A remote workforce is just that, distant. Meaning, it’s difficult to keep tabs on your field workers as there is a serious dearth of accurate means of tracking solutions. At least, that’s the problem I was running into.
Most of my employees go out in the field, so it fell to the shoulders of my partner and accountant to keep an eye on everyone – taking their precious time away from other errands.
Without an accurate GPS location tracking solution, my business partner was having a hard time holding the field workers accountable.
The field employees were bound to register their time with the accountant as they were called multiple times during a day. Once when they arrived at the client’s office or job site, and once when they are finished with the work.
So that’s a lot of calls per day. Both the business partner and bookkeeper spend half of their day taking calls left and right, and that was gravely affecting my ally’s productivity.
A Quest for The Right Solution.
Yet, after all the hassle the end result was disappointing as ‘the call in and call out system’ wasn’t accurate.
Predominantly, it relies on the honor system and the accountant’s ability to keep everything in order. As a result, jobs that should have taken no longer than two to three hours a day started taking closer to five or six.
But without a reliable tracking system what choice I have but to take employees’ word for it. No one can say I didn’t try.
We opted for GPS. Even though it was expensive and cost us thousands of dollars in time and money, still we outfitted employees’ work trucks with the technology. But, the system was buggy; half the time the GPS didn’t even work. When it did, it failed to show employees’ accurate location.
So it didn’t take us too long to scrap GPS. Of course, we tried numerous other programs before XnSpy, but all of them could do only one thing really well rather doing everything we wanted them to do.
Enter XnSpy.
The employee monitoring app is affordable and convenient. On top of that, the mobile application does everything we wanted and more!
It has made it easy for us to see where our employees are at, what is being worked on, and more importantly who is slacking and who is sweating.
I happened to stumble upon it through Facebook – the least expected place – as one day it appeared on my feed like a beacon of light. When I saw the words “Free Demo” I thought to myself why not. And within 20 minutes I was ready to give the employee tracking app a go.
It took two of us no more than three days to decide XnSpy is the software we were looking for.
As business owners the monitoring application allows us to track mobile workforce’s activities from anywhere. With the current location feature, we can track their exact location while location history provides us the details of their previous stops.
Now, we can accurately track their drive time and eliminate the cash leak in the form of ambiguous hours on the clock.
Added Benefits.
Apart from keeping an eye on their location, we can record and listen to their phone calls as well as surroundings with XnSpy employee monitoring app.
This gives us an insight on what is being worked on.
And if we feel that an employee is wasting his/her time rather focusing on the given task, we notify them by sending an instant email or message.
But there is slight hiccup, the application lets you records for only 30 minutes. To record more, you have to send another ambient recording command to the target device from your smartphone or tablet in order to access its microphone.
However, that’s not much of a big deal considering the fact that the mobile app costs us just $12.49 per month which is quite nominal in contrast to the phone bills we have paid in the past.
Another key benefit of using this app is it has greatly helped us in improving employee productivity.
Earlier, a good percentage of workers were wasting a large chunk of their time surfing the web or chatting with their friends or family members, which adversely affected company’s overall performance.
The monitoring tool enabled us to keep an eye on their WhatsApp chats, text messages, Skype, web browsing and more, which resulted in better focus and productivity.
My business partner is now free to do his work far more efficiently.
Not only have we been able to cut down our phone bill, but we have also managed to take care of a lot of things which were hard to handle earlier.
As a result, today our company is saving thousands in time and money.
Most of all, we have managed to develop a culture of accountability through accurate tracking. Now the two of us can rest easy knowing that the solution we have opted for is going to take care of our firm.