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Looking for some inspiration to kickstart the week? Read on for some Monday motivation quotes.

Too many people dread Mondays, hoping for the weekend to last longer so that they can yet again escape the reality of everyday life.

You may have found a way to make the workweek pleasant (you own a business, are a freelancer, do work you enjoy, have funny colleagues, etc.) Or you may be working on that.

Whatever the case, until you get to a life on your own terms, where Mondays will be just another fantastic day on the calendar, you’ll need to make an effort and keep it positive.

You may not be in control of many of the areas in your life, but what you can control is your reaction to what life gives you and your attitude towards it.

At any moment you’re choosing whether to accept things as they are and be happy with them, or wish for something else and complain about your current situation.

So this Monday morning I suggest you give the positive approach a try. That can happen by actually looking forward to the beginning of the week, welcoming Monday, appreciating what you already have and making the most of it.

In case that’s hard for you, here are some motivational Monday quotes that can help you get in the right mood to have a happy start of the day, and even the whole week.

Monday Motivation Quotes

1. Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. – Thomas A. Edison

Monday has a pretty ordinary face, we all know that. But it’s our job to find meaning in it, to see the inspiration in the air, to feel the abundance there is in the world, and – most importantly – to make things happen by taking chances.

Open your eyes for the opportunities around you. They are indeed everywhere, you just need to be ready and say yes when they show up.

This will not only lead to positive Mondays for the rest of your life, but at any moment you may be doing something that may turn your whole life around.

2. Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. – Confucius

That’s one of the Monday motivation quotes dedicated to those working a job they don’t like. In fact, that’s the top reason why people hate Mondays.

The average person works for someone he doesn’t like doing things that are making his boss rich, spending 8 hours a day in an unpleasant working environment with negative people around, invests a lot of the rest of his time in commuting, isn’t paid as much as he’d like, has no vision as there’s nothing much that can happen at this job, and so on.

It’s normal for all that to lead to stress, depression and finding no joy in your days. But you’re not born just to pay bills and die.

Here’s what it takes to start doing work you love and completely change the way you live:

  1. Choose something you care about, are good at and for which people would pay – here’s a passion test to see if you’ve found your true calling.
  2. Start doing it on the side first – check out the top earning side job.
  3. Make sure you’ve defined a problem people struggle with and what you do offers a solution.
  4. Do it for free to build your portfolio and gain experience.
  5. Build your personal brand, be everywhere online and connect with people.
  6. Leverage the power of the Internet – here are some ways to start making money online.
  7. Dedicate all your free time to your passion project until you start making an income.
  8. When it exceeds you current one, leave your job and never look back.

It may take a long time, but it’s worth it. Because once you start working for yourself doing something you love, you won’t need Monday motivation quotes to get you pumped up. You’ll already be up and running in the early hours every Monday, but this time it will be because you want to.

Read also: 60+ Side Hustle Ideas to Make an Extra $1000 a Month

3. The beginning is the most important part of the work. – Plato

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This one of the Monday motivation quotes states that starting is what’s difficult. Once you do it, once you just pick the first item on your to-do list and get to work, you build momentum and can easily keep going.

So keep that in mind this Monday morning to avoid overthinking, negative thoughts and regrets.

4. What you are will show in what you do. – Thomas A. Edison

Every action you take, word you say and even thought that goes on in your mind shapes who you become, how you affect the world around you and other people’s lives.

So take it more seriously and become a role model.

Why have a sad face on Monday morning, when you can be the most energetic person, knowing you’re working on your goal to get ahead in life, having a positive attitude and inspiring others to do the same?

Try that for a change.

5. Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. – Buddha

If there’s one thing Monday motivation quotes aim to teach you, it’s to be mindful of the present moment and enjoy it. That’s how you make the most of each, and eventually that’s how your whole life goes.

Instead of being negative right now thinking about how nice the weekend was or planning the next one, come back to this moment and try to experience it.

Let go of random thoughts, find the beauty around you, see the opportunities we mentioned. That’s a form of meditation, really. You start living consciously but you do it in small steps. First, you give it a try on Monday morning when nothing seems to be positive.

You let go of comparing, judging, expecting, thinking about past and future. And what’s left is you, this day and your current task.

Then, you have no other choice but to focus (now it will be easier to concentrate for longer), complete this task and do it well. You’ll feel accomplished, will see a better side of the work by looking at things from another perspective, and will be positive about all that.

Soon, you’ll love Mondays.

6. I have found that if you love life, life will love you back. – Arthur Rubinstein

Show love and that’s what you’ll get in return.

You’ll have the same Monday morning, but your attitude will be changed, you’ll be a happy person now without needing to change anything on the inside.

How great is that?!

Think of these Monday motivation quotes every now and then, especially in the beginning of the week. Give them a try, they are a way of living and thinking, not just inspirational sayings.

What other ways do you know to stay motivated on Monday?

Stock Photo from Bojan Milinkov @ Shutterstock