, so let’s help you create some! 

Where Do You See Yourself in 10 Years? Here Are Some Ideas

1. A Completely Different Career 

You deserve to have the right to walk into any career that you want to.

Imagine if that was reality. Unfortunately, although you deserve that luxury, it’s not one that you’re ever going to get.

Now, you have to have qualifications to do so, and you have to have the experience to back it. If you haven’t got those things, then you either won’t be invited to an interview, or you’ll have to start as a trainee on minimum wage.

If you’ve already built a certain life around the wage you’re on at the minute, then chances are you’re not going to be in a position to do that.

But think about how happy you are to go to work in the morning. Do you think about how excited you are to do the role, or how much you wish the end of the day could come around?

If so, then you need to put in the effort to find a new career that suits you. Find one that’s going to support your likes and interests, and will give you a lifelong career which brings in good money.

If you’re a kind and caring person, and perhaps are already doing care work, then why not think about a career in nursing. You could take a look at online courses that would qualify you as a nurse.

The value of an online degree is so much higher than it used to be, so walking into a job afterwards has never been easier.

Sometimes it’s not feasible to leave your job to go back into education full time, and now you don’t have to. Your dream career could be as hard as sitting behind a computer for a few hours to get there. 

2. A New Addition to The Family

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This is one that so many of you will be able to get excited about. The thought of being able to start your own family should be a blessing.

Not every couple is lucky enough to be able to go into the idea so freely. Some know they wouldn’t be able to support financially, some know that they might have trouble conceiving.

One thing we will say, is to make sure that you’re financially ready for this long term investment. If you already have one child, the step up in costs is going to be a lot. You need to be prepared for more to be flying out of your bank account each month.

This might spur you on to go for that career change! You also need to make sure that your relationship is ready for it.

So many families are torn about, and children are raised in broken homes, because a relationship wasn’t ready for it at the time.

Whether it’s due to an ‘accident’ or just false beliefs, it can ruin a child’s upbringing! A new addition to the family doesn’t necessarily have to be a human, you could get a pet.

If this is something that you’ve debated for a long while, it’s time to take the plunge.

It’s common for people to go for puppies lately, but again, make sure that you’re ready! You don’t want to give a dog away because you can’t look after it. Or, cats might suit you more, and they are a lot easier to look after. 

3. Living Abroad 

The next answer to ‘Where do you see yourself in 10 years?’ could be this.

Living abroad has many perks, and we bet you’ve thought about it once or twice before. It’s a dream that so many of us have, and one that never really becomes reality because people don’t look into it properly.

But if you do, you’ll realize it’s far easier than you think, it’s just a waiting game. If you saved for ten years, put aside things like inheritances and work bonuses, you will have far more saved than you realize.

Suddenly a holiday home on the Costa Blanca doesn’t seem so far away. But it is, because something like this would take years of saving, ten years in fact!

You’d just need to work out a saving plan, and work out if it would just be a holiday home, or if you would move.

If it was just a holiday home you could make a lot of money from renting it out again. So it would become an investment more than anything else. 

4. With a Different Mindset

Sometimes the biggest change of all is the one that you make to yourself and your own personality.

This is the hardest change to make as often we refuse to believe that there might be something wrong. It’s not until you realize that perhaps you’re super negative, or you’re always finding something to moan about, that it’s time for a change.

You could be in a completely different headspace 10 years from now!

So, where do you see yourself in 10 years?

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