9 Do’s When Starting Your Own Website

Today, having an online presence is necessary for any kind of business. It is the case even for permanent physical stores that do not do e-commerce.

It is not that difficult if you are thinking about how to start your own website. With the advent of various website creation tools, the steps to develop a website are a lot simpler now.

If you want to gain knowledge about how to create a website and make it successful, here are some tips you can follow.

Ensuring the Site Is Mobile Responsive

One of the important factors for any website to be effective is mobile responsiveness.

Adults spend about five to six hours on their mobile phones daily. More than one-third of it is for online shopping via mobile devices.

So, there is no doubt that the mobile website of your business needs to offer a great user experience. In case potential customers land on your website and find it hard to navigate or read on a mobile device, they are most likely to abandon your site.

Also, a negative mobile user experience affects the search engine rankings of your website. It can make things harder for users to find your site via a search engine. 

Placing Contact Information in the Right Way

When your business relies on people getting in touch with you or calling the sales team, you need to place all such information in the right spot where customers can find it easily. The contact info is required to be properly visible. You can place it right at the top of your homepage.

For instance, if your website provides online services like a screen recorder, users might need to contact customer support when they face difficulties. Also, if you use social media for connecting with customers, you can put your social links in the website footer and header, where they can be found easily.

Making It Easy to Find

When starting a new website, you will require a domain name that matches the name of your company or can describe your business in any way.

In fact, you can go for multiple domains that can point to the website. It indicates the incorporation of keyword search, the best SEO practices, paid advertisement and content marketing campaigns, and so on to drive website traffic.

Making the Site Easy to Navigate

It is always better to limit the top-level navigation menu to about four to five properly labeled tabs. You can have the related pages organized with them.

Provide a clear way of getting back to the homepage. It might be the case that a search engine can take your customers to a page on the website that is not the homepage.

Having a Call to Action

Every age on the website needs to entice the users or customers to do something. In simple terms, you will have to provide a call to action.

The landing pages need to encourage the users to opt for certain actions like signing up for some service, calling the company, purchasing a product, or doing anything that can benefit your main motive.

You will have to include a visible invitation to take action – a link or button. Also, try to keep the same above the fold so that users do not need to scroll down to get the call to action.

Maximizing Load Times

A slow website might turn out to be the biggest enemy. It can make things hard for your possible customers to get to the main aspect of the site or keep them away from the point of purchase or service.

No matter if you like it or not, the site visitors today look for a fast-loading website. If your homepage fails to pop up quickly, users are most likely to head somewhere else.

The loading time of a website is important. It can easily impact visitor experience and also your ability to attract more visitors. Try to optimize your website in a way that makes it fast.

Keeping a Simple Design

It is better to limit the usage of colors, GIFs, and fonts because such things are powerful enough to distract and pull away eyes from the main focus of the site.

Going for bullet points and short paragraphs can make information scannable. It can also enhance the reading experience.

Try to keep your paragraphs shorter than six lines. It is an important thing when it is about mobile responsiveness. When your competitor is mobile-friendly, and you fail to do so, your website will keep getting lower in the search engine results.

Keeping Uncluttered Pages

Users must be able to put all the available information in proper context. When your website contains excessive information, it can overload the minds of visitors.

It can make things hard for them to retain the new info. So, you will have to ensure that there is a proper balance of graphics and text that shows a clean page.

An easy way to keep everything simple is to cut social widgets, like a Twitter feed on the website. Always ask yourself if you are adding information that your visitors care about. If any info fails to support the purpose of the site, simply remove it.

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Remember the SEO

Designing a user-friendly and beautiful website that provides a superb visitor experience is great. But it is only possible when your visitors are able to find you.

Online visibility is the key to making your site easy to find. Also, it can help in bringing the website in front of the users when they require it the most.

As you make SEO a major part of your website design, you can provide the push that it requires to shine at the top of search engines. So, do not forget to include SEO in your strategy to make your website successful.

Try to use the tips that you came across in this article for easy website design. Just keep things simple and engaging, and your website will shine.

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