6 Inevitable Things Life Throws at Us and How to Accept Them
There are inevitable things in life. That means they will happen anyway at some point, and we don’t really feel like experiencing them.
Most people can’t cope with them, are too negative, complain, feel bad, and even ruin their health and relationships because of an item or more from the list below.
But you don’t need to be like them. Acceptance of what can’t be changed and knowing how to make the best of what you got is what you need to live life to the fullest and have peace and contentment.
So let’s see what is inevitable and what you can do about the things that are inevitable today:
The Inevitable Things in Life We Need to Accept
1. Conflicts.
We meet many people throughout our lives. Many of them we don’t really make a connection with. And even if we try our best not to show them that, it’s inevitable to have arguments, break someone’s heart, lose a friend, or else.
If you don’t do it, someone else will do it to you. That’s just how relationships work.
Even if you’re the kindest person in the world, there will be someone who’ll disagree with the way you live, and will want to let you know what his opinion is.
But, hey! That shouldn’t bother you at all. It’s someone else’s issue and probably has little to do with you.
If you’re the one causing the conflict, take a step back and contemplate on your behavior. But if it’s not, then accept the fact that you’ll meet such people on your way too. It’s just the price we pay for meeting the great individuals that actually stay in our life.
2. Having weaknesses.
Being weak every now and then is in our nature. We need that in order to know what strength is, and it’s a chance we’re given to overcome that weakness.
But don’t feel bad about that. Don’t create a comfort zone that will make you feel better. As eventually, that becomes your weakness too.
It’s nothing tragic to be addicted to something – we all are, whether we realize it or not. It’s not the worst thing to have some bad habits, they’re part of life too.
But you’re the one that has to accept that and decide to do something about it.
Don’t label yourself as the person who has a weakness, but as someone who’s opened his eyes for what he has to improve and is taking action upon it.
3. Getting old.
That may be quite depressing if you look at it the way most people do.
Here are a few facts to keep in mind:
- You only feel old if you compare yourself to younger people.
But what’s the point? You’ve already been there and done that. Look forward now.
- Feeling bad about your age means you have regrets about the past or haven’t made peace with it.
So now’s the right time to think about what was, to accept it with your whole being, and to just let it be.
Realize that it was the best you could do at that exact moment, and it led you here. There are no coincidences in life.
- Getting depressed about being older means you’re not happy with where you are now.
Then you must ask yourself deeper questions and find out what’s missing. Perhaps, you could do a few things differently, or there’s a personal debt that you don’t want to leave for your loved ones to deal with.
Only after sorting these issues out can you find peace in the present moment and realize it’s exactly where you’re supposed to be.
- It’s never too late.
You don’t need to be young to start your own business, have hobbies, fall in love, do something stupid, make mistakes, find and follow your passion, or else.
No! You can do it right now and make something beautiful out of that revelation.
4. Seeing yourself fail.

That’s another one of the inevitable things that will happen at some point in your life. Probably more often than you’d like.
But failure is the biggest teacher in life. If you learn to love it, to take its lessons and then benefit from it, you’ll have mastered an important aspect of life.
After doing something wrong, you can move on stronger and know exactly what not to do next time. Isn’t that great?!
Read also: 50 Truths About Life We Remain Blind For
5. Taking something important for granted.
Yes, that happens too.
Right now there are tens of things around you that you should be deeply grateful for. In fact, you should be thanking for having them each and every moment. But you’re not, right?
It’s just how we live. We’re often in a rush and forget to stop and smell the roses.
But if we don’t do it on time, we end up with regrets and having lost something precious without realizing how amazing it was.
So make some space in your days for appreciation and gratitude. Make it a daily practice and you’ll find yourself being more contented after some time.
6. Death.
We like life so much that we can’t really grasp the idea of its end.
Now, I can’t talk about something I haven’t experienced and know nothing about. But I know that it’s better to accept it rather than to live in fear and insecurity until death comes.
And who knows, maybe there’s something even more glorious than life itself after it.
So these are just 6 of the inevitable things in life we all have to deal with at some point.
Today is the best day to start accepting them. Understand that they are part of life and without them our adventure here on this planet wouldn’t be that awesome.
What about you? What do you consider inevitable things in life and how do you handle them?